The entropy effect
Book Review McIntyre, Vonda: The Entropy Effect. Heyne, 1981/1983.
Story : Spock , the first officer of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 and official Wissenschaftsoffzier of the ship, discovered in the course of probing a space anomaly that the known universe collapses in its present form and its expiration date, at best, is still one hundred years.
His work is interrupted by a sudden Abkommandierung the ship. Aleph Prima, a mining-based calls the cruisers of the Constitution-class induced to convert to a murderous felon to a rehabilitation colony in the vicinity. While Kirk
the supposed Chaffeursdienst skeptical of, is vigorously committed to Spock. His motivation is simple, because the prisoner is none other than Dr. Georges Mordreaux, a visionary physicist who coined the training of Halbvulkaniers crucial. With it he hopes to discuss his findings about the impending demise of the universe on a scientific level.
But first, it is different than you think second. Mordreaux is "to own safety, "pumped full of drugs, a civilian crew and complements the shyster when suddenly fancied the prisoners in his cell with a gun shows up on the bridge, the situation gets completely. In the unlikely event occurs: The felon shoots Jim Kirk and the security boss Mandala Flynn with a cruel terrorist weapon and disappears. However, the assassin has a watertight alibi: He has never left his cell ...
praiseworthy aspects : Whether one can believe it or not: This book is a piece of Star Trek history. After only moderate success of previous Novel Lisa organizations and timid (but qualitatively inappropriate) first stories appeared on the twentieth anniversary of the series, the time is ripe to capture for a new trial, Star Trek on paper.
Having already the novel to film " The Motion Picture appeared, was finally" The Entropy Effect "a commercial success, which is primarily probably due to the fact that the story therefore is far more complex than in previous works such as "Emergency on Planet Earth".
complex if only because time travel is of central importance. The headache theme is worked well, but this is not surprising if one keeps in mind that, according to the story of a Interviews originally as a screenplay for a fourth season episode of the never produced the original series was being considered. Until the TV managed the design, not, but at least I had the privilege of scripts Vonda McIntyre , a time to lie on the desk Gene Roddenberry's .
And not without reason, because McIntyre was mainly because of the contract because they would treat the individual as a fan with the established characters gebürenden respect. The pivotal point in its history is therefore Spock, who already at the first audience so popular spitzohrige first officer of the ship. The work provides him with plenty of scope for personal growth and also an interesting insight into his biography.
When we speak but already from this piece of history, a figure should be particularly highlighted: Sulu.
The helmsman of the Enterprise receives not only a long overdue romantic relationship, but what is even more important to finally have a first name! The in Star Trek VI: Final "The Undiscovered Country" become canon first name 'Hikaru' (p. 10) is one of the rare sowed examples of the fact that the Star Trek world of books granted in the movies and series abet information. There was no such fact to the extent it continues with Star Trek XI , the Uhura and Kirk's mother knew it officially with a first name.
That fits somehow into the overall picture, as well as the following (already in its review of " The Ashes of Eden " quoted) statement from a interview with Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci the design history of the eleventh movie fits seamlessly:
" And, reading the novels helped, a lot of Star Trek novels. "
Roberto Orci, lines 117
Perhaps this work was indeed one of the central ideas of the new production Godfather. There broods namely McCoy on page 203 about the difficulties of time travel by:
"Maybe would change anything. Maybe this time the course would continue unchanged, and Jim Kirk and Mandala Flynn was dead forever, and if it should succeed Spock to do something, it would be anything other than the beginning of an alternative version of reality. "
Even the subsequent book world could not escape the pull of this first novel. Zulus to wish to be added to the Aerf plays in "The first mission " once again a role that super-university 'Makropyrios' is in "Strangers from the sky " picked up again and Mandala Flynn's dream of his own command ultimately fulfilled in the Novel Lisa Transportation " The Wrath of Khan .
Who's whim, the relevant developments weiterzuspinnen can even make up some trends. If
Zulus fiery flame Flynn about the future mother of Demora Sulu ?
therefore originates Amy Winehouse's " They tried to make me go to Rehab " (p. 30)? Is
McCoys use as commanding officer on the bridge as a model for future emulator Dr. Crusher or MHN the Voyager ?
has it all balanced out again return end eventually, even the authors of the Voyager two-parter "Year of Hell" influenced? And
keyword Voyager: The unfortunate Indian theme suggests once again! After the fiasco relationship in the episode "The obelisk " and the helmsman Dawson Walking Bear from the TAS episode " Kulkulkan - The Mighty " you actually believed that the issue would have done.
But Kirk's ex-flame Hunter is rather that there is a traceable line of continuity to the TNG episode "At the end of the trip " and finally even Chakotay there.
Well, Hunter is female, male Chakotay, Hunter has a spring, Chakotay a tattoo, Hunter lives in a hippie harem and Chakotay finally towed away from a Borg - but otherwise ...
Rehab Seven?
criticisms made aspects : Despite all the time travel: offset So really in the future you will feel with this book, because not least proves Mordreaux 'quote (see Memorable quotes ) that the man actually in the past back longs.
In those good old days, when even " bands deleted "(p. 37) and books on" tape "sold (p. 38) and in bulk in Scotty's office" computer printouts were used "(p. 153) - they are thankfully over!
are already digital documents, e-books and iPads (basically so taken PADD s), a standard that would protect "the undiscovered country" from archaic communication tools as described here.
Similarly, in sign of the times is the outward display of pseudo-radicalism.
Captain Kirk is dead? The future changed forever?
Only two films later are time jumps really en vogue! In two other films will cheerfully tampered with in the time line and in virtually any individual series, the protagonists fear rarely emulate the former (or future) Kirk.
Now you have to keep McIntyre course credit, it was pretty much the first to break down this vast subject, has compressed and stuffed into a book. But even before have temporal interference effects such as " handle in the history ", "Tomorrow is yesterday " or " portal into the past " handled in the classic series to the hilt and have many later following monopolization the subject is so much out sucks, that an experienced reader already knows a few lines that are later than the end everything will dissolve into thin air.
much heavier weights but the treatment of different characters. As already mentioned, was one of the reasons for McIntyre commitment that they would confront as a fan of the main characters with the necessary respect. Although they actually do the job quite well mastered, there are two figures that stand out like rotten fruit from the fruit basket.
One of them is a tragic victim, because they really deserved McIntyre's full attention: No one less than the much-loved chief engineer Scotty stinks from pretty! From the triumvirate of Kirk, Spock and pill he is neglected and the buck of the attempted mutiny against their own comrades is just stuck on the man in the third movie " The Search for Spock " the USS Excelsior to rescue Spock's sabotaged.
is surpassed Scotty only by his confused accomplice Ian Braithewaite - an unfinished character without a credible background, because the man has absolutely no attributes, as they make up fictional paragraph jugglers as Perry Mason , Ben Matlock or Danny Crane . Much more like his appearance a mixture of an investigator of the English Inquisition no knowledge of English, Luis de Funes without humor and without Inspector Gadget gadgets. Such clumsy attempts to determine, entirely groundless suspicions and conclusions unnachvollziehbare nervous, especially me, his end in the alternate time frame will not be clear (cf. 247f.): If the man is now dead and also to jump back into the past? If the latter is true, what he is there for this nonsense? Or he jumps from now on always assume in different bodies, to help other people at the right turn in life ?
Rounding out the parade of hiring mistakes Finally, the crew ranks within security department of the USS Enterprise (see p. 80f.), because seriously: This is one freak show!
a potential terrorist, a Extreme Dinosaur , a supposed ancestor spots and a tendency to Riesenwüchsigkeit bodybuilder, which in fact would much rather take care of flowers. This may reduce the tendency for extreme characters of the overall presentation would have been useful.
must conclude, I still complain about the cover.
about the First American, that is visible next to the previously mentioned interview. Of course it is good that you get to a sense of how the author mentioned the Outer Zulus in about presents - somewhere between Bruce Lee , David Carradine in Kung Fu and Ohara . But uniforms and ship back on a period that placed the book in a time after the first feature film . Ranks Kirk and Spock on the other hand suggest something else entirely.
from the German front image I will however still less clever: The Enterprise also suggests a chronology for 2270, but the uniforms say the clear language of the original series.
are really annoying about it, however, the phaser rifle and Ilia that look great, but with the Content have to do so really nothing at all, for it is indeed a 'Ilya' (cf. p. 51), but the sound has little in common apart from the spreading pheromones Deltan .
translation: How are described my loyal reader and reviewer colleague ant so well?
" Turon Hi, I'm even on your review of" The curious entropy effect "
! I bet it will be a looong chapter on the bad translation give .. (shoutbox on July 09, 2010)
To satisfy my early praise be, I say it out freely and without any embellishment, this work is a pretty much the shittiest translation that I have ever seen.
How far has any feeling for language to be to " event horizon" with "event-horizon " (p. 12) " malfunction" with " paint functions" (p. 90) or " Prima "instead of" Prime "(p. 6) to translate? I mean, if it would at least " Primus " was, but " Aleph Prima " sounds like a tongue paralyzed Lispler having difficulties, " all great! " pronounce. I am also not sure if I would read a book in which to "Cardassia Prima" is mentioned.
But if the book takes to heart, must deal with hair-raising terms like "priority command ultimatum" (p. 15), " veterinary friend" (p. 74) or " intensive appliances ( accept p. 222), instead of uncreative transfers such as "three-day beard " (p. 140), " three-day beard ", "whip effect " (p. 124) for "slingshot effect " or " I will touch him with silk gloves. "(p. 188) instead of" I will him with kid gloves. not to "completely.
were rather cute, in contrast to double gemoppelt New concepts such as " Abschirmschilde " (p. 5), " control buttons " (p. 201) or " Cassette " (p. 158) that can be easily in the same Category (pleonasms) as "white mold ", " hairstyle " or " ABM measures " enqueues and at least from the tired dance by Hyphens kombionierter words broke away.
A stunning piece of futuristic technology: audio cassettes
that standard in the German dubbing designations are largely ignored, you can place on a wooden-sounding varieties such as " star date " (p. 15) " Stardate "," nerve Pressur "(p. 119) or competitive to" nerve Pressur "(p. 218)" nerve grip "or" Transporter Beam "(P. 216) instead of" see transporter beam .
particularly the latter term is a sad example of a marked tendency towards unnecessary Anglicisms. One finds clear borrowings from English such as "Star Fleet " (p. 11), "Beam " (p. 51) or "hijacking " (p. 210) - from the frequent exaggerated 'Goodbyes' not to mention (see, eg, p. 65, p. 184 or p. 235). Particularly annoying but do encounter hermaphrodites as " cassette " (p. 23), "Star base" (p. 25) or the odd split " biofeedback technology "(p. 99), which lie somewhere between the two languages, yet both always remains a stranger.
All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Investigators " Braithewait " (p. 189), doctor " MacCoy " (p. 141) or the physicist " Mordreyus " (p. 110) show impressive with their spelling, that even the correct transmission of the proper names Translator hopelessly overstretched. This is not only limited to names, because the job of a "supply- Leichter " (p. 68), the state of " statistics " (P. 109) or the rank of " LIEUTEANTS " (p. 205) reveal with weaknesses. Of particular interest to the effect of " Ornanismus " (p. 233) is. What is this? Maybe a " Ornament "? Or something like "Ornithology "? Perhaps because the translator has, as in " Federation " (p. 191), only one 'r' too much like the alphabet soup ...
latest, however, if " paradox" (p. 183) is interpreted as a plural, the author of " an ethical consensus " (p. 221) for the correct formulation holds or hahne Büchener nonsense "(p. 239) for the correct spelling is received by that statement leaves a sour taste, the" Captein "(p. 154)" Krik "(p. 92) on page put 22 into the mouth and the mind is:
"Well," said Kirk, "more and more mysterious." He looked at Spock and expected a reproving glance due to his bad grammar.
behalf Spock: a rebuking look for the bad grammar and lousy spelling of this book
anachronisms : Miles O'Brien I have always been sorry. He has risked for Starfleet on Setlik III , the USS Enterprise and Deep Space Nine several times his life and all overdue danger money despite it was not even the father of two had been privileged to be included in the Offziersstand. That is
this proves here Mandala Flynn, holds the rank of Commander (see p. 6), although the Starfleet Academy not even visited (see p. 44f.)!
But the relationship between Kirk and his second wife Indian Hunter is not free of puzzles, because the one time is is that both of the school (see p. 19), would know later, however, by the Academy (see p. 51ff.).
But Spock, whose species according to " Kodos the executioner " or "Breaking the Ice " supposedly does not drink alcohol, should have been seen not only from McCoy this (see S112), but remember even hand in these bad day (see p. 117)! This Vulcan say but never to lie (see p. 242) ...
is also surprising the existence of the mutant Jenniver Aristides'. Not only that, it is the product of genetic manipulation, according to the episodes like "Space Seed " would " Dr. Bashir secret" or " Borderland " to be impossible, it also attaches also 250cm, has a very strong bone structure and natural muscle mass (see p. 59). Of course this is due to their home where there is much higher gravity. Admiral Hostetler-Richman in "The Laws of the Federation " (cf. ibid, p. 35) also comes from such a world, but her body corresponds completely opposite proportions: The legs of the graceful woman reach when sitting not even on the earth furniture ground. Similarly contradictory
Kirk is the embodiment of why his ship could not go inside the system to warp to the dangerous transport of dangerous passengers as quickly as possible to cross the stage. Finally, at least since the eighth feature film "First Contact " or "first flight " well that can travel amn even within a system of low speed without the warp drive overload. Where, however, already, the question is whether the ship is now (196 p.) via one or more " warp drives " (p. 174) has.
be the end, it naturally also to the Subject suggests, around which the whole world turns. Or 'shot', because the future of humanity is, according to information from "The Voyage", "First Contact" or " Map " from the evil of money, free transport to higher development goals to provide enough.
which is in the novel, scarcely perceptible: Sulu will pay in a restaurant to " Alpeh Prima" (p. 61) the pending joint "account " (p. 38) Flynn, spaceship go to " flag "and colonies of mankind can" go bankrupt "(both P. 158).
Conclusion: "The Entropy Effect" is a piece of Star Trek history - for the official canon and the books world. Such a thing is worth reading, even if time travel are now old hat, and makes one or another character a bad figure. Even the anachronisms are understandable at a time when there were only the original series, cartoon series and the first feature film.
But the bad translation, denatured the friend of our language, the reading fun a few times too often. The German version has hingekliert listless and does not understand even the minimal standards of paperbacks to suffice.
Memorable quotes :
"Don Juan Kirk, the Casanova area roads ... "
Leonard McCoy, p. 74
" God damn, Spock! Damn you! Damn you! "
Leonard McCoy, p. 115
" The present may seem utopian, but I assure you. That almost every human being who trusts you enough to discuss his hopes and dreams with them, a deep-rooted admit desire is to live in a different time, a conviction that it is somehow in the wrong place feels and to another one, can not reach it. "
Georges Mordreaux, P. 147
Review: Star Trek history with evil blemishes.
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