Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Having A Pet Platypus

These are the Voyages ... I

last few days, the Christmas is over. The whole reflection, that have a lot of time with the family and not least the many gifts motivated me to review to celebrate the day something else than only novels.
This book review is first and foremost my friend and engraver of the K'olbasa Star Trek Round Table Potsdam dedicated to the entertained my wife and me not only on Christmas Eve and employed, but has also given this book.
Thank you for everything, K'olbasa!
Secondly, it is a belated Christmas greeting to all the loyal readers out there who pop up even in more peaceful days again and again.
Thank you for all you faithful readers!


Book Review Kurts, Charles: These Are The Voyages .... Pocket Books, 1996.

Story: Well, an actual plot in this book one looks in vain.
course, tell the famous Starfleet Captains Kirk, Spock , Picard, Sisko and Janeway of their locations and their comrades but more than a few very brief look at various issues from readers will be granted.
But why - for once here is the reading of secondary importance, because "These Are the Voyages ..." is something more to watch than to read ...

praiseworthy aspects : Although some people deny, hide or have forgotten:
inside all of us somewhere a child. Au
this reason we look furtively ever thought about the fence across the bulldozer related to the construction site around the corner, seemingly as busy as obviously be free of soil mass from one corner to another pushes. Or open in an apparently unguarded moment secretly every little door of the Christmas calendar for the content of much polish off completely before the celebration. But it can also manifest in this weather situation simply is that one uses the ubiquitous snow to shape into balls and throws them with joy beaming in the direction girlfriend.
Whoever has not yet completely finished with his infantile ego, will this book have been thrilled.
It's even easier: Instead of only awaken the child in yourself, it is enough simply to be a child!
Let's be honest: Thanks Clone Wars and Star Wars Lego is a whole generation of potential Star Trek fans about to embark on a completely wrong direction, just because there is nothing that Star Trek can offer the young audience.
' wait a minute! ', since that might call hard-core Trekkie, who holds the Star Trek spin-off cartoon "The Animated Series " (TAS) from the seventies in all seriousness, child-friendly fare.
' Humbug! 'I answer such people,' Humbug! '. Far too many of the episodes are not suitable to be expected of young children at all. Also prevented the now stately age of the series, its quality and the fact that a color-blind director oversaw most of the episodes that give us children of this millennium the series a whole lot of attention.
What do not mean that the children of today are spoiled, respectively youth of tomorrow. On the contrary. Even in simple terms is it possible to inspire them to return for the much more scientific and clearly a better piece of Science Fiction.
"These Are the Voyages ..." is one such means, because it is not a book in the classic sense, but a so-called "pop-up " or " stand-up picture book ". Leafing through it, Sun unfold with each new page objects made of cardboard, produced by unfolding a certain amount of space.
Whether young or old - hitting every single page is already preparing joy that is exacerbated by the fact that other gimmicks, such as rotating fields, to move tabs or offer lenticular image on the book cover the possibility of interaction. There, you move the tail fin of a humpback whale , here turns to Picard Locutus and then rushes towards the Enterprise the viewer at warp!
Apart from a small exception ( Odos representation is compared to the rest might be a little crummy) The individual stand-up pictures of pretty high quality, which is, by itself so remarkable, because most of drawings, or painted figures were used. Who knows some sloppy rate images from the many Star Trek comics from Gold Key to IDW will appreciate the descriptions of this book.
really much fun you have but only if one looks at this work with children.
The daughters and sons, nieces and nephews, godchildren and Bekanntenbälger can play with this book to get an idea of who Captain Kirk, what a Klingon or which ship the Enterprise-D is. After that interests them by itself to learn more about Star Trek (the classic episode "The Trouble with Tribbles ? " is following the common reading in particular). And then after a fun afternoon for both parties back a child from the clutches of the dark side of power saved and passed into the open arms of the Federation been. A small victory for decency, morality, and the great bird of the galaxy ...


Fun for the whole family!

criticisms made aspects: the Federation heal this world Book can easily get cracks and scratches.
This is not even meant figuratively, because actually appear in those places where the pop-ups again and again to set up and fold down, after a short time wear. Greasy fingers, frequent pulling on the straps or careless folding do the rest.
especially in dealing with children, it is advisable to set up before the common browsing behavior rules. As soon as one that is conscious of the fragility of the individual picture elements are, kids deal with that too careful. However, I strongly advise against
would like to give to young girls and boys this book easy or self-employment leave. Precisely because of their relation between the individual series, characters and objects not open up and paper is a sensitive material so adults should always be with the children rummage in it.
thus increasing the life of the book and other books common hours, the acquired knowledge will be fostered and developed together.
that children mouth proclaims truth is a well-known cultural treasures. Therefore, we must mention the " -adult" who is aware of prices, material costs and efforts needed deliberately not fall from the clouds, when the "small pieces of " not completely wrong Expressed disappointment about the fact that this book is so soon over.
fact, it has namely not more than four pages. Which are undoubtedly gorgeous and entertaining, but you can already ask why Deep Space Nine Voyager and were crushed to a common page. Also missing
side some established characters like Tasha Yar , Ro Laren , Dr. Pulaski , Rome or Nog ; about others, completed the series that later, as Worf, Ezri , Vic Fontaine , Seven of Nine or Icheb should ignore it, however. Finally, this work was published for the thirty-year anniversary of Star Trek in 1996, when such developments is too fresh or not yet in sight were. Despite the lack
TAS TNG movies (though the original films have received a separate page). After all, in 2016 the fiftieth anniversary is coming up - maybe then appears so a similar book that these gaps weeds out and offers a few more pages on which there are not only the aforementioned branch intake but also series such as Enterprise or films like Star Trek XI .
Where should this happen, it would be advisable, the concept to improve. In particular, the flip side members with pictures you have to produce a strong overstretched can see it right or press. Even that does not necessarily contribute to it may extend the lifespan of the book are called every right to be the Achilles heel of the work.

Translation: Even the man
Or the woman.
"These Are the Voyages ..." has not yet appeared in German and the individual, sometimes quite intimate-looking reports from individual Captains are therefore available only in English original. But the straightforward texts are not very complicated, and any unknown words can easily be developed independently.
If even adults that should have no problems, so it bothers children even less. Instant translations of the lectures are not a big hurdle, and anyway, the pictures the star of the book. The text is so absolutely secondary, especially since one will notice anyway rapidly, it is suggested how much the imagination of young viewers with each new object. Often there are enough of the names of the persons depicted completely - get requests all by itself.

anachronisms : with so little text remains little room for doubtful statements. In fact, the personal descriptions so vague and content-free, that there is no Room for contradictions exist. The short program notes written by the individual commanders are correspondingly aligned and full of meaningless platitudes, that nothing would be contradictory to identify it.

Conclusion: In order to keep future generations of Star Trek fans at the bar, it is best to begin their early stage to counteract the harmful influence of Star Wars' counteract. This book can succeed, because the class book faszieniert large and small reader or viewer.
fact that something is very sensitive to short and, above all, may attract attention but not interfere. "These are the Voyages ..." is a true Perle in any collection of books is definitely worth the purchase.


rescued souls

Memorable quotes :

As already stated, is not worth an excerpt. So I let the pictures speak again.


TOS, p. 1


Films, p. 2


TNG, p. 3


DS9 and Voyager, p. 4

Review: Fun for big and small.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Indoor Water Parks In Indiana

Mission Gamma: Twilight

Book Review George III, David R.. Mission Gamma. 1st vol Twilight, Cross Cult, 2010.


Story : Months have passed since Kira Nerys 'Gewissenstat, the controversial book Ohalu on Bajoran variant of Wikileaks to publish them belonging to the religious community of their people cost.
But the commander of the station Deep Space Nine is neither their belief in the prophets, nor to take to the Bajoran people. For this reason appears the sudden visit of a Starfleet admiral uncommunicative coupled with its almost inquisitorial curiosity as a further unnecessary testing their capacity to suffer. That the high-level visit less a stained, as much could see more of a kindred spirit in her, would certainly Kira occurred last.
must Meanwhile bother somebody else with Admiral visit. The Andorian Shar added to his sorrow once again received a visit from his mother. This time the admiral Charivretha zh'Thane for their offspring Shar a very special surprise in his luggage:
all its binding partners are the caring accompanied the producer to convince the young officer thereof, with them after Andoria return in order not to implement the four-person mating with them. The sultry Andorian must choose between family tradition and therefore a research mission to be the first time since the Dominion lead again in the Gamma Quadrant .
is finally back to researching the impulse also drives Elias Vaughn. The first officer of the station, who was appointed during the period of 'Mission Gamma' to the Captain of the converted Defiant plague, in addition to a host of other family problems, deeply rooted memories, which he is still unaware. Only in a now uninhabited wasteland Planet that is identified as the origin of a deadly energy pulse provides again believed buried with long, face painful episodes of his past that he can not explain ...

praiseworthy aspects : The first look at "Twilight" is deceptive.
The immense weight, the horrendous number of pages and the fact that it just should be the prelude to a self-contained, four-part book series, may appear at first sight quite daunting.
If we overcome, however, you will see a surprise or two. So I felt the story compared to the previous novels as nearly complete. The plot does not stall with an abrupt, nonsensical and a supposedly stress-increasing height, but has enough room to reward the reader for his perseverance.
rewarded Furthermore, anyone who knows anything in the Star Trek universe. Besides the long been a standard reference on mature sequences (" eye of the universe," see p. 111, "The strike " p. 128f. Or " The Siege of AR-558 " p. 131) Author David R. George III shines through hidden small thin as they apply to the preference of the Jem'Hadar want to (see p. 75), describing the shape of a Spanners (see p. 99, but the description fits more to a Flusskopler ) or the various verbs of Ferengi language for rain (see p. 172) are probably only for connoisseurs of episodes like "The Little Ship "," Empok normal "or" The trip to Risa be due. "
What does not is that this work is free of surprises. For example, the author adds the official canon of the acquisition rules 53 (" Trust no one, who dominated ") and 235 (" you cringe, because death is great. , "both p. 130).
And everyone who expects the recent application for accession to Bajor Federation now should easily go over the stage, sees himself disabused. Sectarian power struggles and deep-seated hatred for the Cardassians threaten to sabotage the planned shooting and throwing dark shadows in the future.
A future, be appointed to the Ezri Dax is well known to the Captain. In this book you can follow the maturation process of young Trill by Counselor to the ability commander closely. And who by their command decisions and their difficulties read to find their own way, can meet the future commander of the USS Aventine with far less suspicion. Direct pity that Cross Cult Destiny VOR had to bring out this book.
But pretty much every character matures in this book like a French cheese in the cave.
Whether Nog, the Jem'Hadar his hatred towards enhanced Prynn Tenmei that her father Elias Vaughn begins to forgive or Shar, who fights desperately against his genetic heritage - all the characters it is possible, under the sympathetic pen of authors grow and prosper.
Even the exchange student Taran'atar gets this opportunity and by the way: the chapter, in which the cultured super-soldier visits the kindergarten of the station, is the secret highlight of the book. The great scene is a magnificent plea for the timeless impartiality of children and the first moment that shows where the ideal world and the simple explanations of the retort warrior tears.

criticisms made aspects : Perhaps "Twilight" at first glance but not so deceptive.
With no less than five hundred seventy-eight seventy-two chapters and pages of text is not a book that you just read times might incidentally. That alone would be to get over so, for there is in this country, fortunately enough willing bookworms, feel intimidated by quantitative arguments can not.
For this reason we should So take a closer look at a qualitative level. As has been noted, however, that the novel needs a damn good start before it even thrilling in any form. Seemingly endless passages of the introduction, extensive explanations and interminable flashbacks provide the interaction that come up until page 210 is capable of something like voltage. The
relates solely to the complications of the Defiant research mission in the Gamma quadrant, while the other parts of the act of accession to the Federation Bajor, Share, reproduction, or aversion Kasidys Expeditions While entertaining the Bajoran empire, however, are never compelling.
And the supposed research mission is understood to convince only at its beginning. Dax 'out of body experience, Vaughn's journey into the self and the Survival of experience and Prynne Shars go nowhere near as much under the skin, as the descriptions of the disaster on the home planet of the Vahni Vahltupali.
Considering therefore the size of the book, the endless development of the plot and the many meticulous descriptions, it has finally almost like a bad joke that the conclusion of the narrative about the new adventures of the Defiant ridiculous includes a few pages and has about as credible , as President Bush's Evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq .
One can even get over this somehow.
was even less credible in my eyes that is only one thing: the impending romance Ro Laren with Quark . Nothing against
Armin Shimerman , but the bar manager had a portrait of him in about the erotic charm and sex appeal, which also extended Mr. Bean . That should go to him just Ro Laren online is indeed a nice touch (see the will, perhaps, that some male Star Trek fans can downplay external shortcomings to be tapped on a whirlwind kitty), but looks are not very credible a woman whose last known Kopulationspartner was William Riker anyway.
It is not even that one does not begrudge Quark, but the relationship is about as realistic as a relationship between Sisko and Janeway , Deanna Troi and Harry Kim or Chekov and T 'Pol . to experience both a crush Sun teenager way, tastes more like bad fan fiction, as to good character development.


Schmunzette on teenage level: Quark ♥ Ro!

translation: The scope of the work is certainly not a walk to the translator. On the Facebook and Twitter presence Star Trek novels Department you could read in advance by some in the editing ironed out bugs and so pleasing that they hold in spite of the veritable flood of potential sources of error in check.
Which of course is not to say straight away that there was nothing to propose.
met here and there us a wrong punctuation mark (dot instead of question marks, p. 60), a misplaced tense (" thank 'instead of' thanked ', p. 238), an unfortunate elected case (" because of its ', p. 229), Schnitzer case-sensitive ("Worse ', p. 266) or typing errors (" Versorgungstirm ", p. 456). The distribution and abundance, however, give no cause for criticism.
Instead, I've even got honest about the fact that "blümerant " with (p. 264) has an extinction threatened German word found shot. Furthermore, I liked that I once had to make smart water " haptic" (p. 492) actually means. However, I was particularly impressed by the creative translation " Sternenflottenfuzzis " (p. 138) for " StarFleet type", the I felt from the mouth of quarks to be very understandable.
overshadowed me, three other permanent error.
Thus in the acquisition rules actually name terms throughout, and not how to read here gesiezt (see 130). Moreover
do with the German term " Ensign " a well-known equivalent for the term " Ensign " (eg, p. 176). While the English term that is in the 22nd Century (ie in the series Enterprise) was used in the time series that are always found near the German-speaking rank application. In addition to Ensign Harry Kim, Ensign Wesley Crusher and Ensign Pavel Chekov it was especially Ro Laren, the hoisted its designation as a German in the title episode: "Ensign Ro . English, however you can leave
quiet in the so-called German " Medkit . The listed numerous references to " medikit " (p. 334, p. 347, p. 388, p. 389, p. 391, p. 394 and p. 466) Finally, to remind us of the terrible "Medo" combinations of the old Star Trek translation of Heyne Verlag.


Although not quite right - but the good intention can be seen

anachronisms: "Twilight" is in a gray area between canon and good idea. By this I mean not even the world of books, which one is aware of the latest at the moment when one reads with Bowers and Leishman two officers who serve in Destiny still under Ezri Dax.
No, the problem lies elsewhere.
It is blue, has sensors and played a major role in Star Trek: Enterprise.
The speech is of course of the Andorian.
Sun told the audience in "The Aenar " first time, as the homeworld of the smurf-colored aliens actually looks. He saw with my own eyes that An ice-covered moon Andoria a gas giant, is not the spoils its inhabitants with too high temperatures. Only occasionally cause heat waves as perceived warming detail just above the freezing point.
In this context, it is curious that does not assert in two places (see p. 178 and p. 448) that Andorian prefer higher temperatures and humidity would.
addition is already in the TOS episode " If the gods destroy " noted that Andorian not respond to intravenous injections (see p. 389)
also seems questionable to practice, need to four generations of reproduction. After all indicated in " These are the voyages ... "no evidence indicating that in addition to the Aenar Jhamel and Shran anyone involved in the production Tallas had been involved and also the comments to Shran's Talas in" Babel suggest "that in Andorians men and women are quite sufficient for sexual reproduction. However
Data was in "Data's days" for the record that an Andorian wedding would consist of four persons.
This information is based Andorian a picture in the Star Trek literature, that between four different sexes different: two more women called shen zhen and chan and two more male named and Thaan . For this reason that the last name of Shar ch'Thane also the prefix " ch '" stands for his family.
Unfortunately, this picture only difficult to reconcile with the official canon.
in 2005, sent fourth season of the series could take on the 2002 in the U.S. book appeared, of course, no control and personally I find it especially by the negligence of the then Enterprise-authors not listed ideas conversely pick up their own scripts. The quartering of the sexes is at least one aspect, the strange, the Andorian society and therefore interesting.
in the "twilight" presented Andorian I prefer the image of the series is far from - even if it means having to interpret the information so far from the last Star Trek series to the edge of their durability. For among us: The other two parents Tallas you got just never see, because it never a fifth season was Enterprise ...
Another thing also ensures frown.
Although on page 49 nor absolutely correct that 800 million Cardassian victims through the final act of the Dominion War is reported that screwed this figure on page 61 only 800 000 down. It is not so much the author David R. George III. Guilt, rather than the translator Humble Christian, who in the heat of battle, the figure transferred incorrectly.

Conclusion: "Twilight" is actually a play of light and shadow.
is the one it an indispensable part of the Star Trek world of books, in which especially the character development very, is very much room left and that it should be the start of a four part series, it looks even relatively self-contained.
other hand, it requires a large warm-up and the volume is in sharp contrast to completely fall-like end. Also, quarks and Ro Laren kitschy romance seems a bit out of place.
but it is worth reading if only for the immediate consideration Andorian culture that is perhaps for the official canon of the enemy, but this offer are clearly more interesting history.

Memorable quotes :

" I run a bar, not a charity tasting room. "
Quark, p. 261

" Starfleet is supposed to build their shuttles from the material, are made from their survival case. "
Vaughn, p. 348

" The blame always lies with the farmers, never the King. "
Quark, p. 420

" even a torturer's society. "
Vaughn, p. 546

Rating: light and shadow.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Did God Make The Marijuana Plant

Merry Christmas!

few weeks after the start of the heating season notice currently playing some house and apartment owners black dust or black goo on the walls and ceilings. The phenomenon has a name: fogging.

It is unclear how it leads to the formation of unsightly deposits. Uwe Dippold, building biologist and pollution expert from Nuremberg, has at least a suspicion: "It is estimated that there is renovation work on the interaction between construction and house dust." Laminates, vinyl foam wall coverings, PVC floor coverings and wall colors gases, plasticizers, such as solvent or bonding agent, so Dippold. Additionally, we are sometimes unfavorable circumstances such as tobacco smoke or the use of candles. Dippold, "Even radiators and cold spots on the walls, so-called thermal bridges amplify the problem."
Andreas Karstedt, building biologist and chemist from Bremen, knows the phenomenon from its expert practice: "There are are people who use it as a house paint interior painting do not match, or combine building materials, their components. Since one can sometimes speak of happiness, if only fogging occurs. "The phenomenon is annoying but not usually harmful. One must only donating materials remove it and use more natural materials.

course should be in the now customary tight construction, the Do not forget proper ventilation in apartments, the two members of BIOLYSA, a nationwide association of building biologists represented by cross-ventilation of the apartment. - at least three times a day - would not only reduces indoor humidity, which prevent mold growth could. It would also be the pollutant concentration in indoor air significantly reduced, which not only prevent fogging, but the overall health profitable.

In connection with fogging and contaminants in indoor air, the experts also pointed out that in homes with carpeted floors should necessarily use the vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter so that the pollutants are retained in the filters. For smooth surfaces, wet wipe is applied twice per week. At least if the house has a living with allergies.

Where appropriate, a laboratory analysis of the black films help to narrow down the cause.

support it can in administrative agencies of BIOLYSA get:
Phone: 0700 - BIOLYSAEV - In number: 0700-246597238 or Internet:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Is The Best Perfume For Men

Black dust - Fogging

radiant gifts under the Christmas tree
Despite the global alerts are also this year are devices with digital microwave technology under the Christmas tree, whose harmful effect is supported by scientific studies. stations with relatively strong and pulsed digital waves - especially the small base stations (not the audience) - with full power non-stop, day and night, 24 hours, even when you do not phone.

Bluetooth wireless technology is a seemingly comfortable, many cell phone users believe they escape with the headset of mobile phone radiation. In this case, these headsets emit pulsed radio waves of their own, not inconsiderable strength. Many
baby monitor
constantly send out digital pulsed microwave radiation. Especially the brain of a young child is still growing and therefore particularly vulnerable.
The wireless transmitter in the DSL router, the notebook, in new printers and many other office and recreational equipment (game consoles)
always sends, day and night, whether it is transferring data or not. This does not make much sense, but is unfortunately always the case. It connect to the WLAN and DECT-stations in the flat radiation levels that are comparable to or stronger than the mobile phone masts in front of the window. For mobile phones there are not even limits.

there was wide criticism, reactions, and warnings from the Federal Medical Council, by building biologists, researchers, doctors and even officials: warns "The Federal Government WLAN use. Wi-Fi networks in homes should be avoided. "

recommends the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, to avoid the use of WLAN in the workplace and at home. To keep the personal radiation exposure as low as possible, it would be better to stay with the wired networks.

The Education Committee of the Bavarian Parliament discourages schools from WLAN and appeals, schools should refrain from such wireless Internet access. There are a number of scientific studies that would indicate for years to contexts of pulsed radiation and health problems.

Affected speak in this connection again by:

- sleep disorders, high blood pressure, fatigue, irritability, headache, restlessness, heart palpitations ...

- For long-term results are still premature.
The recommendations of BAUBIOLOGIE Plauen

- Avoid if possible on the digital radio technology. If this is not possible, make sure that the devices are turned off when not in use.

- Children should not come at all into contact with this technique. - use cable instead of wireless.

- Use for DECT phones switched off, the new generation.

- The only handsfree wired headset with air hose or radiation-absorbing ferrite core using the cable.

- If you use a phone with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi module, make sure that these functions are switched off when not in use.

biology Plauen

Tel 03741 472878 Email: info@baubiologie-plauen.de



Monday, December 13, 2010

What Happen Whit Tawnee Stone

The Jarada

Book Review Mitchell, VE: The Jarada. Heyne, 1992/1995.


Story: A real triumph for diplomacy is the Federation into the house. After many failed attempts, the isolation fanatical Jarada seem finally ready, a basic treaty concluded with the United Federation of Planets. Of course
Jean-Luc Picard the number one contact for both sides. First, it is perfect in his role as commander of the flagship of Starfleet for this job and the other accept it, the insect-like Jarada, as he some time ago already managed the complicated greeting rituals of the people correctly recite.
But things are a little too smoothly for the experienced diplomat. The treaty text is confusing, welcome to the submissive and the separation of the field teams prepared for the Captain discomfort.
The quiet doubts the terrible certainty than any contact with the away team from the first officer William T. Riker , Worf, Dr. Beverly Crusher , Keiko Ishikawa and the botanist Tanaka breaks off and the USS Enterprise aim sudden kamikaze attacks is.
Also on the planet's surface, the situation gets out of hand. Shortly before the attentive hosts are apparently seized by uncontrollable rage and the life of the separate crew members floating in acute danger ...

praiseworthy aspects : There is probably no group of animals on the planet that enjoys such unpopularity like insects .
to us in numbers so absolutely superior crawling critters are not only the nightmare of many terrifying housewives, but also for the rest of humanity, at least strange and mysterious.
What could be more natural than to use the terror and mystery of life forms shameless and turn it into an opponent in a science-fiction series?
Certainly nothing! Since it seems
almost sadly, that this idea in Star Trek only in the Xindi insectoids found expression, which accounted, in turn, only a fifth or a sixth of the multispecies .
But fortunately there is the Jarada!
Barely visible to guess they were already in "The Big Goodbye " on the main screen, at best, but for more than the actual cause of the Holodeckhandlung has anno not served in those days.
In this very exciting book is the view of the alien species in more detail than the first season of TNG ever could have created (in fact, cost considerations prevented the writer in planned appearance ). While the cover itself has no representation of the people, but at least it capable of the detailed descriptions, an image in your mind to be formed (see p. 21f.).
Admittedly, the final result is a kind of bee ant with a leg number, the more the spiders (yes, spiders are not insects!) or, although the rest of the presentation has relatively insectoid. Thus serve as, like ants , odors as a guide (see p. 34) and female Jarada follow the example of praying mantises our planet and kill their male sexual partners after the act (see 167).
acts in this context that the names of the world Jarada (see p. 64f.) Very convincing, because the combination of the individual components has a hierarchically organized state apparatus as credible as the blind frenzy, which to defend the away team must.
The insect society is so impressively researched and enhances the reading experience. But not only
entomological level understands the work to shine, but also through his involvement in the Star Trek chronology.
This becomes clear in the first instance by the cleverly used references. These relate not, as one might think, primarily to TNG, but a bridge to the first Star Trek television series. Author VE Mitchell succeeds in the feat, the unique reference to " Fizzbin " (p. 44) and two-time reference to " Tribbles "(P. 166 and p. 214) integrate so carefully that they do not act like an afterthought, but underline the real message of the text.
Nevertheless, Mitchell is not limited to TOS. Their work gives them namely in weight that it fills a gap, which in the television series " Trek - The Next Generation " has fallen under the table of the producer.
Only here the interested reader (or suspect it after the first attack of nausea, p. 103) namely, the pregnancy Keiko O'Brien, and Keiko Ishikawa (see p. 334). Thus, the originator of praise, a piece of the puzzle to picture have added that not only TNG, DS9 but also concerns.


Tribbles - a timeless jewel of all series

criticisms made aspects : confused me in parts already that one of the main characters just " Breen " (p. 108), read and so repeatedly confusion with the same species provoked, during the Dominion so bold as successfully attacked the Earth .
Considering, however, that the full name of the character actually " Zelk'helvtrobreen " (cf. P. 46) provides and also noted that even pop singer Guildo Horn actually a ' Horst Köhler ' is, you can safely ignore it.
fact that the book back and to be recurring character in all seriousness O'Brien , there has been dubious. Undeniable tendency of resourceful Transporter Chief and later Chief Engineer occasionally irascible and impulsive behavior, but so crabby and disagreeable the officer himself had earned in the course of all episodes TNG and Deep Space Nine's never. Most particularly his racist, fascist behavior's almost the insectoid Jarada against (see p. 316F.) Fits at all not to the person still in "The Wounded " treated like the emotions Cardassians against clearly differentiated.
is still enervating only the continued insistence on national differences between Keiko and Miles.
Well, Miles O'Brien is an Irishman , Keiko Ishikawa, a Japanese woman .
So what?
The constant debate about different social traditions, which determines the book too often fits, just not in the Star Trek world, including in the multi-cultural partnerships to galactic life and sometimes even ties across species boundaries (Worf and Jadzia , Trip Tucker and be T'Pol , Spock and Uhura ) and their sequelae (Spock, Deanna Troi or Alexander Rozhenko theme). Therefore, it seems
completely out of place when Mitchell all seriousness, the Japanese Society open state compares with an insect (see p. 96). An insulting remark, which reminded me somewhat of the locust statement Franz Müntefering .
order to emphasize the O'Briens Irish roots, it is not much better, as it provides a contradiction to the refusal Colm Meaney , in the DS9 episode " power of imagination " to deal with instead of Rumpelstiltskin, which finally appeared in the episode, as planned, an Irish Leprechaun . Meaney himself recognized the problem with a vision that Mitchell would have done well:

" is the use of caricatures or stereotypes of any nation or something that makes Star Trek, nor should represent. "
(very free translated as Memory Alpha )


The Irishman as such: whiskey drinking, green, with a pot of gold

translation : This is the mastery of the English language in our culture long become a minimum standard. No matter whether the music on the radio, the slogans of television advertising or the English exclusively to the sides Memory Alpha's incoming links of this blog (in my defense: these pages are detailed, accurate poorer and more numerous than those of German counterparts) - we understand the trend-language most of our time so well that we use her often.
words like "cool ", "download " or " Player " long form intelligible to foreign loan words, or even the Germans and enrich the language, the similar influence of Latin or French is also easily survived.
And of course, open up a tolerably Heyne experienced readers of the books that could be meant by "Star Fleet " (p. 16), the organization that is in the German dubbing usually called the 'Star Trek'. Even " scanning" (p. 14) is still close enough to the 'scan' of the synchronization to be understood.
Reading but time and again by "scanning Medo" (p. 29), the " scanning surveillance " (p. 150) or " scanning results " (p. 250), one wishes that at some stage, that there was one of the required qualification for a translator from Star Trek books of Heyne Verlag to have at least once seen the television series, to the writing there.
This would perhaps also so horrible names like " common room of the tenth front deck " (p. 11) instead of ' Ten Forward ', " country group " (p. 9) instead of ' away team 'or' Synthesizer "(p. 139) instead of ' Replicator ' could have been saved.
To find an example of it is also very different, one has to use, however, not only the comparatively higher quality translations Cross Cults .
It is enough for a look at this book.
addition to the " insignia communicator" (p. 87) one finds there also the non-economical " communicator" (p. 11), instead of the " orbit" (p. 8) the GLANTE " Standard Orbit " (p. 14), and as you read in many other works from the "Star Fleet Command " must, it says here, at least half true " Starfleet Command " (p. 126).
But these exceptional phenomena are at best a drop in the bucket. At the latest, if you like twisted words as "[...] effect of a data milking [...]" (p. 217) reads, runs a chill down my spine. Even the command resignation. "(p. 138) does not sound right, because any reasonably informed about the military man is here as I, or the German dubbing the" Dismiss ! prefer.
Considering the fact that the formulation

" Who counsels the counselor? "

grottenschlecht and without any Empathy with

"Who helps the helpers Counselor. "(p. 140)

has been translated, you have a good argument in his hand, just to read nor the English original. Finally, take voluntary error like " deactivate " (p. 203) and involuntary as " Tricoder " (p. 30) does not necessarily help to act as an advocate of German broadcasts. Especially when "Dr. Sela " (p. 328) appears to maintain that. For
Tasha Yar halbromulanische daughter has not graduated to still aboard the USS Enterprise to serve - in fact, ' Dr. Selar ' meant the already completed "The strange memory " a cameo appearance and still belong to the medical staff of the ship appears. Or would
' Medo-rod ' the better word?
Although we often read of " Medo- Tricorder" (p. 29), "Medo officer " (p. 43) or "group Medo" (p. 318) has to break, the novel of the tradition, contains the reader a 'o' before and suddenly speaks of " Med Laboratory " (p. 303).
If you already so used a Kunstpräfix, you should at least put on the assessed value.
But back to the influence of English on our language. Especially people who are likely the movie "Starship Troopers " or even the book "Warrior star" is a term that the term ' bugs' are common. This nickname is also the Jarada also given in the original English, in German translation you read, however, only by the "beetles " (p. 89). The reference to one's long been the standard works of science fiction book belonging to the inadequate translation this work is lost.
Very bad!

anachronisms : If you read this book, you will see the nickname Lwaxana Trois for Worf in a completely different light. Indeed, it is claimed Klingons are susceptible to many pitches (42 p.) as human beings.
This is where the name "Mr. Woof" is a lot more sense to speak even though the use of sound showers, and the reaction Worf's laziness on the high notes in Data's "dream analysis " against this hypothesis.
And tag 'Listen': The alleged irretrievably destroyed communicator Dr. Crusher (. Cf. p. 184ff) does falling down (see p. 326) - a serious internal logic error, one of the best read assiduously.
The largest collection of contradictions, however, combines Keiko up.
As one of the central figures of their work comes naturally benefit more attention. What initially sounds good, goes from front to back in my pants.
confusing is already state of the relationship between Miles O'Brien and Keiko Ishikawa. Although both celebrate the half-year anniversary of their first meeting (see p. 11), however, are already married (see p. 131). The
seems a bit fast and rushed in, but that in and of itself still human, especially Rosalind Chao before the wedding episode "Data's days " not appearing.
it is questionable, however, why Keiko is still the name of ' Ishikawa ' with (see p. 42) even though they took over the marriage the surname of her husband.
The information that botanist was on the Starfleet Academy (see p. 256) and even have a Starfleet uniform (see p. 265) do not coincide at all with all the information already in TNG and later were placed in DS9 the best.

Conclusion: Star Trek is always open to foreign cultures.
any event in the series and movies. Here, however, prove
since long discussions about cultural differences only between people that the Star Trek world of books not just jump onto a train must be exiting the Gene-Roddenberry Memorial Station.
The absence of a proper translation and lower section to the amount shown in TNG and DS9 figures Keiko and Miles O'Brien do their part to prevent too much recognition.
So why read this book about?
Well, because it does such a group of animals to the opponent, who promises by its very existence adventure. Because it is exciting and with little reference proposes to the original series, a clever bridge to the relevant predecessor.
And because it covers a biographical gap that might interest some fans. Who can occasionally compress so when reading one or the other eye to ignore readily apparent flaw is willing and wants to hear something about a species that was previously only passing mention is his joy in "The Jarada" have.

Memorable quotes :

" is my function, do not forget that. Someone must nevertheless ensure that their figureheads keep the army headquarters touch with reality. "
Troi, p. 12

" trust is always a risk. "
Picard, p. 125

" insects we may just not trust you. "
Chang, p. 151

" you really should not waste time trying to polish your subordinates the tank. "
Vish, p. 296

Rating: praiseworthy attempt to a much lesser.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Heather Harmon Died??

killer jeans

Now it is probably out .., Samuel Koch is paralyzed in the arms and legs
hope After all rehab for a miracle

Keep Getting Pimples In My Nose

all hope for a miracle - Samuel Koch as victims of a conversation at all costs

be sure you ask such a question why now?

These fees can fund a television ARD and ZDF, which will offer full information to support your right to information. But is this so?

"bread and circuses" - that was to distract the Romans already a popular way the people of policies and their machinations to hold yes.

knew what the Romans yet - you can enlist the citizens by force to fund your own "brainwashing" and you had invented the GEZ not

Get used to crime (including You times the crime's in a week), bad manners, smoking, drinking and other important topics, such as soccer, talk shows and cooking shows and many more. Do not engage in protests (Castor, Stuttgart), just be nice lie on your couch.

you finance therefore, that on Saturday at the "Wetten, dass .." massive promotion of self-mutilation is done or how to tattoo's call "bet" yet.

finance And therefore that young people destroy in breakneck fashion itself, for fame, television appearance and brief fame . Prostituting

I am sorry for this young man and I dissociate myself from this kind of entertainment. I wish him well and that he can be back to the what he was before his senseless performance! was

A few years ago there ever a movie about a million bet - a man being chased, he remains alive he will receive 1 million, he dies - at least it has made millions of viewers "fun".

if we have already prepared for this type of entertainment or how far we are still away?

But one thing is already

proof - do you finance it with your money!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gay Public Toilet Blog

Have your GEZ fees already paid?

created a new platform and it is this first time only this blog, but already with interesting posts so you gaze look:
air pollutants to penetrate into the uterus. The effects on fetuses examined an international study and found alarming results.

The U.S. researcher Frederica Perera found that the blood of fetuses by carcinogenic PAHs, an air pollutant emissions from transport, industry and tobacco smoke charged. The genome is already as well as damage in cancer patients.

Read the full text at:
http://blog.peopleforfuture.de/2010/11/umweltgifte-schon-im-mutterleib-gefahrlich/ # more-485