Saturday, August 28, 2010

How Do I Give Myself A Jock Lock

Spock's World

Book Review Duane, Diane: Spock's World. Weltbild Verlag, 1988/1995.


extra for Carlito

Story: Dark shadows lay on the shining democracy of the Federation . One of its founding members, the planet Vulcan sent on that is to vote on the fate of the world in this galactic organization.
And the chances of the proponents Membership of an ongoing look anything but rosy. Not only is the general feeling towards people has landed on a low point; Sarek , long-time advocate of the ground-volcanic relationships is also forced by T'Pau to publicly speak out against the continued existence of this alliance.
is still hope among the speakers that were ordered in addition to Sarek to inform the public, are also Kirk, Spock and pill who give their best to prevent the possible secession.
But only McCoy manages to uncover the fact that behind the supposedly thoroughly democratic Referendum a plot conceals its author is an old friend Spock. No other than T'Pring , the former fiancee of the first officer of the USS Enterprise staged the upcoming separation, to ruin her ex-partner's life. The sneaky plan is finally accessible to more and apparently nothing can stop the stone that was brought here to roll. As McCoy meets with another piquant detail that the election could affect crucial ...

praiseworthy aspects : Sometimes it's the little things that delight in reading a novel heart.
little information, for example. It can be about it smile that Spock hard to avoid the weather forecast problems of various regions of the earth dissolves (see p. 15). Or you can be useless facts knowledge extended by the fact that the volcanic currency Nakh means' (p. 215). Maybe served but also the mere fact a pleasure that James T. Kirk, like myself, not like Guinness (see p. 24).


spiritual kinship through rejection of biergewordenem dishwater

Maybe it but rather from time to time flashes of prophetic inclinations of the author Diane Duane . The internal electronic bulletin board the Enterprise (p. 43 et seq.) Reminds namely strong in chat rooms, forums and social networks as they are today common practice gear. If one keeps in mind how much Mark Zuckerberg technical implementation today is worth , one must concede the 1988 novel, a remarkable achievement. This
not enough! The events of the eleventh movie seem ahead to throw a long shadow. Not only did Kirk Uhura called by their first names (see p. 193); a lot of small-scale observations like that, intentionally or not, makes sense.
about Kirk's winking commentary for Spock on page 100 and page 101:

" Spock gave us a general overview given to the upcoming situation. In the discussions in the Starfleet Academy I always got along well, but it is one thing to talk to people. In debates with Vulcans but I have frequently drawn the short straw. "

This recalls, of course, greatly to the debate between Kirk and Spock whether the manipulation of Kobayashi Maru test in the auditorium of the academy, had the young man the words of the Vulcan to oppose almost anything especially since the Captain concludes this sentence with a wink in the direction of his first officer.
read tragic difference in this context, the fear of the future Surak on page 307, after all, the man should be right with his fears:

" Perhaps at some point lost the fear of no weapons of this kind may be constructed of a day more, which could open up the mantle of the planet, to way to the core ... "

less remarkable, however, the match in the volcanic front of the human ball game American Football (see p. 291) is. In fact, similar to the local descriptions that the Enterprise episode " merger " so strong that the suspect is close, the writer of the series would be at This book serves generous.
The little things, where one enjoys while reading, including the now and interspersed words such as " sehlat tired " (p. 262) instead of " tired " or about the wonderful phrase " The climate was comparable with that in Southern California - only with even less rain. "(p. 136), alluding to a traditional folk tune from America.

Southern California and volcano?

Anyone who has read the brief synopsis, is quickly realized that this in itself no one can tear off your feet. Duane thus resorted to a trick of this narrative to a mere subplot degraded and instead draws the most attention to those roughly in a related chapter on the history of the planet Vulcan, which makes this novel so special.
When I was a little boy, I was fascinated by stories of great explorers like Columbus , Cook or Nansen particularly strong. But back in the eighties of the last century was the search for new worlds, unknown life forms and new civilizations on our planet is no longer necessary and I therefore proposed a spell Star Trek: The unexplored space offered all the opportunities that exist on the earth are long gone. Exotic stranger, distant lands full of wonder and adventure waiting to be discovered every week!
some point was not enough anymore that.
long since I could distinguish the different species apart. With all the alien life forms such as Vulcans, Klingons or Borg I started but at some point (of course, purely hypothetical) question is how these cultures could arise. As the Borg were relentless on such machines being? Why is the fight is such a central aspect of Klingon society? How developed the Vulcans from a military to a culture based on logic?
So who is a closeted explorer with a keen interest in history also is thrilled to have this book, because it is able to plus.gif the cloak of silence that surrounds the past of Vulcans. Again and again I found myself during the actual action in how I flipped forward, to bring the remaining number of pages to the next story from the volcanic history of experience.
Only the relevant section " Volcano: Two " (p. 111 to p. 133), "Volcano Three " (p. 165 and p. 190) " volcano: Four " (p. 209 to p. 231) and " Volcano: Five " (p. 252 to p. 283) offer exceptional insights raise a personal nature and by its mere presence of the novel to a book, one should have read.
This is how the reader in "volcano : Two " of the once lush vegetation of the planet, the invention of language and the first major natural disaster that turned him into a desert world.
In "Three volcano" as the basis of the struggle for survival on the hostile world and connected to an exciting component: targeted mutation and selection. For the seemingly relentless sun has not only adversely affect the inhabitants of volcano, but caused by unfiltered radiation and the development of skills as people were never given in the same form. The resulting social consequences are described in a way that in their urgency to the opening scene " 2001: A Space Odyssey remembers.
goes one step further, " volcano: Four ": The company is formed, their skills are diverse and each clan has secured its own niche genetic. Now, however, shows that the alleged control of certain properties their gap hat.Ein moral low point of the Vulcan community, which must almost inevitably end in death.
The moral impasse shows, however, only really in the "volcano Five " in its entirety. Primitive emotions such as greed, jealousy and hatred lead in spite of advanced technology at a reasonable free family massacres and proves, though, or just because nobody really knows about it, why volcano in urgent need of aid as a political mastermind Surak.
These four chapters are the crown jewels of "Spock's World", because their magic can not be in a movie, a sequence or even unleash a series. Its seemingly random structure, its may be related to the level of interpretation and integration into the larger story do you solely as a book. Diane Duane procured through this clever move of Star Trek literature a deserved place on par with the current as canonical examples from film and television, without such as the Shatner books or Destiny trilogy that previously unconsidered future of established characters to make on its head.

criticisms made aspects: As strong as the novel begins, strong as he can towards the end. Not to mention the background story to the secession volcano to prevent as little as exciting as logical, yet may be, it is particularly sad to lose even the last two volcanic arcs centered on the wind.
course, at the end of the chaotic self-discovery phase of the desert planet are Surak. However, the pointed ear Buddha less in these descriptions of a new era, but rather the beginning of the end of a good book.
The entire circumstances under which he lives contribute to very human. It works (very American) in a consulting company (p. 305), dies (very American) at the hands of terrorists (see 324) and his path to knowledge is like the autobiographical tales of yesteryear Hippies in cannabis intoxication (see p. 304ff.). This fails Duane empathy, because safety as a parable on the development of the earth of the eighties (nuclear threat) coined, but intrusive moralizing story blurred the hitherto so carefully constructed image of a completely different society, which developed under different conditions, different, to beyond recognition.
reminds Indeed Surak work very strongly in a more or less well-known underground figure named Jesus . The volcanic Savior has everything that his younger colleague was able to point to Earth: A groundbreaking desert experience (see p. 310ff.) A and Saul (cf. p. 319ff.) sacrificial death of a martyr (p. 324f.). It stinks of petty bourgeois belonging to the world in the U.S., where the Sunday church aisle is still a social status symbol.
Deweiteren can the pseudo-spiritual awakening story to explain not why the Vulcans break away at all of emotions. On the contrary! Papa Surak, in contrast to well-known models like Spock, Tuvok or T'Pol "[...] a good sense of humor [...]" (p. 319) finds out "disappointment "(p. 322) and" is very concerned " (P. 323). Added to various contradictions come to information from various Star Trek series, which take the descriptions of the central figure of the volcanic history and the last bit of credibility. What
begins at Surak finds in Sarek finally a colorless sequel.
Sarek's history is one thing: twenty-nine oppressive or irrelevance. The represented person has little intersection with the Father, Spock and the Vulcans also shows an unprecedented emotion. The Good People laugh (see p. 364) and laughs (see p. 367) and smiling (see p. 357), more than he had paid his own son on film in any timeline. Particularly unnerving
is the abundance of unnecessary information about the Kopulationspartner Amanda Grayson .
interests me really do not know what the elephantine proportions genital Sarek (cf. p. 366), let alone that of champagne he always gets heartburn (p. 390). serve


Vulkanierlatein in its purest form

Even his son has a figure of fun and decrease after all, to sing in front of the assembled crew of his ship, "For he's a jolly good fellow" (p. 390).
Whereby he is able to stand out in this crew hardly embarrassing. Sometimes
Duane proves that is a little understandable Hang on very exotic life forms. To now be misunderstood: Yes, of course, is limited (in Star Trek and other sci-fi concoctions) life in the universe not only humanoid forms (which applies also in " The Chase " a reasonable explanation), But that is no reason, just a crew of Extreme, consisting of zusammenzupuzzlen Horta (see p. 13), Mizarthu (see p. 82) or Andalusian (see p. 95), one of a joint working hard can trust more. I for my part, trouble getting to imagine how a Horta in the narrow turbo lifts a ship of the Constitution-class finds room (P. 39), with no obvious dips arms iron chips in a bowl of crude oil (see p. 95) or sit on the chair of the Captains can (see p. 37).

translation: Where 'world ' it says, it is far from 'the world' be in it. The notes of this book, a reader who takes the fun times, compare it with the rather plain Heyne -paperback edition. The results
namely a lively rendezvous with old friends like "Star Fleet " (p. 13), " Romulan beer" (p. 23), " discus segment" (p. 30), or "Medo- officer "(p. 289) - the translations do not differ from each other. How could they? Anyone who looks at the masthead discovered quickly that it is just a license issue involved (see p. 4)
But as they say in English so well: Never change a winning team. .
If I now "CHANGE never a winning team " play, would would the many readers mourn, certainly, and say, rightly, that this is a bad and soul-less transmission.
who has also thought just, should to hold better in the original English, as Andreas Brandhorst not sparing with similar constructs. Groups of words, phrases and half sentences such as "eidetic memory " (p. 9), "Once again, he swallowed his pride [...]" (p. 216) "[...] from the outside world [.. .] "(p. 323) are unworthy of equivalents" Eidetic memory "," He swallowed his pride [...]" "[...] or from without [...]".
be augmented with a few more significant errors, such as the "Smithsonian Institution " (p. 14), the wrong case in ' their true home "(p. 31) or the typo" Be finger " (P. 381).
gropest Moreover, the translator in such a popular event that even Bastian Sick spoke to her in a column: The plural . Of course, is the plural of 'Locus ' " loci" (p. 70), as well as in other Latin origin nouns like ' mode', 'anus ' or 'stimulus '.
The plural of ' gravitational Nexus' is not the same in reverse "Gravitationsnexi " (p. 71) However, since he, like other words such as ' status', 'habitus ' or ' census ' with expanded is 'u' is formed. But now is probably the real Korinthenkackerei and I should kindly be glad that it at least no ' Gravitationsnexusse ' have become, especially since the issue no later than ' cactus', 'abacus ' and ' applesauce ' hard to keep will begin. How can that be only when a translator at some times of the plural ' Nagus ' must form?

anachronisms : Biggest sticking point of this work is the overwhelming number of anachronisms, of which the most results but that later formed the series described here can be like an annoying worm Vulkanierbild crush, show up on the other hand, however, 'normal' error, which would have prevented. (. Cf. p. 146f)
would example, Duane, the idea of a chemical language acquisition terminals can - implausible future, in the face of which even the Babel Fish from Douglas Adams '" Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy " as scientifically sound theory can be considered.
is also pre-empted much of the action is so important computer with an independent personality (see p. 366). Not only is the author of "Terminator " "2001: A Space Odyssey" or the works of the Star Trek sympathizers Asimov seems to have learned nothing, no, that terrible device is somehow Data , or rather, his emotion chip in question. Also, the Holodeck on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A (see p. 91) seems indeed to the TAS episode " desert jokes " to agree, however, contradicts the actual implementation of this technology in TNG. These kinds
Zeitüberwürfnisse but are on the agenda. So the U.S. still have a President (p. 355), Centaureaner are a separate species (p. 336) and Leonard McCoy gets the middle name "Edward " (p. 195), although the initial letter was his middle name to " The Search for Spock " yet entered with "H.".
looks similar with Baseball . The baseball championship of 2180 (see p. 353) is certainly in contrast to the DS9 episode " power of the imagination", claiming that is, that even the last 2042 World Series of this sport was played.
strangeness triggers this sentence from page 367 of:

" course is often pointed out that hybrids between different species impossible. "

If it did, would not only Spock, but also very important people like Deanna Troi , K'Ehleyr , B'Elanna Torres Naomi Wildman or never see the light of a world (or a space ship seen) - a serious loss if Duane would apply the words.
that this circumstance occurs in no way, you can already see two almost-traditional faults. On the one turns to the people who should have really long since dispensed with money, too much about the filthy lucre (see p. 7, p. 14, p. 15, p. 20, p. 21, p. 24 , P. 25, p. 26, p. 44, p. 147, p. 148, p. 247, p. 250, p. 301, p. 302, p. 383, p. 394). On the other acts and the use of paper (see p. 15, p. 199 or p. 329) is extremely antiquated, and that is on earth at that time still fall back on internal combustion engines (see p. 352), appears just in terms of Tom Paris 'comments on cars in "The 37 " nonsensical.
With the timing information it one way or the other tricky thing. Several indications suggest that the events according to the third (p. 61), after the fourth (see p. 33) even after the fifth movie (see p. 44) took place. Only on the sixth film of the series can be found (obviously) in the 1988 book, no references. It is no wonder simply that Sulu still on the USS Enterprise is used, although the recent large-scale maintenance of the ship at the beginning of the book would be the perfect time to finally take up the first own command of the USS Excelsior .
If only it were this small inconsistency, one could see over it deliberately. But pretty much all times of this work are simply wrong!
If you read about that Sarek was present in 2180 no longer long held baseball championship (P. 353) and the major Terran-Vulcan mitgestaltete Trade Agreement of 2192 (see p. 357), one wonders already. After all, Sarek was not born until 2165, it already witness with fifteen years as a member of the diplomatic corps, is perhaps a touch too much a child prodigy.
The extremely detailed biography Sarek accordingly has more gaps. Why the grandson Solkar the earth is so strange? Solkar was loud crossword puzzles in "The walkway " after all, the first Vulcan ambassador on earth! As should be descendant of the planet know something.
tried Why would Amanda Grayson Sarek in the face because so much English translations by volcanic (see p. 362), whose own father when Skon even someday the teachings of Surak (probably correctly) into English was, as can be in "Two Days and Two Risa " just to see?
And where is ever Sybok , the elder brother of Spock? But not only
Sarek alone, but his whole species is here in such a dressing down. Therefore, it is perhaps time to time, here and now publicly to break a lance:
I thought that was great in the series Enterprise designed Vulkanierbild!
the arrogance, monitoring, and distrust were suitable traits for driven by the logic of species. The evolution from stellar control freaks, to equal founding partners was exciting and the mitanzusehen Mentorentum the Vulcans against the smelly earthlings pepper has spread into the action.
Vulkanierbild this novel is the contrast, despite far too exaggerated mental powers often dull, boring and bland. Direct pity that Duane was able to connect 1988, not both worlds! After all, separated for more than a decade and book series.
cross Almost inevitably, therefore, both of their blades.
seems For example, the alleged laziness of the Vulcans strange journey (cf. p. 100f.) - Would eventually into the ranks of the to find long-lived species, many witnesses (such as T'Pau) for that era be visited in the volcanic ships the universe!
behaves similar with the statement that, compared to Earth Andor prepare the grünblütigen logic fanatics no problems (p. 163) and the volcanic lead article (p. 191) suggests in this context, inappropriately, that the Vulcans never potential military conflict resolution served. On untreffendsten
brings it on pages 294 and 295 pill before a collection of Vulcans to the point:

"We people. A particularly difficult case. An aggressive, nasty and unpleasant species - It still managed to venture into space and to make friends with other nations [...]"

So far, so true, but then the all-important slot follows: "[...]

without you before asking for advice. "

saw that, starting with Jonathan Archer , probably all people of the twenty-second century different. Over one hundred Lenzen-long domination of mankind by the Vulcans, which was after all in Henry Archer a prominent victim is probably just as memorable in the collective memory of people implanted, as the dastardly attack on the Erdbotschaft in "The attack . This rate used by Romulans and Vulcans plot in any case contradicted the assertion that it would stick, no human blood on volcanic hands (cf. p. 299).
By and large, similar to the highly emotional Vulcans (especially Sarek), this book seems to be renegade V'tosh ka'tur of "merger", and have little to do with the emotional control to thoughtful people.
Most of these errors affect the subplot to the volcano's secession, which is replaced by this accumulation of inconsistencies unsightly cracks. But as they are already the vernachlässigungswürdigste Part of the novel is, they are no longer significant.
Therefore, the sad climax, that the chapter devoted Surak " volcano: Six " can also be found here with the sown by Enterprise canon no common denominator.
Jonathan Archer, even briefly support the Katra Surak has taken in his visions of the aging philosopher. In the "Awakenings" picture painted is quite different from those described in this chapter. Very central, is that the threat of volcanic activity time of the saints is not anti-matter weapons (see p. 304ff.), But the simple existence of nuclear weapons on the planet. It comes to see clearly even to fire such weapons - a turn that this lame portion of the work would have done well.
Well maybe for the story, of course, less well for the planet itself after misrepresentations in Sarek, the Vulcan Surak in itself, and finally, the home of all these beings may not be missing.
Here it is, however, rather the eleventh feature film, with its images of descriptions such as building height of less (see p. 202) or lack of life on other planets in the system refuted (p. 75, Delta Vega !). Especially the population of six billion can be in this alternative time line is difficult with the least 14 billion people in government accounts, here the dictum "The desert lives " give unexpected shades of meaning.
Finally, it should also be noted that already in the introductory description on the early history of the planet (see p. 78) that the interventions proto-humanoids , whose program in the TNG episode "The Chase" laid the groundwork for humanoid life remain unmentioned.
The anachronisms are listed here but only the tip of the iceberg. It is the nature of things that can be found at such an early work of many errors, so I had to limit myself to a selection.
Accordingly, the completeness, noted that the contradictions go even to other books. This turns T'Khut in "Sarek " just T'Rukh, T'Pring working in "Spock " non-conciliatory and the contradictions Shatner " The Avenger" is sometimes reported only marginal .
All in all, the vast amounts of false information to the reading pleasure is detrimental, because the right to tell the story of a world without conflict with the canon in one book, this novel does not do justice.

Conclusion: "Spock's World" is an extraordinary Book that provides a unique insight into the history of a founding member of the Federation.
But leaving the ravages of time traces in the work: anachronisms gnaw like caries on molars of the act, and the many new information that has existed in the various new series since 1988, leaving a hollowed-out ivory tower that only superficially stable to seems. Odd, because the first chapter on the history volcano are among the most readable, which has to offer Star Trek literature.

Memorable quotes :

" captean Ar an t-arthaigh to rhealtai Eachtra. "
An Irishman, p. 22

"Go maire tú bhfad agus rath. "
Renny, p. 26

" We are also not a completely unified people as mankind. "
Spock, p. 59

" doctor in the Vulcan language is the word for 'idiot' back to a composite expression that "He who does not participate in public debates' back. "
Spock, p. 64

" All doctors are detectives. At least those who are good something. "
McCoy, p. 335

Review: Strong started waned considerably.



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