Destiny 02: Ordinary Mortals
Mack Book Review, David: Ordinary mortals. cross cult 2008/2010.
Story: Although the second volume of the Destiny trilogy directly to the predecessor " gods of the night ', since reducing the quantity of the main plot lines to three:
first After the destruction of Caeliar homeworld and involuntary time travel into the past will set back the omnipotent super being the Clock to zero. They rolled up their sleeves and looking at the vastness of the Milky Way for a new home planet.
However, their potential new Remain a number of criteria: isolation, M-Class , no signs of intelligent life and so on and so forth.
aid is given to the chief scientist Inyx from one direction, from which he had not expected: Erika Hernandez, the leader of the people who were basically responsible for the planetary disaster, gives valuable support.
their surviving colleagues see in this kind of occupational therapy to their former captain, however, nothing more than KOLLOBORATION with the enemy and over the following many years of captivity from the aging woman more and more of their comrades. As one by one the advancing age in their own way pays tribute and finally caved in, including Hernandez, than death by looking at her too, a real pact with the devil ...
second The USS Titan and crew members share following its discovery of the new home of the world Caeliar the fate of their preliminary visit by the USS Columbia NX-02 : Against her will she be imprisoned for the continuity of the insulation.
While the ship and most of the crew are held in orbit experience, an outdoor party with live, led by the first officer Christine Vale, a position at which their keepers are true miracles.
With all due respect for the technical achievements of Caeliar is developing a flight plan, the top priority for the team on the surface. And indeed, they succeed in their 'hosts' to a trick and put her in spite of the continuous monitoring of risky projects into action. Far come KERU, Tuvok and the other not yet Troi . Inyx itself is continuing its efforts to an abrupt end and confiscated the Tricorder, which until now they were allowed to carry with you.
This is time for acute factor, as the wife of the captain not only suffers the deprivation of liberty. Her failed pregnancy leads to such acute problems that Dr. Ree intervene immediately in order to save at least the life of the Captain's wife ...
third : Meanwhile, Captain Dax and Captain Picard found each other - of course, purely official. Together they discover that the fog Azur a kind of hub for a number of hidden Subraumtunneln. At the end of these passages waiting Borg and from there take their constant attacks against the territory of the Federation . While hurriedly
a fleet of their vessels and those of allied armed forces rounded up to the war zone in the Delta Quadrant shift should investigate the USS Aventine and the USS Enterprise an input to the next to make those creeping trace, which is used by the Borg.
But the last joint trip threatens to end the trip together hastily. A Squadron of Hirogen approaches and some of the yield-hungry hunter extreme being taken on board the two Starfleet ships ...
praiseworthy aspects : Of course it is sometime tiring to sing a hymn of praise after another David Mack , but if you are honest, you have noticed already that this man is a kind Stephen King at the Star Trek novel hacks - perhaps not necessarily a candidate for the Nobel literature prize, but at least someone who can offer really interesting stories.
As in King's novel are also tension and terror close to each other and make it extremely difficult for the reader to escape the spell of this story. Radical fanatics-Borg, hunting or self-obsessed killer Hirogen the rescue attempt of the titanium-country group are living testimonies of successful power generation. The plot suggests hook like a rabbit on the run, with one limitation, of course, have to admit that the level of the first part is not reached.
This is first and foremost, however, less of Mack, as a lot more to the fact that the second Parts of trilogies general, tend to the characters, their relationships and their background in detail to illuminate. This may be about to Lord of the Rings in 'The Two Towers "in Star Wars in" The Empire Strikes Back "or Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's of the universe" . guess
If you put then on this scale, you realize quickly that constitute the story to Erika Hernandez and the Caeliar the real crown jewels of this work. The golden cage held in the heroine of the novel deals with her Stockholm syndrome apart compared to those species that to the radical depletion contributes partly to blame. The tragedy of her life and the almost Faustian continuation of their existence is the culmination of clever nested action.
The Stockholm syndrome live on site at the track (Archive recording)
And if we are on the moral, then must not be missing the subject of sex. is already on the cover of the German version of the clearly discernable nipples of the main character, the component of copulation more than clear. This continues at the plant. As open as never before in a Star Trek novel set women apart here with their sexual needs (See p. 115 ff.) And even Geordi and Worf should keep toweling (see p. 127ff.) And sado-masochistic fantasies (see p. 208ff.) Live without any of the readers to any sex acts taking part. This is a step further away from the image of the nerd franchise and even a few floors above the sad level to increase by much too tight corsets for Jeri Ryan the ratings of Voyager. But
return from us, from these heights to look back to Mack!
One fact makes the work of the author in particular (difficult). Unlike his colleagues, King needs to calculate that is a whole universe, that his creative scope strict limits. But Mack appears in the canon as the fish in the water to swim. Skillfully, he has been setting the evidence to the knowledge of many details in the series such as TOS, S. (p. 291), TNG (see p. 174), DS9 (see p. 231) or Voyager (cf. 167 ) a.
But that is not enough! The information from previous books such as "The Laws of the Federation " (p. 90), " hero" (p. 98) or revelation "(p. 126) found their inclusion. It is certainly advantageous to know the content of these works, to capture the larger context of action in its entirety can. Extremely
I was able to deal with the novel series " Vanguard", which is one we all know, to my great favorites. One of the main person responsible for this series - as it should be otherwise - that David Mack, who also created the Destiny trilogy.
logical that he can not take it, miteinzubringen be 'child'. But even more successful than the brief reference by Tholian ambassador (see p. 236) was the link to Jetanien. The rigellianische Chelone who earns as chief diplomat at the station for a living, that comes from a species about which one can only learn very little, since the only Appearance of the beings in the official canon of only a few seconds of the first feature film extended. At Vanguard, the species continues to receive a background and transported Mack Destiny. For a hint of contact poisons at Jetanien in "Open Secrets " deadly serious here (see p. 380) is.
But not only the more recent works are considered. Even older, now dusty reference books of the Star Trek antiquity such as "The Worlds of the Federation " or the "Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual " find the mention of a Kaferianers (see p. 331) and a ship with the name of Saladin (p. 363) a fitting tribute.
Mack ventured even farther out, because on page 107 can be a cross-reference related to a series, which itself stands out with more frequent allusions to Star Trek. The 'brown sound ' from the South Park episode " now that's music to the ears . This loan fits very well into the kind of humor, which at one point or another is always a noticeable.
is the most beautiful of all references given, however Germany: Its capital, Berlin, from Star Trek rather as 'also-rans' out shall not at this point the status of the headquarters of the Gorn Ambassador!
Why Gorn calculated Berlin elect their message site, will probably forever her secret remain
criticisms made aspects : As indicated earlier, the movement is not exciting, however, has compared to "gods of the night "clearly slowed down. Sometimes the act languishes in anticipation of future developments, something to himself.
raid like the more work since the last fifty pages, in which not only Hirogen, but finally, the Borg are placed in the spotlight. Their absence seems that is quite strange, because although their berserker-like incident into the territory of the Federation is the main subject of the entire trilogy, clutching their local performances at the beginning and end of the book more of an act whose undeniable Caeliar the Stars and their hostage Erika Hernandez.
Rarer enemy: the new Borg
Their descriptions seem attracted too much attention from the view of the established characters. Picard, Dax, LaForge, Crusher , Worf and even Chakotay are at best pale images of themselves and the long stringy strands around them lead quite inevitably to focus attention on the unequal move their adventures on New Erigol to focus.
not even know to convince the newly introduced characters, even if Jasminder Choudhoury coupled with Worf (or beats), Kadohata her family advised to seek refuge in a hippie commune (see p. 273ff.) T'Ryssa or place a single meaningless appearance can boast three of them (see p. 73f., p. 331 or p. 366).
In their hatred of the former Borg drone act Picard and Seven of Nine be united, but the display of hatred and hopelessness does not fit right into the picture of the two who should know best by its mere existence, that resistance is not just futile.
And then there's the vexing issue War. In Star Trek, the whole galaxy full of new worlds, unknown life forms and new civilizations. It contains enough already exploring all the potential for numerous Star Trek novels.
Instead, you have once again serve the life-threatening thrill of a galactic war for keeping the reader in line. Null and void acts of acting out of date bias TNG . characterized by almost prophetic foresight the sorrowful words appear in Picard's Star Trek IX :
" Can anyone still recall the time when we were still researchers? "
Even the spirit of the new Titan Books series , After all the wars again increased the exploration of the still much to be paid to unknown galaxy, is out with the involvement of the research vessel USS Titan ad absurdum.
Not to mention the fact that this is lost an important component of the flair of Star Trek, so wirlich new is all this still does not.
The war against the Borg is not much difference in quality than quantity of TNG and Voyager, the risk for physical love with Worf is nearly identical, in "Dangerous Liaisons " strongly and by foreign powers possessed crew members (see p. 214) were alone at TNG at least three times (" The mysterious force "," Power Play "and" evidence )
The only bright spot in this series are thus the Caliar that stand out from a gray mush.
translation : It took me quite a bit of Absstraktion and English skills to be able to identify the " azure mist " (p. 11) as the same stellar object that in " Flashback " nor " Azure Nebula "was pronounced differently. Now, it speaks volumes
course, if what I have to criticize the first is a booger fact being treated much better here than in a series. For
here other than a forgotten question mark (see p. 122), a quote as unnecessary (see p. 231) or a missing point there (see p. 234 or p. 346) is not much to criticize what would be.
Well, maybe three small things: The plural of
Schott was in Star Trek in its German Synchronization Star Treks commonly made with " bulkhead " and not "foreclose -" (p. 19).
may open " foreign aid" (p. 236) to use in today's political life fit, but in a world in which nations outdated and negotiate with each other all the civilizations, but he has plenty of antiquated.
That suddenly Crusher and Worf name basis (see p. 208ff.), While it after all the common service time to understand, but seems strange, when you're through the years Siezen in different series so misguided.
far, so worthy of neglect.
especially when you consider the scope of this work, namely, one can not be certified here the translator Stephanie margins really good job.
anachronisms: the poverty of translation defects continues in the anachronisms. If you want wirlich find something, you have go back a long way.
But even then, more than a half means a microscopically small error to find.
On page 236 we read of " barbed tail " the Tholian ambassador. Now there was in the course of all Star Trek series and movies only a single opportunity to make a Tholian at all to see. In the Enterprise two-parter " The dark side of the mirror " you can make up for a few seconds, a member of this species, which despite its use of slow motion and still pictures I could make on any of a tail-let alone a barbed.
has rather amused me, the apparently derived from the German-speaking Manfred Vogel . Apart from the gloomy prospect for the future in which mothers give their sons again this cruel names, I know that name very well:
Manfred Vogel was in fact in 1975 for the FC Chemie Halle scorer of the DDR-Oberliga .
Conclusion: The second part of the Destiny trilogy, lost in comparison to its predecessor, a bit of wind and the expected development of relations between the figures remains partially. With truly new ideas is more economical to Mack.
sparingly, perhaps, but at least it extensively. Light lining on the horizon and supporting beams of this work is in fact the story line by Erika Hernandez and the Caeliar who wins in this volume, particularly at depth.
Memorable quotes :
" But you know what they say: The rank is like sex - it changes everything. "
Ezri Dax, p. 25
" you talk as if you want to sell me a used car. Come directly to the risks "
Erika Hernandez, 262
" The commanding a starship is like telling jokes, number one. Timing is everything. "
Picard, p. 388
Review: Successful Caeliar novel.
Further reading list :
Destiny 01: gods of the night
Destiny 02: ordinary mortals
Destiny 03: Lost Souls
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