Sunday, March 1, 2009

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The Omega Man

It has been a war between Russia and China. Here, a bacterial warfare agent was used, which spread all over the world. Two years later, humanity is almost extinct. The scientist Robert Neville (Charlton Heston) has been working on a vaccine to the end and was able to get vaccinated at the end was even. Now he is languishing alone in the huge New York, the days spent trying to drive through town and to find useful. But that alone he is not. For a few have survived the disaster. But they are light-sensitive Mutated creatures that have come together under brother Matthias (Anthony Zerbe) to a quasi-religious group and all that the man was standing, sworn off. Therefore, they make at night hunting for Neville as he searches her hiding during the day to eradicate them. But then Neville discovered something that could change his situation considerably ...

Attentive readers of my little blog could happen this act summary sound familiar. Right. THE OMEGA MAN (The Omega Man, 1971) is the second of three film adaptation of Richard Matheson's apocalyptic science fiction novel I AM LEGEND, which launched in 1964 under the title THE LAST MAN ON EARTH with Vincent Price in the lead role and 2007 under the original name with Hollywood-Darling Will Smith was brought to the big screen. Said versions have already been discussed by me, and although the novel has so much potential, I have been able to convince any reaction at all. While technically, of course, the most recent edition is unchallenged, could shine resulting in the Italian co-production 64er version of its atmosphere and the great actor.

"Where do you get only provides a reasonable cleaning lady?"

THE OMEGA MAN has vorzuweisen with Heston, of course, a veteran of the DISTOP SF film. But, surprisingly, does the late NRA poster boy here surprisingly weak after he had fallen into me recently SOYLENT GREEN so well. Given that Heston has driven the film after reading the novel itself, it is no wonder much as he seems listless. But perhaps he has simply taken over something because it is the desperate loneliness of Neville difficult to decrease. Also, his reasons for staying in the city and thus delivered the night man, rather a mystery. But this is primarily a problem of the script and unfortunately not the only one.

Richard Matheson is not a big fan of this film, because he was of the opinion that they hardly anything to do with his novel added. Right, the good man What first catches your eye, is that the Brotherhood of the shady characters of course no longer consists of vampires. Probably in the belief of making the story by "serious", they let away any more supernatural component. Granted, the '64 version, it was a bit too much of a good thing (the crosses for example). But just as the Brotherhood in OMEGA MAN occurs, they are simply too human, to really be a new species that will eventually rule the earth. There are simply religious fanatics with a sun allergy. Unfortunately, director Boris Sagal never succeeds in building a genuine atmosphere of loneliness. Too soon appear on the fanatics, and the few views the deserted city are not enough - especially when one looks in the background, often times pass by a car ...

"All right That's okay I admit yes.. I'm cheating"

In general, it is with the atmosphere of such a thing. Unlike Smith's I AM LEGEND, the city has little wild. Up to newspapers and mailboxes knocked over, there is no evidence of people on a deserted metropolis. The ubiquity of rotting corpses is there an advantage in that respect. The German dubbing is doing its part to the fact that THE OMEGA MAN can spread no reasonable end-time mood, as it often seems clumsy, and the pseudo-cool sayings Heston are rather ridiculous. On special effects is largely avoided, worth mentioning here would be the make-up of the night people, but is also quite cheap. Only the pale eyes of infected resonate in their effect.

THE OMEGA MAN will be more than a mix of conventional SF and disaster materials, as they were popular in the 70s. He wants to have a statement and also convey the horrors of a depopulated world. That really does not succeed, unfortunately, and when the dying Heston at the end as Jesus on the cross, pathos comes into the spotlight. As an action movie THE OMEGA MAN works reasonably, and as such it can be to look at sometimes. One moves But to get the DVD into the player with the claim, the same served a dark, well-made Zukuntsvision, is making headway very quickly cultivated boredom.


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