Cyclic disasters occurring there for hundreds of millions
Munich (press releases) - An unusually versatile artist is presented with the Internet address convincing sample of his Work before: the graphic designer Jürgen Fiege from Munich. The services provided by Jürgen Fiege Design "includes the successful design of software, websites, DVD and CD-ROM, corporate identity, exhibitions, plans and materials. Agencies also due to holidays, illness or training are possible.
the Internet addresses and . pdf find featured e-books with information about illustration and layout. Who beautifully designed printed materials (flyers, brochures, postcards, business cards), other virtual objects or Products is planned, with Jürgen Fiege on the safe side!
And that says Jürgen Fiege about:
Jürgen Fiege "On the border" as a dialogue
Any calligraphy "calligraphy" was a conversation with myself, with my situation, things, ideas and events me busy. Each "calligraphy" will talk to her viewer - a dialogue. It makes sense for me to talk about something that you can see on first glance, about thoughts, about fascinations. . . I will not speak of a landscape, but about what I feel when I stand in this landscape. I want to talk about something I have no words.
A photograph captures the moment of an optical event, and I will capture the moment of an emotional, mental, spiritual state. Any calligraphy can open a door to other ideas, alternatives, thinking of other things. Subversive is to show that there is something else.
I use an old technique to challenge ways of seeing and thinking. My thoughts get through the brush a body.
On my Pinselweg, in search of truth, reality, life, reason and autonomy, I enter border areas. This is where truth and Lie, people and animals, war and peace, men and women, adults and children, chaos and order. I busied myself with the language of human bodies to get to understand them. I created characters to express it to you to tell me to find a different language. I am fascinated by Chinese characters that can express myself for more than a deputy to be for spoken word. I am fascinated by graffiti on the walls, not because an established company is excited about it, but because I recognize the fact language. I am fascinated by dance as a deliberate body language.
If you have no more language, one must develop in order to be to see for yourself.
Jürgen Fiege
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Learning To Suck Own Cock
Sponsors: - "Account for advertising on" Twitter "
Walter-Jörg Langbein Machu Pichhu
interview with author Walter-Jörg Langbein
Question: Mr. Langbein, recently you have been in the television show "World of Wonders" questioned on biblical errors. Is the critical use of the Bible, the focus of your publications?
Answer: The focus is not there. Appeared 32 years ago my first book, "astronaut gods." Meanwhile I have my 30th Nonfiction submitted: "2012 -" Miracles and a new beginning / The Message of the Mayas. So I plow a wide range ...
question: are books on the topic "2012" there are many ... What makes your book different?
Answer: It is already a number of works to the ominous year 2012 has been thrown on the market. And yet some works will follow. I fear that most of these titles will be gone by 2013 into oblivion ... as is done with books about the supposed doomsday 1999th
My book evokes no doomsday ahead of an allegedly by the Mayans predicted the exact date. I am convinced that the Mayans have left a real message ...
devoted 32 years ago, my first book the "dänikenschen gods" who came from space to Earth. In my 30th Book I return - generally after a few theological works - back to my roots. And while I look toward the future.
question: will go under the world do you think 2012?
Answer: I am firmly convinced of it: Our planet is threatened by the apocalyptic disaster that can always befall our little world. The exact date we do not know. He was also the Maya unknown.
It is an important decision: Do we accept that at some point all life is extinguished on Terra? Do we accept that the man should be less than a small footnote in the history of the universe? Or do we want the earth Life continues? If we choose the second alternative, then we must act as quickly as possible. We have to drive space exploration, space travel massively ahead. We have already possible to begin to develop giant space arks can take place with those of the next exodus out into the depths of space ... while life goes on Earth!
Question: So you think 2012 means not the end of humanity?
Answer: The Mayans were the rumbling of the volcano in eastern Ilopango Salvador around the year 250 AD to escape in time. The disaster accelerated the development of their culture significantly. If it the outbreak of the super volcano under the "Yellowstone National Park" comes, it will then run for millions of people at risk? Many Mayans were able to escape in time of the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse of American super volcano, but will catch up with fleeing on foot with ease in an inferno that will cover the whole continent. There
Cyclic occurring disasters it for hundreds of millions of years. Cyclically repeated in the history of life: not only on Earth but throughout the cosmos!
* Question: Do you combine Mayan knowledge of the future with the "Astronaut Gods" of humanity ...
Answer: Yes! In mists were gigantic "space bikes" from space to Earth. Alien beings traveled to earth in shuttles. Whether their apparent omnipotence, they were immortalized in epics and myths of ancient peoples as "gods". If you believe the great religions of the world, then there were these astronauts gods that initiated life on planet Earth. They were the first people - as a scientific experiment.
started many thousands of people to conquer planet Earth. They explored the first closer home, it's own country. Finally, they explored their own continent and crossed mountains and seas. Eventually, all countries were explored, all the rivers ride, exploring all the oceans, climbed all the mountains. In our days the first humans left Planet Earth. They visited the moon. Soon people will return to the moon. Soon be heading off to Mars.
* Question: What is your opinion, the knowledge of the Mayans to the future of mankind?
Answer: I would venture a prediction! Eventually it will come about, that people leave our solar system: once as the "astronaut gods" for thousands of years of deep space to Earth came.
be some point gigantic spacecraft to orbit rotating around its own axis, the earth like giant satellites. Then they become our Leave the solar system, passing through the cosmos. There will be separate worlds, follow where generation after generation. People are the pioneers in a long-running travel space.
If my prediction too bold? Why should people dare to step into the unknown of the future? As the scientific curiosity of the people can always overcome new frontiers, including the border into space! We are going to exceed this limit! And there's a reason: Because there are on planet Earth as on any other world in the universe, a generally applicable law.
* Question: A general law ...?
Answer: There is no law in book ... and is still followed. No one has written on tablets of clay or PC programs. And yet it is the law of the universe, obey the elementary as well as humans. Everything obeys the law of expansion. The most primitive animals such as the galaxy, all striving for expansion.
once - ten to twenty billion years - the entire universe was compressed to a point. With the Big Bang, it is expanded. It expanded. New this view is not. In ancient
offers covering the ancient Chinese mythology an amazing exactly accurate description of the universe before the Big Bang. In the age-old language of mythology is expressed, what today's science the Big Bang, no less mythological terms: "In the beginning was the great cosmic egg. In the egg was chaos, and chaos hovered P'an Ku, non-developed, the divine embryo. P'an Ku and burst forth from the egg. "
This law also followed some 300 million years ago now lurchähnliche inhabitants of the seas. They left the familiar, pleasant living environment of water. They crept out of Paradise to the - in their view, hostile - dry land. Why? Was there a run on the sea shore? Probably not, because life in the new environment was still more dangerous than in the familiar surroundings!
question: Is not that pure Speculation?
Answer: No way! Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger (1913-2008) was a renowned nuclear, electrical engineering and rocket scientists. The German-born immigrant to the USA, became an American citizen. At NASA he was "Associate Director for Science." Dr. Stuhlinger, "We know from observations on Earth, that living organisms, they are unique will exploit every opportunity to develop, adapt to spread" Life was just wide.. An inner compulsion next?
The original forms of life lived in the oceans. Were it not for the urge to transcend all boundaries ... would be a "country living things man" never emerged. Our Vorvorfahren lived in the water. They breathed with gills, not lungs. The ideal setting of our Urururahnen was water. And yet they slowly conquered the country. They had to give up a paradise in order to survive in hell. Instead of floating weightless in the water, they had to slow plod on land. Heat scorched them the skin, cold beat biting wounds. Deadly dangers lurking, it was not in the aquatic environment, and yet, the step from the usual marine habitat occurred on land.
had this urge Without the expansion, the oldest form of life not the new dangers of rural life exposed. But then would never crabs, birds and mammals arose. Then life would have remained in the water. Sun exhausting this move was, he not only brought disadvantages. A whole new world opened up to for life. Found the animal "pioneers" who were crawling on land, such a thing as happiness? Did they have the freedom of choice? Or are they forced the law of expansion to conquer the new world of drought? As hundreds of millions of years life out of the sea came ashore, the man will leave Planet Earth and the seemingly endless "sea" to penetrate the universe.
The earth is our cradle. But who wants the baby stage ? Endure We humans can not stay in the cradle. We will leave it. Our home is not in the center of the universe. It is an insignificant "an unimportant planet in the solar system," the edge of the universe. The order of the expansion will force us, as far as possible to penetrate into infinity. On board of giant space cities to explore the life of the earth ... All the even if it takes forever.
question: The law of expansion do you see as universal?
Answer: Exactly. It is my belief after all. Not only do we urge people to follow this expansion. In other words, space is a natural stage of development of life. Dr. Stuhlinger, "Will the people also run space alien? . - Without a doubt, once they are in their technical development progressed far enough, "
* Question: Do you develop a picture of the future ...
Answer: It is ... Some day be descendants of people who left once in huge space cities the earth to reach other planets. What will they do? It depends on the conditions prevailing on other worlds. Maybe they will "create to" dead worlds the conditions for life. Maybe they will create primitive life. Maybe they will make intelligent primitive life ... and remembered as creator gods from space in the myths and sacred texts of the far-off worlds. Your creatures are themselves as "children of the gods." Eventually, the gods, their ancestors came from the earth will continue to travel through space. And at some point the "children of the gods" to their home planet have explored ... and want to follow the "gods" from outer space in the universe!
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Oberth was convinced that any intelligence will eventually operate space travel. The father of space travel ("man in space," p. 301): "Because that's the goal: to conquer up to life every place where there are and can continue to grow, to enliven any inanimate world and every living to make sense. "
In ancient times a giant time cycle began on planet Earth when life left in the most primitive form of the seas and walked on land. The next time cycle, with the exodus of life - start to space ... - human, animal, plant in giant space arks ... if we wish. The choice is ours: continuation of life in the universe ... or the end of all life on planet Earth at some point. And can "this" sometime occur very much earlier than even pessimists feared.
Question: And you? If you are more pessimistic?
Answer: I am an optimist but I believe in the future of life in space! I hope that join together the leading nations of our planet and develop the technology that leads us into space. The common search for the way into space can for the first time create a real community on the planet ... We can and must recognize us as one people!
Langbein, Walter-Jörg: "2012 - end and new beginning: The message of the Mayas ", Munich 2009
order to:
Oberth, Hermann:" People in Space - New projects for missiles and space "Dusseldorf 1954
Stuhlinger, Ernst:" Earth has been visited by alien astronauts "in Khuon, Ernst von"? Were the gods of astronauts, "Dusseldorf, January 1971, p. 36-47
Walter-Jörg Langbein Machu Pichhu
interview with author Walter-Jörg Langbein
Question: Mr. Langbein, recently you have been in the television show "World of Wonders" questioned on biblical errors. Is the critical use of the Bible, the focus of your publications?
Answer: The focus is not there. Appeared 32 years ago my first book, "astronaut gods." Meanwhile I have my 30th Nonfiction submitted: "2012 -" Miracles and a new beginning / The Message of the Mayas. So I plow a wide range ...
question: are books on the topic "2012" there are many ... What makes your book different?
Answer: It is already a number of works to the ominous year 2012 has been thrown on the market. And yet some works will follow. I fear that most of these titles will be gone by 2013 into oblivion ... as is done with books about the supposed doomsday 1999th
My book evokes no doomsday ahead of an allegedly by the Mayans predicted the exact date. I am convinced that the Mayans have left a real message ...
devoted 32 years ago, my first book the "dänikenschen gods" who came from space to Earth. In my 30th Book I return - generally after a few theological works - back to my roots. And while I look toward the future.
question: will go under the world do you think 2012?
Answer: I am firmly convinced of it: Our planet is threatened by the apocalyptic disaster that can always befall our little world. The exact date we do not know. He was also the Maya unknown.
It is an important decision: Do we accept that at some point all life is extinguished on Terra? Do we accept that the man should be less than a small footnote in the history of the universe? Or do we want the earth Life continues? If we choose the second alternative, then we must act as quickly as possible. We have to drive space exploration, space travel massively ahead. We have already possible to begin to develop giant space arks can take place with those of the next exodus out into the depths of space ... while life goes on Earth!
Question: So you think 2012 means not the end of humanity?
Answer: The Mayans were the rumbling of the volcano in eastern Ilopango Salvador around the year 250 AD to escape in time. The disaster accelerated the development of their culture significantly. If it the outbreak of the super volcano under the "Yellowstone National Park" comes, it will then run for millions of people at risk? Many Mayans were able to escape in time of the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse of American super volcano, but will catch up with fleeing on foot with ease in an inferno that will cover the whole continent. There
Cyclic occurring disasters it for hundreds of millions of years. Cyclically repeated in the history of life: not only on Earth but throughout the cosmos!
* Question: Do you combine Mayan knowledge of the future with the "Astronaut Gods" of humanity ...
Answer: Yes! In mists were gigantic "space bikes" from space to Earth. Alien beings traveled to earth in shuttles. Whether their apparent omnipotence, they were immortalized in epics and myths of ancient peoples as "gods". If you believe the great religions of the world, then there were these astronauts gods that initiated life on planet Earth. They were the first people - as a scientific experiment.
started many thousands of people to conquer planet Earth. They explored the first closer home, it's own country. Finally, they explored their own continent and crossed mountains and seas. Eventually, all countries were explored, all the rivers ride, exploring all the oceans, climbed all the mountains. In our days the first humans left Planet Earth. They visited the moon. Soon people will return to the moon. Soon be heading off to Mars.
* Question: What is your opinion, the knowledge of the Mayans to the future of mankind?
Answer: I would venture a prediction! Eventually it will come about, that people leave our solar system: once as the "astronaut gods" for thousands of years of deep space to Earth came.
be some point gigantic spacecraft to orbit rotating around its own axis, the earth like giant satellites. Then they become our Leave the solar system, passing through the cosmos. There will be separate worlds, follow where generation after generation. People are the pioneers in a long-running travel space.
If my prediction too bold? Why should people dare to step into the unknown of the future? As the scientific curiosity of the people can always overcome new frontiers, including the border into space! We are going to exceed this limit! And there's a reason: Because there are on planet Earth as on any other world in the universe, a generally applicable law.
* Question: A general law ...?
Answer: There is no law in book ... and is still followed. No one has written on tablets of clay or PC programs. And yet it is the law of the universe, obey the elementary as well as humans. Everything obeys the law of expansion. The most primitive animals such as the galaxy, all striving for expansion.
once - ten to twenty billion years - the entire universe was compressed to a point. With the Big Bang, it is expanded. It expanded. New this view is not. In ancient
offers covering the ancient Chinese mythology an amazing exactly accurate description of the universe before the Big Bang. In the age-old language of mythology is expressed, what today's science the Big Bang, no less mythological terms: "In the beginning was the great cosmic egg. In the egg was chaos, and chaos hovered P'an Ku, non-developed, the divine embryo. P'an Ku and burst forth from the egg. "
This law also followed some 300 million years ago now lurchähnliche inhabitants of the seas. They left the familiar, pleasant living environment of water. They crept out of Paradise to the - in their view, hostile - dry land. Why? Was there a run on the sea shore? Probably not, because life in the new environment was still more dangerous than in the familiar surroundings!
question: Is not that pure Speculation?
Answer: No way! Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger (1913-2008) was a renowned nuclear, electrical engineering and rocket scientists. The German-born immigrant to the USA, became an American citizen. At NASA he was "Associate Director for Science." Dr. Stuhlinger, "We know from observations on Earth, that living organisms, they are unique will exploit every opportunity to develop, adapt to spread" Life was just wide.. An inner compulsion next?
The original forms of life lived in the oceans. Were it not for the urge to transcend all boundaries ... would be a "country living things man" never emerged. Our Vorvorfahren lived in the water. They breathed with gills, not lungs. The ideal setting of our Urururahnen was water. And yet they slowly conquered the country. They had to give up a paradise in order to survive in hell. Instead of floating weightless in the water, they had to slow plod on land. Heat scorched them the skin, cold beat biting wounds. Deadly dangers lurking, it was not in the aquatic environment, and yet, the step from the usual marine habitat occurred on land.
had this urge Without the expansion, the oldest form of life not the new dangers of rural life exposed. But then would never crabs, birds and mammals arose. Then life would have remained in the water. Sun exhausting this move was, he not only brought disadvantages. A whole new world opened up to for life. Found the animal "pioneers" who were crawling on land, such a thing as happiness? Did they have the freedom of choice? Or are they forced the law of expansion to conquer the new world of drought? As hundreds of millions of years life out of the sea came ashore, the man will leave Planet Earth and the seemingly endless "sea" to penetrate the universe.
The earth is our cradle. But who wants the baby stage ? Endure We humans can not stay in the cradle. We will leave it. Our home is not in the center of the universe. It is an insignificant "an unimportant planet in the solar system," the edge of the universe. The order of the expansion will force us, as far as possible to penetrate into infinity. On board of giant space cities to explore the life of the earth ... All the even if it takes forever.
question: The law of expansion do you see as universal?
Answer: Exactly. It is my belief after all. Not only do we urge people to follow this expansion. In other words, space is a natural stage of development of life. Dr. Stuhlinger, "Will the people also run space alien? . - Without a doubt, once they are in their technical development progressed far enough, "
* Question: Do you develop a picture of the future ...
Answer: It is ... Some day be descendants of people who left once in huge space cities the earth to reach other planets. What will they do? It depends on the conditions prevailing on other worlds. Maybe they will "create to" dead worlds the conditions for life. Maybe they will create primitive life. Maybe they will make intelligent primitive life ... and remembered as creator gods from space in the myths and sacred texts of the far-off worlds. Your creatures are themselves as "children of the gods." Eventually, the gods, their ancestors came from the earth will continue to travel through space. And at some point the "children of the gods" to their home planet have explored ... and want to follow the "gods" from outer space in the universe!
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Oberth was convinced that any intelligence will eventually operate space travel. The father of space travel ("man in space," p. 301): "Because that's the goal: to conquer up to life every place where there are and can continue to grow, to enliven any inanimate world and every living to make sense. "
In ancient times a giant time cycle began on planet Earth when life left in the most primitive form of the seas and walked on land. The next time cycle, with the exodus of life - start to space ... - human, animal, plant in giant space arks ... if we wish. The choice is ours: continuation of life in the universe ... or the end of all life on planet Earth at some point. And can "this" sometime occur very much earlier than even pessimists feared.
Question: And you? If you are more pessimistic?
Answer: I am an optimist but I believe in the future of life in space! I hope that join together the leading nations of our planet and develop the technology that leads us into space. The common search for the way into space can for the first time create a real community on the planet ... We can and must recognize us as one people!
Langbein, Walter-Jörg: "2012 - end and new beginning: The message of the Mayas ", Munich 2009
order to:
Oberth, Hermann:" People in Space - New projects for missiles and space "Dusseldorf 1954
Stuhlinger, Ernst:" Earth has been visited by alien astronauts "in Khuon, Ernst von"? Were the gods of astronauts, "Dusseldorf, January 1971, p. 36-47
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
How To Get Rid Of A Orange Juice Stain
Versatile artist for books searched
press release EBOZON
support new media projects by companies and private patrons increasingly popular
For entrepreneurs, private sponsors and supporters of new projects there is now a German on the space is still rather unknown form of support for media projects. Crowd funding for creative projects and more democracy in the arts and culture is the motto here. Creative financing together.
What exactly Crowdfunding?
The so-called Crowd Funding can Starter (artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, photographers, writers, journalists, ...) their projects can be funded by many individuals. In return, get the supporters (fans, friends, acquaintances, family, companies and sponsors) of the unique starter Thanks, such as signed copies of books or their names mentioned in the book and can be there first hand in the development of a project. Companies use the Crowd Funding for its cultural sponsorship and CSR marketing.
which projects should be supported?
As a young publisher with a motivated team Ebozon in 2009 went to the start. In the publication of new book projects of freelance writers and publishers, the publisher with the portal Ebozon the book market of digital books, eBooks in shaping the so-called successful.
Now the publication of the publishing program goes to the issue of print versions in a new round. News currently eight print-ready tracks from different authors are in the wings. In this case, the publisher in advance have costs such as for editing, proofreading, cover design through to print-ready document created and financed in advance. To realize the implementation of printing, sales and marketing, the publisher is now a new and innovative way of financing. Namely that of the Crowd Funding.
launches first project of publishing his new financial book "How to become a Millionaire." The prize of € 2,600 is now up to 03/15/2011 of private and commercial supporters of the independent and are collected on Crowdfunding oriented portal
The publisher hopes to see many many supporters and sponsors. Who likes the project would like to contribute to or promote this place, plus all other information and options on the dedicated website:
companies that are independent of the Crowd Funding in the book project with a want to contribute promotional circuit, can someone directly with the publishers to request the appropriate media data in combination.
press release EBOZON
support new media projects by companies and private patrons increasingly popular
For entrepreneurs, private sponsors and supporters of new projects there is now a German on the space is still rather unknown form of support for media projects. Crowd funding for creative projects and more democracy in the arts and culture is the motto here. Creative financing together.
What exactly Crowdfunding?
The so-called Crowd Funding can Starter (artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, photographers, writers, journalists, ...) their projects can be funded by many individuals. In return, get the supporters (fans, friends, acquaintances, family, companies and sponsors) of the unique starter Thanks, such as signed copies of books or their names mentioned in the book and can be there first hand in the development of a project. Companies use the Crowd Funding for its cultural sponsorship and CSR marketing.
which projects should be supported?
As a young publisher with a motivated team Ebozon in 2009 went to the start. In the publication of new book projects of freelance writers and publishers, the publisher with the portal Ebozon the book market of digital books, eBooks in shaping the so-called successful.
Now the publication of the publishing program goes to the issue of print versions in a new round. News currently eight print-ready tracks from different authors are in the wings. In this case, the publisher in advance have costs such as for editing, proofreading, cover design through to print-ready document created and financed in advance. To realize the implementation of printing, sales and marketing, the publisher is now a new and innovative way of financing. Namely that of the Crowd Funding.
launches first project of publishing his new financial book "How to become a Millionaire." The prize of € 2,600 is now up to 03/15/2011 of private and commercial supporters of the independent and are collected on Crowdfunding oriented portal
The publisher hopes to see many many supporters and sponsors. Who likes the project would like to contribute to or promote this place, plus all other information and options on the dedicated website:
companies that are independent of the Crowd Funding in the book project with a want to contribute promotional circuit, can someone directly with the publishers to request the appropriate media data in combination.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Monopoly Princess Directions
Kobayashi Maru
Book Review Ecklar, Julia : Kobayashi Maru. Heyne, 1989/1984.
Story: Captain Kirk sits firmly together with pill , Scotty, Sulu and Chekov in a damaged shuttle middle of a barren, rich asteroid system. The on-board systems have largely failed, two people injured and a contact for Enterprise is not possible. If none of the passengers, a sudden idea comes, how to make the mothership attention, facing a painful death, because the life support systems have only a limited period of sufficient energy to temperature, oxygen supply and toilet flushing to maintain.
thinks the course of this obvious conflict with the certain death not only to the legendary Kirk Kobayashi Maru test . In this scenario already cadets learn how to appropriately deal with the inevitable end. Too bad that the future captain of the Enterprise this challenge was never, because as anyone who " Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" has seen know he cheated as a young Starfleet trainee and became the only officer in the history Academy of who managed ever to pass the test.
He has indeed never been the real challenge, but at least an interesting story to tell. And because there is actually nothing better to do, also betrayed Chekov, Sulu and Scotty, as their corresponding tests were handled. But time, which remains the officers tend to deal with each anecdote more and more the inevitable end to ...
praiseworthy aspects : "Kobayashi Maru" is one of the gems of Star Trek literature, for there is no novel in the classic sense. Rather, it reminds
(away) works as the "Canterbury Tales " by Chaucer, the " Decameron" by Boccaccio or "The Haunted Castle " by Hauff :
A background story spans four smaller internal narratives in which the interested reader receives a glimpse of the youth of the individual figures.
Thus, for example, learn that Kirk laid during the tests in this time level is no false modesty on the day (see p. 23 and p. 45) that even in the friendly-looking Chekov a ruthless killer inserted (see p. 54 to S. 122) that dominates the Sulu folding origami cranes (see p. 140 to to S. 202) and that Scotty was initially forced against his true vocation in a command career (see p. 211 S . 236).
This retrospective fills the novel published in 1989 in the U.S. for the first time a niche from which refers to the later Starfleet cadets "series its continuation: the further illumination of the training history of each character. It passes "Kobayashi Maru", however the advantage that the focus is not restricted to a juvenile audience remains to akneanfälliges, but describes more sophisticated scenarios.
lies in a special attraction of the work, for not only the now almost proverbial Kobayashi Maru test is at the center, but the general slope of the Academy to devise very clever and challenging tests to ensure that the unsuspecting cadets at the border their exercise capacity to push. With appropriate methods was confronted later Wesley Crusher in " tests, and Chekov (see p. 66ff.) And Zulu (see p. 158ff.) Versions contain appropriate mind games.
The individual characters remain mostly at the level that you're used to in the TV series or the various movies. This is how the characters can occur in typical stereotypes: the justice-loving Kirk (see, eg, p. 34), Kirk deifying Chekov (see, eg, p. 54f.), The mischievous Sulu (see, eg, p.163) or the technophile Scotty (see, eg, p. 212). That would in itself a criticism, but the author succeeds, Developments of the cadets trained officer personality to make them visible. Will act the old Chekov relatively mature (see p. 48) and also the even older Scotty has benefit from his unique training command (see, eg, p. 129f.).
model Hikaru Sulu: folding paper to the unfolding of personality
especially the different approaches are evidence Kirk and Sulu on the Kobayashi Maru scenario of a totally different command understanding that, while not equal in bitchy small wars must end (as in the cast Shatner and Takei ), but well explained why the command style of the Captains of the Enterprise and the Excelsior different from each other.
All this happens of course not without a wink. In fact, there are many places where a pleasant sense of humor comes to light (see, eg, p. 103, p. 220 or p. 250). Only then does the book really about, because far too often prone to such review to take itself too seriously and sometimes even take for themselves, just to explain all the dark traits.
All in All "Kobayashi Maru" that is an excellent debut of writer Julia Ecklar . That their names not on another novel titles reading is, however, by no means the fact that their debut failed, but because they work for the Star Trek world of books later under a pseudonym continued: As LA Graf created them (along with others) works as "The ice fall" , "The Saboteur" or the Voyager pilot -Novel Lisa Transportation "The Protector".
criticisms made aspects: To be quite honest, "Kobayashi Maru" is not a book with a significant voltage curve. The background story while trying to create the illusion of danger, but since you know the latest on page 5 that the events between the movies one and two take place, may not pay real tenterhooks along really - after all, see all the crew members back, without prejudice, to protect the universe from Khan.
Not so the kicker: The background story to the endangered shuttle
However, it is also not the purpose of the work. Its significance lies rather in giving detailed information on Pre-and Early History of the figures. This works beautifully, but a passenger ferry has been cut out of crashed: Leonard McCoy.
The ship's doctor aboard the USS Enterprise is much too short in this book. Especially in light of the additional Scenarios that are presented in the book, it would have been interesting to see how it creates pill at the medical faculty, to perform a similar test of character - he was not only surgical but also on ethical area is always a luminary.
especially getting used to but is on the cover. The illustrated Kirk, Sulu and Scotty are at best vaguely similar - but also to learn from the early paperback covers ignore so quickly. Much more difficult to weigh the completely wrong uniforms worn by them. They are in fact from the early episodes like "The Cage " "The tip of the iceberg " or " poker games " removed and do not at all the uniforms from Star Trek one and two match (between which the plot of this book is based). Even if one tries to explain it by the cadet activities, ranging approximately in this period, one is taught by Finnegans apprentice outfit in "vacation land " better.
like a foreign body push himself to even the bulky structure between the disembodied heads that can be interpreted with great benevolence and a certain degree of literacy than Kobayashi Maru . While this ship has little resemblance to previous FASA interpretations (were the role-playing materials for many authors as a guide) on, but in a movie, it still somehow create the bulky design. The designers John Eaves and Alex Jaeger it served as one of the templates (or rather inspiration) for the tanker, which is, after briefly seen in Star Trek eleven o'clock.
translation: Who reads this work will have to stop to it, again and again to meet the so characteristic Heyne translation monsters. The ' Starfleet ' is called "Star Fleet "(P. 20) that the majority of ' Schott '" Scots "(p. 85) and when we're in a mirror universe home is from the species of ' people just jump to the " Terran .
This can be the eyes constantly on the various forms of " deactivate" (p. 8, p. 84, p. 91, p. 92, p. 100, p. 106, p. 110, p. 115 and p. 224) roll - which takes the disease with " destabil " (p. 231) ' unstable ' a sad further spread.
As if that would be punishment enough, rich those are completely nonsensical combinations of the handle in the hand that snatches the seriousness of these books again and again the ground under their feet:
where a "pocket Medo" (p. 46) and here even unintentionally funny " Medo- tape "(p. 78) - because you need to read almost the help of a willing ' Medo-sister ' consciousness-or at least ' Medo-icine '.
But that's not enough!
The show running free compositions useful spilling over to neighbors, and also forces the reader, whether true jewels of the translation satire as "Techno- Classification Map "(p. 81)," Erg cartridge "(p. 86) or" chemo-lantern "(p. 248) as quickly as possible to drive out from his memory.
Instead of such unnecessary creative expressions I would have preferred if translator Andreas Brandhorst more attention to the spelling of ' Altair ' (" altar ', p. 158),' cousin '(despite the old spelling had placed a "cousin ", p. 114) or "scenarios " (" scenario ', p. 158). Making Not everyone who completed a first aid course is to automatically sooner or later forced a heart massage and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in an acute emergency:
anachronisms. Rather, the learning of such techniques, a preparation for a possible stake. To that effect, I felt
Chekov this sentence on page 64 in its basic message is not such unnachvollziehbar:
" Ninety percent of the cadets will never take on board a space ship. "
But even if the approach is in itself quite nicely, the number perhaps a bit too high - especially when you compare how few people each year are ever admitted to the Starfleet Academy, and how many ships the organization maintains.
But it Ecklar on this point too well, takes one can already see from the fifth page. Namely, there is written that this book will play after the first movie and before the second. However, the degradation seems James T. Kirk, the fourth film in takes place, have long since decided, because already at that time Kirk is constantly " Captain" (from p. 8) rather than Admiral dubbed '.
confusing is the " The Academy in Tempe " (P. 155), for in the text, it seems like there is another branch of the training facility on the American continent.
was no less confusing the claim that there is a dialect called " Georgian Russian " (p. 84) because ' Georgian is "contrary to the also called Muscovites and modern Russian dialects of a language and has to Russian , if any, to contribute an accent.
wanted Or tell us the author with the fact that the Georgian language in a persistent Soviet Union the future would be extinct eventually to leave only a dialect in Russian? Was it intended as a parable on Welsh, Irish or Scottish English?
Either way, the time has secured the 1989's book long ago. The Soviet Union listened to exist in 1991; Georgia was in the same year as an independent state. Errors, such as the mention of Leningrad in the years 2268 and 2286 (since 1991 St. Petersburg called) remained preserved in books pages and celluloid.
Conclusion: No Action fireworks and not to the smallest detail to offer the sophisticated narrative box Readers of "Kobayashi Maru". The translation is not very convincing and most of the contradictions to the official canon is simply unnecessary.
And yet this book is highly recommended. It wipes out namely biographical gaps known Star Trek characters and gives the interested reader a look behind the scenes of the Starfleet training. It is a question of taste:
Who wants to be entertained, but will have less pleasure in this book, as someone who read books, to learn more about the famous faces from film and television.
Memorable quotes :
" The final Failure is the foundation of our universe. No matter from which angle you look at it Someone always loses. "
" nonsense. "
" If you win stopped, then someone else to lose, right? "
Constev and Kirk, p. 37
" I trust Spock. "
" Oh, I trust him too. My suspicion is primarily fate. "
Kirk and Pill, p. 135
" In politics it is the second oldest profession in the universe. "
Commodore Coan, P. 158
Rating: complex film frame narrative.
Book Review Ecklar, Julia : Kobayashi Maru. Heyne, 1989/1984.
Story: Captain Kirk sits firmly together with pill , Scotty, Sulu and Chekov in a damaged shuttle middle of a barren, rich asteroid system. The on-board systems have largely failed, two people injured and a contact for Enterprise is not possible. If none of the passengers, a sudden idea comes, how to make the mothership attention, facing a painful death, because the life support systems have only a limited period of sufficient energy to temperature, oxygen supply and toilet flushing to maintain.
thinks the course of this obvious conflict with the certain death not only to the legendary Kirk Kobayashi Maru test . In this scenario already cadets learn how to appropriately deal with the inevitable end. Too bad that the future captain of the Enterprise this challenge was never, because as anyone who " Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" has seen know he cheated as a young Starfleet trainee and became the only officer in the history Academy of who managed ever to pass the test.
He has indeed never been the real challenge, but at least an interesting story to tell. And because there is actually nothing better to do, also betrayed Chekov, Sulu and Scotty, as their corresponding tests were handled. But time, which remains the officers tend to deal with each anecdote more and more the inevitable end to ...
praiseworthy aspects : "Kobayashi Maru" is one of the gems of Star Trek literature, for there is no novel in the classic sense. Rather, it reminds
(away) works as the "Canterbury Tales " by Chaucer, the " Decameron" by Boccaccio or "The Haunted Castle " by Hauff :
A background story spans four smaller internal narratives in which the interested reader receives a glimpse of the youth of the individual figures.
Thus, for example, learn that Kirk laid during the tests in this time level is no false modesty on the day (see p. 23 and p. 45) that even in the friendly-looking Chekov a ruthless killer inserted (see p. 54 to S. 122) that dominates the Sulu folding origami cranes (see p. 140 to to S. 202) and that Scotty was initially forced against his true vocation in a command career (see p. 211 S . 236).
This retrospective fills the novel published in 1989 in the U.S. for the first time a niche from which refers to the later Starfleet cadets "series its continuation: the further illumination of the training history of each character. It passes "Kobayashi Maru", however the advantage that the focus is not restricted to a juvenile audience remains to akneanfälliges, but describes more sophisticated scenarios.
lies in a special attraction of the work, for not only the now almost proverbial Kobayashi Maru test is at the center, but the general slope of the Academy to devise very clever and challenging tests to ensure that the unsuspecting cadets at the border their exercise capacity to push. With appropriate methods was confronted later Wesley Crusher in " tests, and Chekov (see p. 66ff.) And Zulu (see p. 158ff.) Versions contain appropriate mind games.
The individual characters remain mostly at the level that you're used to in the TV series or the various movies. This is how the characters can occur in typical stereotypes: the justice-loving Kirk (see, eg, p. 34), Kirk deifying Chekov (see, eg, p. 54f.), The mischievous Sulu (see, eg, p.163) or the technophile Scotty (see, eg, p. 212). That would in itself a criticism, but the author succeeds, Developments of the cadets trained officer personality to make them visible. Will act the old Chekov relatively mature (see p. 48) and also the even older Scotty has benefit from his unique training command (see, eg, p. 129f.).
model Hikaru Sulu: folding paper to the unfolding of personality
especially the different approaches are evidence Kirk and Sulu on the Kobayashi Maru scenario of a totally different command understanding that, while not equal in bitchy small wars must end (as in the cast Shatner and Takei ), but well explained why the command style of the Captains of the Enterprise and the Excelsior different from each other.
All this happens of course not without a wink. In fact, there are many places where a pleasant sense of humor comes to light (see, eg, p. 103, p. 220 or p. 250). Only then does the book really about, because far too often prone to such review to take itself too seriously and sometimes even take for themselves, just to explain all the dark traits.
All in All "Kobayashi Maru" that is an excellent debut of writer Julia Ecklar . That their names not on another novel titles reading is, however, by no means the fact that their debut failed, but because they work for the Star Trek world of books later under a pseudonym continued: As LA Graf created them (along with others) works as "The ice fall" , "The Saboteur" or the Voyager pilot -Novel Lisa Transportation "The Protector".
criticisms made aspects: To be quite honest, "Kobayashi Maru" is not a book with a significant voltage curve. The background story while trying to create the illusion of danger, but since you know the latest on page 5 that the events between the movies one and two take place, may not pay real tenterhooks along really - after all, see all the crew members back, without prejudice, to protect the universe from Khan.
Not so the kicker: The background story to the endangered shuttle
However, it is also not the purpose of the work. Its significance lies rather in giving detailed information on Pre-and Early History of the figures. This works beautifully, but a passenger ferry has been cut out of crashed: Leonard McCoy.
The ship's doctor aboard the USS Enterprise is much too short in this book. Especially in light of the additional Scenarios that are presented in the book, it would have been interesting to see how it creates pill at the medical faculty, to perform a similar test of character - he was not only surgical but also on ethical area is always a luminary.
especially getting used to but is on the cover. The illustrated Kirk, Sulu and Scotty are at best vaguely similar - but also to learn from the early paperback covers ignore so quickly. Much more difficult to weigh the completely wrong uniforms worn by them. They are in fact from the early episodes like "The Cage " "The tip of the iceberg " or " poker games " removed and do not at all the uniforms from Star Trek one and two match (between which the plot of this book is based). Even if one tries to explain it by the cadet activities, ranging approximately in this period, one is taught by Finnegans apprentice outfit in "vacation land " better.
like a foreign body push himself to even the bulky structure between the disembodied heads that can be interpreted with great benevolence and a certain degree of literacy than Kobayashi Maru . While this ship has little resemblance to previous FASA interpretations (were the role-playing materials for many authors as a guide) on, but in a movie, it still somehow create the bulky design. The designers John Eaves and Alex Jaeger it served as one of the templates (or rather inspiration) for the tanker, which is, after briefly seen in Star Trek eleven o'clock.
translation: Who reads this work will have to stop to it, again and again to meet the so characteristic Heyne translation monsters. The ' Starfleet ' is called "Star Fleet "(P. 20) that the majority of ' Schott '" Scots "(p. 85) and when we're in a mirror universe home is from the species of ' people just jump to the " Terran .
This can be the eyes constantly on the various forms of " deactivate" (p. 8, p. 84, p. 91, p. 92, p. 100, p. 106, p. 110, p. 115 and p. 224) roll - which takes the disease with " destabil " (p. 231) ' unstable ' a sad further spread.
As if that would be punishment enough, rich those are completely nonsensical combinations of the handle in the hand that snatches the seriousness of these books again and again the ground under their feet:
where a "pocket Medo" (p. 46) and here even unintentionally funny " Medo- tape "(p. 78) - because you need to read almost the help of a willing ' Medo-sister ' consciousness-or at least ' Medo-icine '.
But that's not enough!
The show running free compositions useful spilling over to neighbors, and also forces the reader, whether true jewels of the translation satire as "Techno- Classification Map "(p. 81)," Erg cartridge "(p. 86) or" chemo-lantern "(p. 248) as quickly as possible to drive out from his memory.
Instead of such unnecessary creative expressions I would have preferred if translator Andreas Brandhorst more attention to the spelling of ' Altair ' (" altar ', p. 158),' cousin '(despite the old spelling had placed a "cousin ", p. 114) or "scenarios " (" scenario ', p. 158). Making Not everyone who completed a first aid course is to automatically sooner or later forced a heart massage and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in an acute emergency:
anachronisms. Rather, the learning of such techniques, a preparation for a possible stake. To that effect, I felt
Chekov this sentence on page 64 in its basic message is not such unnachvollziehbar:
" Ninety percent of the cadets will never take on board a space ship. "
But even if the approach is in itself quite nicely, the number perhaps a bit too high - especially when you compare how few people each year are ever admitted to the Starfleet Academy, and how many ships the organization maintains.
But it Ecklar on this point too well, takes one can already see from the fifth page. Namely, there is written that this book will play after the first movie and before the second. However, the degradation seems James T. Kirk, the fourth film in takes place, have long since decided, because already at that time Kirk is constantly " Captain" (from p. 8) rather than Admiral dubbed '.
confusing is the " The Academy in Tempe " (P. 155), for in the text, it seems like there is another branch of the training facility on the American continent.
was no less confusing the claim that there is a dialect called " Georgian Russian " (p. 84) because ' Georgian is "contrary to the also called Muscovites and modern Russian dialects of a language and has to Russian , if any, to contribute an accent.
wanted Or tell us the author with the fact that the Georgian language in a persistent Soviet Union the future would be extinct eventually to leave only a dialect in Russian? Was it intended as a parable on Welsh, Irish or Scottish English?
Either way, the time has secured the 1989's book long ago. The Soviet Union listened to exist in 1991; Georgia was in the same year as an independent state. Errors, such as the mention of Leningrad in the years 2268 and 2286 (since 1991 St. Petersburg called) remained preserved in books pages and celluloid.
Conclusion: No Action fireworks and not to the smallest detail to offer the sophisticated narrative box Readers of "Kobayashi Maru". The translation is not very convincing and most of the contradictions to the official canon is simply unnecessary.
And yet this book is highly recommended. It wipes out namely biographical gaps known Star Trek characters and gives the interested reader a look behind the scenes of the Starfleet training. It is a question of taste:
Who wants to be entertained, but will have less pleasure in this book, as someone who read books, to learn more about the famous faces from film and television.
Memorable quotes :
" The final Failure is the foundation of our universe. No matter from which angle you look at it Someone always loses. "
" nonsense. "
" If you win stopped, then someone else to lose, right? "
Constev and Kirk, p. 37
" I trust Spock. "
" Oh, I trust him too. My suspicion is primarily fate. "
Kirk and Pill, p. 135
" In politics it is the second oldest profession in the universe. "
Commodore Coan, P. 158
Rating: complex film frame narrative.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
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Log.Per Media Measurement & Prien
the members present and two other building biologists as guests on the latest information.
The next training topics are already planned and will deal with indoor air pollutants, odors, building physics, mold problems and measurement technology. Guest students from the tray are here again to be invited to participate, please, but always in consultation with the Board.
These developments are not ends in themselves, but are always improving our services to the client - for your benefit and advantage!
The members of the nonprofit association BIOLYSA eV have dedicated this weekend in addition to the general topics of the club life and a day of training. first theme of this year was the field of high-frequency loads, where they are found today all over already, and find future application and dissemination.
With much knowledge and background brought by Ewald Kalteiss Log.Per Media Measurement & Prien
the members present and two other building biologists as guests on the latest information.
The next training topics are already planned and will deal with indoor air pollutants, odors, building physics, mold problems and measurement technology. Guest students from the tray are here again to be invited to participate, please, but always in consultation with the Board.
These developments are not ends in themselves, but are always improving our services to the client - for your benefit and advantage!
What City Is Tattooed On Tom Delonge
continuing theme in BIOLYSA eV
Dear friends and friends of the Environment Institute Munich,
the dioxin scandal shows once more: at some point ends up the venom with which we contaminate plants, soil and water over a large area on our plate. In particular, when criminals make the food chain to the final disposal of dioxin and watch our authorities helpless. The Federal Agriculture Minister should come to protect the consumer more than the feed industry to ask for suggestions. Since the BSE crisis, we know that responsibility and ethics in the industry are not home and the authorities finally have to introduce a complete and efficient control. We do not want poison or disgusting ingredients in the diet of our animals and in our food. We urgently need a new "Green Revolution" - without poison and megalomania. A reversal in agriculture is long overdue. This scandal is the best call for removal on 22 January in Berlin. If we do not defend ourselves now, nothing will change again and the next food scandal is inevitable.
Demo: We're tired!
Under the motto "We're tired!" place during the Green Week in Berlin for the first time held a central demonstration against genetic engineering, factory farming and dumping exports , organized a broad coalition of farmers, the environment, Animal welfare and development organizations. you demonstrate! Say "No" to the agricultural policy of EU and federal government! Request by EU farm ministers adopted a new, equitable agricultural policy: GM-free environment and a humane and fair! The demo on 22nd January begins at 12 clock at the Berlin Hauptbahnhof
and pulls the Brandenburg Gate. Held there until 14 clock a central demonstration. After starting the music program "Rock for Nature". More info at / GM
/ .. Carpooling and organized bus trips to the demo, see A nice coincidence that on 17 January in the German cinema of the film proper starts the demo:
Film: Good Food - Bad Food
instructions for better agriculture - from 17th January at the cinema!
What do French microbiologist, the migrant workers of Brazil, Vandana Shiva's experimental farms and the world's largest Bioplantage in Ukraine have in common? All share a common goal: to improve soil quality and the restoration of seed diversity. The documentary "Good Food - Bad Food" by French director Coline Serreau shows people who are fighting against it, that poisoned our soil by chemical fertilizers and pesticides. And they are resisting that few unscrupulous corporations control the world's seed supply and blackmailing the peasantry.
gives it to theatrical release nationwide special screenings with panel discussions. At the premiere in Munich (Thursday, 20.01.2011, 20.30 Clock, City Theater) takes Anja Sobczak, head of genetic engineering and agriculture, in part for the Environment Institute Munich at the public discussion.
information about other dates and cinemas can be found on
Dear friends and friends of the Environment Institute Munich,
Demo: We're tired!
Under the motto "We're tired!" place during the Green Week in Berlin for the first time held a central demonstration against genetic engineering, factory farming and dumping exports , organized a broad coalition of farmers, the environment, Animal welfare and development organizations. you demonstrate! Say "No" to the agricultural policy of EU and federal government! Request by EU farm ministers adopted a new, equitable agricultural policy: GM-free environment and a humane and fair! The demo on 22nd January begins at 12 clock at the Berlin Hauptbahnhof
and pulls the Brandenburg Gate. Held there until 14 clock a central demonstration. After starting the music program "Rock for Nature". More info at / GM
/ .. Carpooling and organized bus trips to the demo, see A nice coincidence that on 17 January in the German cinema of the film proper starts the demo:
Film: Good Food - Bad Food
instructions for better agriculture - from 17th January at the cinema!
What do French microbiologist, the migrant workers of Brazil, Vandana Shiva's experimental farms and the world's largest Bioplantage in Ukraine have in common? All share a common goal: to improve soil quality and the restoration of seed diversity. The documentary "Good Food - Bad Food" by French director Coline Serreau shows people who are fighting against it, that poisoned our soil by chemical fertilizers and pesticides. And they are resisting that few unscrupulous corporations control the world's seed supply and blackmailing the peasantry.
gives it to theatrical release nationwide special screenings with panel discussions. At the premiere in Munich (Thursday, 20.01.2011, 20.30 Clock, City Theater) takes Anja Sobczak, head of genetic engineering and agriculture, in part for the Environment Institute Munich at the public discussion.
information about other dates and cinemas can be found on
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Have fun wish, "read a book," Your team of
Wiesbaden (press release) - The authors of "A book "Read a Book Find machine have constructed, with which one can detect interesting reading. This useful service is available at the address the web.
First you will be asked if you are looking for a children's book or an adult book. In an adult book, for example, you can choose from fiction, biographies or nonfiction. If you decide then for biography, you make a choice between experience report or history. If you now click on one of these two terms, appears appropriate and may order this book tip works the same.
And say, the inventors of this book search engine himself:
About 100,000 new books per year in Germany alone, the reader imagine the agony of choice, and he asks: Yes, I think for now the book that fits me? "Read a book!" We
of us have thought about this, and the result of our considerations is the book Find machine. Click on each page of each best answer, then leads you to the book machine Find the right book for you from our range of our partners and the authors.
Have fun wish, "read a book," Your team of
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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Twitter Training - The Best Twitter Guide
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The name "Twitter" comes from the English term for German "chirping". This free service is at the Internet address to find and also available in German language.
on "Twitter" Leave people free short text messages (tweets) from the PC or mobile phone. Every single entry to 140 characters (including spaces between words) is limited. Each text can be added to links.
"Twitter" you can use for business or pleasure. Many self-employed or companies publish more or less regularly advertising with "Twitter". Thanks to "Twitter" messages will be spread worldwide in no time.
example of an account with "Twitter":
Hamburg (press release) - At the site worth reading "Twitter Training - The Best Twitter Guide "with the Internet address one is well informed about Twitter covered are:
What is Twitter Twitter Profile
Important initial settings
The first tweets.?
What is the Followfriday?
security on Twitter
What is an @ reply?
What is a hashtag?
The name "Twitter" comes from the English term for German "chirping". This free service is at the Internet address to find and also available in German language.
on "Twitter" Leave people free short text messages (tweets) from the PC or mobile phone. Every single entry to 140 characters (including spaces between words) is limited. Each text can be added to links.
"Twitter" you can use for business or pleasure. Many self-employed or companies publish more or less regularly advertising with "Twitter". Thanks to "Twitter" messages will be spread worldwide in no time.
example of an account with "Twitter":
Friday, January 14, 2011
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special exhibition "The Alamanni on the Alb" is extended
Ellwangen (press release) - were recorded about 6,000 visitors in six months - due to popular demand - The exhibition "The Alamanni on the Ostalb - early settlers in the area between home and leek Niederstotzingen" of the Ellwanger Alamanni Museum until 23 Extended in October 2011. Thus it forms the framework for the tenth anniversary of the museum, with a hard weekend on 10/11. is celebrated in September 2011.
The possibility for this generous extension, as museum director Andreas stresses Well, thanks to the cooperation of the lenders of the exhibition, which are to separate for another nine months of their high-profile loans available. This particularly includes the State Museum Württemberg in Stuttgart, the Archaeological Museum of Baden-Württemberg in Konstanz, the State Conservation Office for the local council and the city of Stuttgart Heidenheim.
offers the largest exhibition of the spectacular archaeological finds Alamannenmuseum with a comprehensive overview of the Alemannic settlement in the area between Ellwangen and Nördlingen and the Danube between Ulm and Dillingen. This area was not settled in time Alamannic only particularly tight, but shows the following tree coffin discovery of Zöbingen in 1161 and excavated from 1876 finds grave of Pole home the longest tradition of research in the area on Alamanni. Focus of previous mediation work of the museum were the Alamanni findings from the ten kilometers distant Lauchheim, was recovered where from 1986 to 2005 an unexpected archaeological treasure, namely the legacy of the largest Alamanni cemetery in Baden-Württemberg and their extensive Alamanni settlement with other valuable grave finds,
The exhibition comprises essentially a representation of the Alamanni in Ostalbkreis and district of Heidenheim, which are put together since the 1970s, the region of East Württemberg. The highlights include the finds from the graves of riders Niederstotzingen in the district of Heidenheim, which are first seen in their region of origin. Since then, the exhibition includes
the period from the late Roman period to in the beginning Carolingian period, of 3 to the 8th Century. Particularly the phenomenon known as striking as the number of cemeteries grave custom for nearly 300 years in many parts of Central Europe can be in many places in the follow-treated area. Its end coincides with the construction of the first Christian churches.
The exhibition is presented in two parts in the Alamanni Museum, with a first part in the exhibition room on the 1st Floor and a second part in the western half of the attic. For this purpose a part of the permanent exhibition degraded. The preparation of the exhibition concept was performed in close coordination with the existing scientific advisory board since 2004, the Alamanni Museum. The range of about 400 found objects exhibited, mostly grave finds ranges from the delicate golden hairpins to long sword, from clothing to Alamannic dead tree.
At the exhibition a 192-page, richly illustrated companion volume in the series "Archaeological information from Baden-Württemberg" has appeared, which was issued by the State Conservation Office, together with the city Ellwangen and acquired Alamannenmuseum for 7,90 € can be. Guided tours can be arranged by calling the telephone number 07961/969747, public tours, in which only the usual admission is paid, take place every first Sunday of the month at 15.00 clock instead.
Public tours:....... 6.2, 6.3, 3.4, 1.5, 5.6, 3.7, 7.8, 4.9. 02.10.2011 and by 15 clock.
26.6.2010-23.10.2011 (extended)
special exhibition "The Alamanni on the Ostalb - early settlers in the area between home and leek Niederstotzingen"
Alamannenmuseum Ellwangen
Haller Straße 9 73479 Ellwangen
Phone +49 7961 969 747 Fax +
49 7961 9697 49
opening times: Tuesday to Friday
: 10-12.30 and 14-17 Clock
Saturday and Sunday: 10-17 Clock
Monday except public holidays: closed
Admission: € 3.00, concessions € 2.00, € 7.00 Families
Ellwangen (press release) - were recorded about 6,000 visitors in six months - due to popular demand - The exhibition "The Alamanni on the Ostalb - early settlers in the area between home and leek Niederstotzingen" of the Ellwanger Alamanni Museum until 23 Extended in October 2011. Thus it forms the framework for the tenth anniversary of the museum, with a hard weekend on 10/11. is celebrated in September 2011.
The possibility for this generous extension, as museum director Andreas stresses Well, thanks to the cooperation of the lenders of the exhibition, which are to separate for another nine months of their high-profile loans available. This particularly includes the State Museum Württemberg in Stuttgart, the Archaeological Museum of Baden-Württemberg in Konstanz, the State Conservation Office for the local council and the city of Stuttgart Heidenheim.
offers the largest exhibition of the spectacular archaeological finds Alamannenmuseum with a comprehensive overview of the Alemannic settlement in the area between Ellwangen and Nördlingen and the Danube between Ulm and Dillingen. This area was not settled in time Alamannic only particularly tight, but shows the following tree coffin discovery of Zöbingen in 1161 and excavated from 1876 finds grave of Pole home the longest tradition of research in the area on Alamanni. Focus of previous mediation work of the museum were the Alamanni findings from the ten kilometers distant Lauchheim, was recovered where from 1986 to 2005 an unexpected archaeological treasure, namely the legacy of the largest Alamanni cemetery in Baden-Württemberg and their extensive Alamanni settlement with other valuable grave finds,
The exhibition comprises essentially a representation of the Alamanni in Ostalbkreis and district of Heidenheim, which are put together since the 1970s, the region of East Württemberg. The highlights include the finds from the graves of riders Niederstotzingen in the district of Heidenheim, which are first seen in their region of origin. Since then, the exhibition includes
the period from the late Roman period to in the beginning Carolingian period, of 3 to the 8th Century. Particularly the phenomenon known as striking as the number of cemeteries grave custom for nearly 300 years in many parts of Central Europe can be in many places in the follow-treated area. Its end coincides with the construction of the first Christian churches.
The exhibition is presented in two parts in the Alamanni Museum, with a first part in the exhibition room on the 1st Floor and a second part in the western half of the attic. For this purpose a part of the permanent exhibition degraded. The preparation of the exhibition concept was performed in close coordination with the existing scientific advisory board since 2004, the Alamanni Museum. The range of about 400 found objects exhibited, mostly grave finds ranges from the delicate golden hairpins to long sword, from clothing to Alamannic dead tree.
At the exhibition a 192-page, richly illustrated companion volume in the series "Archaeological information from Baden-Württemberg" has appeared, which was issued by the State Conservation Office, together with the city Ellwangen and acquired Alamannenmuseum for 7,90 € can be. Guided tours can be arranged by calling the telephone number 07961/969747, public tours, in which only the usual admission is paid, take place every first Sunday of the month at 15.00 clock instead.
Public tours:....... 6.2, 6.3, 3.4, 1.5, 5.6, 3.7, 7.8, 4.9. 02.10.2011 and by 15 clock.
26.6.2010-23.10.2011 (extended)
special exhibition "The Alamanni on the Ostalb - early settlers in the area between home and leek Niederstotzingen"
Alamannenmuseum Ellwangen
Haller Straße 9 73479 Ellwangen
Phone +49 7961 969 747 Fax +
49 7961 9697 49
opening times: Tuesday to Friday
: 10-12.30 and 14-17 Clock
Saturday and Sunday: 10-17 Clock
Monday except public holidays: closed
Admission: € 3.00, concessions € 2.00, € 7.00 Families
Thursday, January 13, 2011
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Environment Institute Munich
only just started the year and already We will be back in a food scandal!
Do you remember how old will you? You'd have to search
The Ministry is in the Fettpanscherei not from a mistake or a control gap. "The indications are talking at the moment rather a high degree of criminal energy," said spokesman Holger Eichele.
"There are indications that the operation was not officially reported to be not very well suspend the official controls." Inspectors but could act only in establishments which were also reported. "If there was someone hidden or mixed panscht or produced, then it will be difficult for state inspectors to intervene here."
When did the suspicion against the company confirms, then traded the operating unscrupulously, "said Federal Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU). She hoped that the judiciary here, "strikes with full force".
It would be hoped that here once "strike" the consumer and not so quickly forgotten.
Let's see when this operation under a new Name continued to be produced - Wetten, dass.?
The delusions of control all kinds of activities does not reach those who produce food or produce raw materials for it.
So it can, in principle, any mix some poison and then .... If we determine at some point - it's not consumer-friendly
It's always the same and all are amazed at the "criminal energy" for the purpose of increase of money, be it on the shelves, the Neuetikettieren the expiration date, banks and funds - and nobody knew .............
But the all-clear is already on radio and on television to hear: eat at least 60 eggs a day you have to, so that one has taken health-related orders of magnitude!
Whoever believes will be blessed ... or more likely to believe that fold Brimstone lemons!
runs Otherwise again the next threat - the swine flu returns
This time, you can still get vaccinated! the blend of the past year will no longer be there even for simple people.
.... and the pharmaceutical industry did not earn enough last year but ...
only just started the year and already We will be back in a food scandal!
Do you remember how old will you? You'd have to search
down, because it is already so easy but not the number of recent years to say.
The IMAGE writes: Quote:
The Ministry is in the Fettpanscherei not from a mistake or a control gap. "The indications are talking at the moment rather a high degree of criminal energy," said spokesman Holger Eichele.
"There are indications that the operation was not officially reported to be not very well suspend the official controls." Inspectors but could act only in establishments which were also reported. "If there was someone hidden or mixed panscht or produced, then it will be difficult for state inspectors to intervene here."
When did the suspicion against the company confirms, then traded the operating unscrupulously, "said Federal Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU). She hoped that the judiciary here, "strikes with full force".
It would be hoped that here once "strike" the consumer and not so quickly forgotten.
Let's see when this operation under a new Name continued to be produced - Wetten, dass.?
The delusions of control all kinds of activities does not reach those who produce food or produce raw materials for it.
So it can, in principle, any mix some poison and then .... If we determine at some point - it's not consumer-friendly
It's always the same and all are amazed at the "criminal energy" for the purpose of increase of money, be it on the shelves, the Neuetikettieren the expiration date, banks and funds - and nobody knew .............
But the all-clear is already on radio and on television to hear: eat at least 60 eggs a day you have to, so that one has taken health-related orders of magnitude!
Whoever believes will be blessed ... or more likely to believe that fold Brimstone lemons!
runs Otherwise again the next threat - the swine flu returns
This time, you can still get vaccinated! the blend of the past year will no longer be there even for simple people.
.... and the pharmaceutical industry did not earn enough last year but ...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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2011 is a significant extension of censorship in Thailand detected
277 610 blocked sites Global Voices Advocacy reports, citing government figures of Thai government agencies. The absolute majority of the closures is politically motivated. Web sites of opposition parties. Over 40 000 sites are under the charge of treason which is punishable by law here in Thailand. How rapidly the gallops, the Thai censorship figures show.
In April 2010, before the emergency decree, 65 000 sites were blocked. 210 110 sites have since been inhibited. This brings the Thai official agencies named Number to a total of 277 610 sites blocked.
Global Voices Online Thailand 277 610 now blocking websites
But it is not only the Internet is censored and all long distance calls and emails are monitored. In fact, there are Chinese surveillance methods to be applied in Thailand.
about censorship in Thailand are about 62 200 German-language Google results found internationally is 10 times more information on the topic of censorship in Thailand.
277 610 blocked sites Global Voices Advocacy reports, citing government figures of Thai government agencies. The absolute majority of the closures is politically motivated. Web sites of opposition parties. Over 40 000 sites are under the charge of treason which is punishable by law here in Thailand. How rapidly the gallops, the Thai censorship figures show.
In April 2010, before the emergency decree, 65 000 sites were blocked. 210 110 sites have since been inhibited. This brings the Thai official agencies named Number to a total of 277 610 sites blocked.
Global Voices Online Thailand 277 610 now blocking websites
But it is not only the Internet is censored and all long distance calls and emails are monitored. In fact, there are Chinese surveillance methods to be applied in Thailand.
about censorship in Thailand are about 62 200 German-language Google results found internationally is 10 times more information on the topic of censorship in Thailand.
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With "Advertisers" saves job seekers not only time, he can really be sure to miss no longer offer.
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The "Advertisers' team is beginning to be multilingual and multicultural. The stated aim is to create the best European platform for online job search.
Wiesbaden (press release) - "Advertisers" is the European pioneered a new generation of so-called "online recruiting": job search posting job instead.
More and more companies and recruitment agencies post their job offers on their own company Web site and not on job boards. "Advertisers" allows you to precisely on these corporate websites and also on all traditional job boards for jobs to track.
With "Advertisers" saves job seekers not only time, he can really be sure to miss no longer offer.
Job + Job Alert
"Advertisers" works just like a search engine: it is enough to enter the desired career direction and the location and displays all the job listings from thousands of websites.
The additional job alert service offers job seekers the opportunity daily to correspond to his latest job search profile to be obtained by e-mail.
The "Advertisers" started in Milano (Italy), where it is already the third most popular Websites for job search. "Advertisers" has also rapidly developed in Europe, South America, USA and New Zealand.
recorded in Europe, "Advertisers" over two million jobs, structured according to professional direction and location.
The "Advertisers' team is beginning to be multilingual and multicultural. The stated aim is to create the best European platform for online job search.
Monday, January 10, 2011
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Titan 05: Stormy Sea
Book Review Bennett, Christopher L.: Titan. 05th Bd Stormy Sea, Cross Cult, 2009/2010.
Story: The Borg are like locusts covered the territory of the Federation with death, devastation and destruction. A long-term and arduous reconstruction lies off the planet community, will bind the resources over the years - including the remaining ships of the once proud Star Trek .
Some ships, however, are explicitly excluded from this arrangement: the representative of Luna-class that have already been sent out before the crisis to return to the old values of research, discovery and science meet. The USS Titan who returned as part of the Borg threat, with the key to resolving the crisis in the Federation space makes himself back on the path into the unknown.
The new target is a fascinating world ocean with no land masses that researchers should abandon the many biological, physical and geological puzzle. For a crew member of the new location is particularly exciting. The aquatic Selkie Aili Lavena can in a more comfortable environment for them finally operate freely and romp in the vastness of the ocean planetenumspannenden. She encounters an indigenous, cetacean mammal species that turns out in the course of the investigations to be intelligent.
Captain Riker therefore faces a dilemma. He breaks with his research, the prime directive ? If he has not broken already? What are possible consequences of his intervention?
One consequence, he pulls away. The threat of an approaching meteorite he orders off to prevent potential victims and to act in good faith. But the well-intentioned rescue attempt turns into complete opposite: The meteor is not destroyed, but divided into several fragments, the impact killed hundreds of calls, makes contact with Captain Riker and tear on the surface through the use of technology to bring the Starfleet officers on the floating natives against them. Furthermore, the use of energy weapons, that the meteorite cores disturb the delicate ecosystem of the planet sustainably. The entire world is completely out of control.
And not only the world - and on the titanium chaos reigns. The first officer Christine Vale command over a helplessly drifting in space ship, Riker and Aili Lavena are still without trace disappeared, the sauroide Dr. Ree is only difficult to understand why the pregnant Deanna Troi with a warp-capable shuttle abducted and the mentally unstable Tuvok has taken its pursuit. As a solution in sight at last, the starting point to restore to some extent, resist again cetaceans planet against the alien residents for use of technology so ...
praiseworthy aspects : It is early January and rules out there for most people an unpleasant weather. The temperatures are just a few days climbed above freezing and the thick ice sheets and snow drifts on the sidewalks have been partially replaced by a gray, splintery speckled slush.
I for my part do not see it so seriously as most passers-by who trudge past a bad mood to me and complain incessantly about the dreary weather. Instead, I
say, these people just did not see just exactly!
For in this exciting weather situation into small lakes and seas, the irregularly shaped islands separated from each other. In other places to cut small trenches, rivers like the larger compact land masses. Isthmus, spits and fjords offer on every single meter of road traveled by man.
It feels like a giant who strides through an unknown land that no one has discovered before him. How Gulliver you have the opportunity to to travel to foreign countries that has never before seen. Since
seems only fitting that appears at just this season, a titanium band.
After Destiny the known Star Trek universe has turned into a shambles, filled the little ship of the Luna-class under the command of Captain William T. Riker discover the only one within the world of books still claim to new worlds, unknown life forms and new civilizations.
Titan is long for all the parts that will make Star Trek, according Roddenberry: The foray into the unknown, the penetration and illumination of the dark or the ability to conduct research. After heavy losses
Handlungspurzelbäumen Destiny in this picture is kinda lost, so that can even convince Riker is representative of the public first has to what in fact is clear even to him long ago, but then surprisingly quickly comply (see p. 10 et seq.): Get out play from the ruins and rubble held dear woman explorer!
And if that after all the long Kreigsgeplänkel not already sorely needed, would there be an additional specialties also Christopher L. Bennett the honor.
This is the man who fabricated not only with "The Dogs of Orion " the best ever Titan novel, but also with " More than the sum "the only truly recommendable band of the TNG relaunch. Since thrill, thrilling action and brilliant design are already guaranteed.
But that is not enough. With its fresh ideas Bennett it always manages to make the reading experience. He boldly crosses scientific evidence skillfully with the Star Trek universe, and always creates a new perspective. Somehow it feels after the last page is always in such a way as you would have by reading a little wiser - not automatic within a genre, which is said to often (wrongly) banality.
But one by one.
It is recommended that after each chapter you are reading to make such work a glimpse into the personal comments that made the author available on the Internet.
Particularly striking how much work and research performance is all that far too many people interpret as a mere techno Babbel and often deliberately ignored. One can easily overlook that this information is not, as in many other Star Trek works are on shaky ground, but also often supported by scientific evidence and essays (see, eg, p. 28, p. 213ff. Or S . 252). The described water world is certainly worth reading, even if one must do without isthmuses, spits and fjords.
also warns the author not without reason that we push ourselves for the moment far too large and loose with our oceans. Aili Lavenas horror before the time when the oceans of the Earth and similar planets "[...] with constant, deafening noise terrorized [...]" (p. 128), were definitely not without a certain basis , as one can read about in Douglas Adams 'highly recommended non-fiction "The last of its kind .
really fascinating, however, the concept of Bioengineering is that Bennett confronts in this book as the antithesis of the technology. Parallels BBC broadcast " Blue Moon" are not to be overlooked (cf. p. 85ff.), But the basic idea behind it is something beyond.
What is technology is required? Can it possibly be replaced? Where the use of sophisticated technological tools to feel superior to others?
with these basic questions will be woven an exciting framework that even includes cultural misunderstandings. In this context, one can sometimes assume the electronic equipment by experienced bioengineers is perceived as threatening (see p. 102) that horns can be understood as weapons (see p. 152), or that communication is seen without aid over long distances as a matter of course (p. 294f.).
The horn: An underestimated murder weapon?
All these insights are the foundation for the impression to actually confront a truly alien species. After all the biped humanoid of the Star Trek series and movies are Bennett's remarks as part of Titan's research mission in any case a real treat, proving that there actually is still wonder and surprises.
wonders and surprises that coincide with the official canon.
course It is now de rigueur among the Star Trek writers, all series of TOS (see, for example, p. 16), TAS (see, eg, p. 62), TNG (see, eg, p. 95), DS9 (see . eg 185), Voyager (see, eg, p. 30) or Enterprise (see, eg, p. 335).
Bennett but that does not seem to suffice.
In a playful grace he gives a lecture about on the 33rd acquisition rule (see p. 60), without naming them (of course it is " It never hurts to curry favor with his boss. "), or notes with phrases such as " All they had were Dilithium crystals and what were already good? "(p. 333) regarding classic episodes such as "bride Trek . He gives the edge species such as Chelone (see p. 42), Kazariten (see p. 70), Arkeniten (see p. 85) or Itheniten (see p. 229) a little room to the sporadic, and little known information about them to provide space for development.
is also worth mentioning the main character.
Well, in a series such as titanium, in the multi-cultural crews, the real star, there is no real main characters, but in this volume will depend on a lot of responsibility Aili Lavena. The Selkie, which incidentally also graces the (in my eyes so far most beautiful) cover, also offers a glimpse of an alien culture. It also gives the book in which the young William Riker and Deanna Trois finally seen the light of day, scary character that the real star is a far more neglected, a crew member.
criticisms made aspects : whales, waves, weather.
Am I as the only one here to "Star Trek IV - The Voyage " have to think?
It is very sad that this obvious reference here finds no attention. No comment (which I expected at the end of the book already) that the mysterious Whale Probe enstammte this planet.
Yes, not even a remark that once came by such a probe to ' Hello! to say '!
But who now thinks the Turon 47 has nothing to complain about, and what sucks is in the fingers is totally wrong.
is extremely disturbing as the autobiographical aspect of the work. It sounds ridiculous, but the cat is a names Natasha - "coincidentally" also the name of the newborn of Rikers.
With this small of his respect for me so I could easily reconciled, for I must confess, too honest, cats really like to. But
months-long mourning, because among the victims of a Borg invasion arkenitische kitty to have found (cf. P. 179ff.)? The
goes a bit too far. It is of course not nice that Bennett has lost his favorite pet, and also took me to the death of several pets, but the justification in the face of such a disaster equivalent to the death of a fur animal with the victims of mass murder, I think greatly exaggerated. A Holocaust tragedy, created during the Second World War, in which speaks to the budgie of a Jewish survivor who did not survive the air raids on Berlin would, but ultimately no one can take seriously and we must all inevitably a little song of the Austrian cabaret Georg Kreisler think:
now a war breaks out, if what happens to my 'dog?
But this example is just the tip of the iceberg. What about this work that is really annoying is the constant psycho babble. The continued talk of projected guilt, self-evasion and self-hatred is eventually only animal in the ass, because really everyone in the Titan crew a completely unnachvollziehbares pathological problem drags around with him. Indeed, even the counselors of the ship, so that after Tuvok's Freudian analysis (see p. 269ff.) Can ask, and rightly so, whether this blind-eyed lead or vice versa.
But that is not enough.
In a developed society, it has also not very credible, that the human race, the American prudery, referred to here as completely wrong " human decency" (p. 103) obtained over the centuries should have stopped. As Europeans, the bare breasts already meet in the afternoon program of the local television stations, the whole fuss about alleged acts of shame completely alien.
And even though in this context it seems astonishing that the author denounces this, he shoots in his attempt to address similar situations, powerful beyond the target.
instead to clean up, it opens it, Schwangerensex (cf. p. 60ff.) Rikers an erection (see p. 221) or the excrement of the same (see p. 282) to address extensively. Assume that the relations among the three hundred men (and women, hermaphrodites and neuters) read occupation, as a " Who Fucks Who? "Titan is quite apart.
All this does not feel so much like Star Trek. Even womanizer Kirk went to work and relatively discreet when appropriate practices to the crew of a thousand much larger USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D were common just wondering it's not that already a TNG-porn is announced .
Translation: Actually, this book is translated pretty solid.
Stephanie margins does good work and initial difficulties can be forgotten. Apart from really small, neglect worthy mistakes I would therefore like to highlight the main enemy of the translation: The English language
Sounds plausible at first, since many concepts can only be at a loss into German. Therefore, I must go to an example to highlight an example of praise.
On page 39, namely, the following dialogue between Vale and Torvig read:
" At least you can contact us with your, um, fan since refresh. "
" Thank you Commander. But you know that my knowledge in various subjects. "
statement reads in English as follows:
" If nothing else, you can keep us cool with your, umm, fan there. "
" Thank you, Commander. I am a fan of yours. "
It is clearly not the same thing and maybe it's not as funny. Nevertheless, there is still a word game and also one that is understandable. The Eigenitiative the translator is therefore entirely appropriate.
is difficult, however, the situation at " Tailheads " which are translated here a more or less with " trunk heads" (p. 115). As you can complain but must also maintain credit, " tail heads " would be a particularly clever replacement is not necessarily how you have the latest find from page 193rd Where such use would be as inappropriate as this small video.
child-friendly work-up: Who has the best tail?
is also no alternative the comparatively vile name of " squalens " (62 pages) as " Kalwale . In fact, the concept remains one of the more imaginative as opposed to "torture ", " Walmaren " or " kraals.
However, we could have them save the trouble of the planet's Hurricane Flecki "(p. 83) to call. A real Star Trek fan can finally beat the original name " Spot " a bridge to the pet Data's , which would certainly be justified by, this term to keep English.
presented Therefore, the rank of Ensign "(51) in English, although it has been throughout this century (about 2381) in the series and films used the German language called" Ensign .
And of course, also sounds " Droplet " (p. 27) cooler than a " droplets," but it would be a way to appropriate shades of meaning to the German-speaking readers to convey, in which one attaches notes to explain the appropriate references. While the mastery of the English Language has long been a cultural treasure, that every person should have to, but then one could also save the same effort to translate all the books.
anachronisms : So many contradictions really can not find them. The only one I could name the targets, from Vales also reluctant to use the ship's phaser to stun attacking Kalwale (see p. 305).
If the procedure that is actually so complicated it would be realtiv implausible that it has been used over a hundred years earlier (ie in a technologically less developed term) to the residents of a neighborhood on Sigma Iota II quickly to put out of action (" imitators).
Conclusion: The fifth volume offers titanium recovery from the loss-flips and somersaults, the Destiny has struck in the Star Trek universe. Finally a Starfleet ship pulls for research into the still poorly explored space.
No one takes less guarantees success Christopher L. Bennett, the reader by the hand and shows him a brilliantly researched world, exciting ways of life and an incredible civilization without technology.
The translation is compelling, disturbing the anachronisms sparse and only now and then to the common pathological Self-awareness talks and work-up attempts of American prudishness.
Memorable quotes :
" And what if we stumble out there over the next Borg or the Dominion next? "
" Try not to tell them where we live. "
Riker and Adm. Masc, p. 15
" Why You saved me not out of my misery and tell it to me at last, woman? "
Xin Havreii, p. 124
" I think that sometimes anything take is, even if the chances of profit here are bad. Because then you can at least say you tried. "
" Is that an acquisition of control? "
" No, my dear. It is a rule of life. "
Bralik and Waen, p. 157
" The lady, I think praise, too much! "
Riker, p. 223
" symbiosis. Life up there feels the pain of life under it. "
KERU, p. 261
" Oh, Tuvok, you old softie. "
Troi, p. 324
Rating: Spaceward Ho!
Further reading list :
Titan 01: A new era
Titan 02: The Red King
Titan 03: The dogs of Orion
Titan 04: sword of Damocles
Titan 05: Stormy See
Book Review Bennett, Christopher L.: Titan. 05th Bd Stormy Sea, Cross Cult, 2009/2010.
Story: The Borg are like locusts covered the territory of the Federation with death, devastation and destruction. A long-term and arduous reconstruction lies off the planet community, will bind the resources over the years - including the remaining ships of the once proud Star Trek .
Some ships, however, are explicitly excluded from this arrangement: the representative of Luna-class that have already been sent out before the crisis to return to the old values of research, discovery and science meet. The USS Titan who returned as part of the Borg threat, with the key to resolving the crisis in the Federation space makes himself back on the path into the unknown.
The new target is a fascinating world ocean with no land masses that researchers should abandon the many biological, physical and geological puzzle. For a crew member of the new location is particularly exciting. The aquatic Selkie Aili Lavena can in a more comfortable environment for them finally operate freely and romp in the vastness of the ocean planetenumspannenden. She encounters an indigenous, cetacean mammal species that turns out in the course of the investigations to be intelligent.
Captain Riker therefore faces a dilemma. He breaks with his research, the prime directive ? If he has not broken already? What are possible consequences of his intervention?
One consequence, he pulls away. The threat of an approaching meteorite he orders off to prevent potential victims and to act in good faith. But the well-intentioned rescue attempt turns into complete opposite: The meteor is not destroyed, but divided into several fragments, the impact killed hundreds of calls, makes contact with Captain Riker and tear on the surface through the use of technology to bring the Starfleet officers on the floating natives against them. Furthermore, the use of energy weapons, that the meteorite cores disturb the delicate ecosystem of the planet sustainably. The entire world is completely out of control.
And not only the world - and on the titanium chaos reigns. The first officer Christine Vale command over a helplessly drifting in space ship, Riker and Aili Lavena are still without trace disappeared, the sauroide Dr. Ree is only difficult to understand why the pregnant Deanna Troi with a warp-capable shuttle abducted and the mentally unstable Tuvok has taken its pursuit. As a solution in sight at last, the starting point to restore to some extent, resist again cetaceans planet against the alien residents for use of technology so ...
praiseworthy aspects : It is early January and rules out there for most people an unpleasant weather. The temperatures are just a few days climbed above freezing and the thick ice sheets and snow drifts on the sidewalks have been partially replaced by a gray, splintery speckled slush.
I for my part do not see it so seriously as most passers-by who trudge past a bad mood to me and complain incessantly about the dreary weather. Instead, I
say, these people just did not see just exactly!
For in this exciting weather situation into small lakes and seas, the irregularly shaped islands separated from each other. In other places to cut small trenches, rivers like the larger compact land masses. Isthmus, spits and fjords offer on every single meter of road traveled by man.
It feels like a giant who strides through an unknown land that no one has discovered before him. How Gulliver you have the opportunity to to travel to foreign countries that has never before seen. Since
seems only fitting that appears at just this season, a titanium band.
After Destiny the known Star Trek universe has turned into a shambles, filled the little ship of the Luna-class under the command of Captain William T. Riker discover the only one within the world of books still claim to new worlds, unknown life forms and new civilizations.
Titan is long for all the parts that will make Star Trek, according Roddenberry: The foray into the unknown, the penetration and illumination of the dark or the ability to conduct research. After heavy losses
Handlungspurzelbäumen Destiny in this picture is kinda lost, so that can even convince Riker is representative of the public first has to what in fact is clear even to him long ago, but then surprisingly quickly comply (see p. 10 et seq.): Get out play from the ruins and rubble held dear woman explorer!
And if that after all the long Kreigsgeplänkel not already sorely needed, would there be an additional specialties also Christopher L. Bennett the honor.
This is the man who fabricated not only with "The Dogs of Orion " the best ever Titan novel, but also with " More than the sum "the only truly recommendable band of the TNG relaunch. Since thrill, thrilling action and brilliant design are already guaranteed.
But that is not enough. With its fresh ideas Bennett it always manages to make the reading experience. He boldly crosses scientific evidence skillfully with the Star Trek universe, and always creates a new perspective. Somehow it feels after the last page is always in such a way as you would have by reading a little wiser - not automatic within a genre, which is said to often (wrongly) banality.
But one by one.
It is recommended that after each chapter you are reading to make such work a glimpse into the personal comments that made the author available on the Internet.
Particularly striking how much work and research performance is all that far too many people interpret as a mere techno Babbel and often deliberately ignored. One can easily overlook that this information is not, as in many other Star Trek works are on shaky ground, but also often supported by scientific evidence and essays (see, eg, p. 28, p. 213ff. Or S . 252). The described water world is certainly worth reading, even if one must do without isthmuses, spits and fjords.
also warns the author not without reason that we push ourselves for the moment far too large and loose with our oceans. Aili Lavenas horror before the time when the oceans of the Earth and similar planets "[...] with constant, deafening noise terrorized [...]" (p. 128), were definitely not without a certain basis , as one can read about in Douglas Adams 'highly recommended non-fiction "The last of its kind .
really fascinating, however, the concept of Bioengineering is that Bennett confronts in this book as the antithesis of the technology. Parallels BBC broadcast " Blue Moon" are not to be overlooked (cf. p. 85ff.), But the basic idea behind it is something beyond.
What is technology is required? Can it possibly be replaced? Where the use of sophisticated technological tools to feel superior to others?
with these basic questions will be woven an exciting framework that even includes cultural misunderstandings. In this context, one can sometimes assume the electronic equipment by experienced bioengineers is perceived as threatening (see p. 102) that horns can be understood as weapons (see p. 152), or that communication is seen without aid over long distances as a matter of course (p. 294f.).
The horn: An underestimated murder weapon?
All these insights are the foundation for the impression to actually confront a truly alien species. After all the biped humanoid of the Star Trek series and movies are Bennett's remarks as part of Titan's research mission in any case a real treat, proving that there actually is still wonder and surprises.
wonders and surprises that coincide with the official canon.
course It is now de rigueur among the Star Trek writers, all series of TOS (see, for example, p. 16), TAS (see, eg, p. 62), TNG (see, eg, p. 95), DS9 (see . eg 185), Voyager (see, eg, p. 30) or Enterprise (see, eg, p. 335).
Bennett but that does not seem to suffice.
In a playful grace he gives a lecture about on the 33rd acquisition rule (see p. 60), without naming them (of course it is " It never hurts to curry favor with his boss. "), or notes with phrases such as " All they had were Dilithium crystals and what were already good? "(p. 333) regarding classic episodes such as "bride Trek . He gives the edge species such as Chelone (see p. 42), Kazariten (see p. 70), Arkeniten (see p. 85) or Itheniten (see p. 229) a little room to the sporadic, and little known information about them to provide space for development.
is also worth mentioning the main character.
Well, in a series such as titanium, in the multi-cultural crews, the real star, there is no real main characters, but in this volume will depend on a lot of responsibility Aili Lavena. The Selkie, which incidentally also graces the (in my eyes so far most beautiful) cover, also offers a glimpse of an alien culture. It also gives the book in which the young William Riker and Deanna Trois finally seen the light of day, scary character that the real star is a far more neglected, a crew member.
criticisms made aspects : whales, waves, weather.
Am I as the only one here to "Star Trek IV - The Voyage " have to think?
It is very sad that this obvious reference here finds no attention. No comment (which I expected at the end of the book already) that the mysterious Whale Probe enstammte this planet.
Yes, not even a remark that once came by such a probe to ' Hello! to say '!
But who now thinks the Turon 47 has nothing to complain about, and what sucks is in the fingers is totally wrong.
is extremely disturbing as the autobiographical aspect of the work. It sounds ridiculous, but the cat is a names Natasha - "coincidentally" also the name of the newborn of Rikers.
With this small of his respect for me so I could easily reconciled, for I must confess, too honest, cats really like to. But
months-long mourning, because among the victims of a Borg invasion arkenitische kitty to have found (cf. P. 179ff.)? The
goes a bit too far. It is of course not nice that Bennett has lost his favorite pet, and also took me to the death of several pets, but the justification in the face of such a disaster equivalent to the death of a fur animal with the victims of mass murder, I think greatly exaggerated. A Holocaust tragedy, created during the Second World War, in which speaks to the budgie of a Jewish survivor who did not survive the air raids on Berlin would, but ultimately no one can take seriously and we must all inevitably a little song of the Austrian cabaret Georg Kreisler think:
now a war breaks out, if what happens to my 'dog?
But this example is just the tip of the iceberg. What about this work that is really annoying is the constant psycho babble. The continued talk of projected guilt, self-evasion and self-hatred is eventually only animal in the ass, because really everyone in the Titan crew a completely unnachvollziehbares pathological problem drags around with him. Indeed, even the counselors of the ship, so that after Tuvok's Freudian analysis (see p. 269ff.) Can ask, and rightly so, whether this blind-eyed lead or vice versa.
But that is not enough.
In a developed society, it has also not very credible, that the human race, the American prudery, referred to here as completely wrong " human decency" (p. 103) obtained over the centuries should have stopped. As Europeans, the bare breasts already meet in the afternoon program of the local television stations, the whole fuss about alleged acts of shame completely alien.
And even though in this context it seems astonishing that the author denounces this, he shoots in his attempt to address similar situations, powerful beyond the target.
instead to clean up, it opens it, Schwangerensex (cf. p. 60ff.) Rikers an erection (see p. 221) or the excrement of the same (see p. 282) to address extensively. Assume that the relations among the three hundred men (and women, hermaphrodites and neuters) read occupation, as a " Who Fucks Who? "Titan is quite apart.
All this does not feel so much like Star Trek. Even womanizer Kirk went to work and relatively discreet when appropriate practices to the crew of a thousand much larger USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D were common just wondering it's not that already a TNG-porn is announced .
Translation: Actually, this book is translated pretty solid.
Stephanie margins does good work and initial difficulties can be forgotten. Apart from really small, neglect worthy mistakes I would therefore like to highlight the main enemy of the translation: The English language
Sounds plausible at first, since many concepts can only be at a loss into German. Therefore, I must go to an example to highlight an example of praise.
On page 39, namely, the following dialogue between Vale and Torvig read:
" At least you can contact us with your, um, fan since refresh. "
" Thank you Commander. But you know that my knowledge in various subjects. "
statement reads in English as follows:
" If nothing else, you can keep us cool with your, umm, fan there. "
" Thank you, Commander. I am a fan of yours. "
It is clearly not the same thing and maybe it's not as funny. Nevertheless, there is still a word game and also one that is understandable. The Eigenitiative the translator is therefore entirely appropriate.
is difficult, however, the situation at " Tailheads " which are translated here a more or less with " trunk heads" (p. 115). As you can complain but must also maintain credit, " tail heads " would be a particularly clever replacement is not necessarily how you have the latest find from page 193rd Where such use would be as inappropriate as this small video.
child-friendly work-up: Who has the best tail?
is also no alternative the comparatively vile name of " squalens " (62 pages) as " Kalwale . In fact, the concept remains one of the more imaginative as opposed to "torture ", " Walmaren " or " kraals.
However, we could have them save the trouble of the planet's Hurricane Flecki "(p. 83) to call. A real Star Trek fan can finally beat the original name " Spot " a bridge to the pet Data's , which would certainly be justified by, this term to keep English.
presented Therefore, the rank of Ensign "(51) in English, although it has been throughout this century (about 2381) in the series and films used the German language called" Ensign .
And of course, also sounds " Droplet " (p. 27) cooler than a " droplets," but it would be a way to appropriate shades of meaning to the German-speaking readers to convey, in which one attaches notes to explain the appropriate references. While the mastery of the English Language has long been a cultural treasure, that every person should have to, but then one could also save the same effort to translate all the books.
anachronisms : So many contradictions really can not find them. The only one I could name the targets, from Vales also reluctant to use the ship's phaser to stun attacking Kalwale (see p. 305).
If the procedure that is actually so complicated it would be realtiv implausible that it has been used over a hundred years earlier (ie in a technologically less developed term) to the residents of a neighborhood on Sigma Iota II quickly to put out of action (" imitators).
Conclusion: The fifth volume offers titanium recovery from the loss-flips and somersaults, the Destiny has struck in the Star Trek universe. Finally a Starfleet ship pulls for research into the still poorly explored space.
No one takes less guarantees success Christopher L. Bennett, the reader by the hand and shows him a brilliantly researched world, exciting ways of life and an incredible civilization without technology.
The translation is compelling, disturbing the anachronisms sparse and only now and then to the common pathological Self-awareness talks and work-up attempts of American prudishness.
Memorable quotes :
" And what if we stumble out there over the next Borg or the Dominion next? "
" Try not to tell them where we live. "
Riker and Adm. Masc, p. 15
" Why You saved me not out of my misery and tell it to me at last, woman? "
Xin Havreii, p. 124
" I think that sometimes anything take is, even if the chances of profit here are bad. Because then you can at least say you tried. "
" Is that an acquisition of control? "
" No, my dear. It is a rule of life. "
Bralik and Waen, p. 157
" The lady, I think praise, too much! "
Riker, p. 223
" symbiosis. Life up there feels the pain of life under it. "
KERU, p. 261
" Oh, Tuvok, you old softie. "
Troi, p. 324
Rating: Spaceward Ho!
Further reading list :
Titan 01: A new era
Titan 02: The Red King
Titan 03: The dogs of Orion
Titan 04: sword of Damocles
Titan 05: Stormy See
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I all readers, customers, friends and strangers wish you a happy, healthy new year with much success, patience, love and health!
Friday, January 7, 2011
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Buy from GRIN were in early January 2011, a total almost 115 000 e-books from various subject areas. In "GRIN" can be purchased at the Internet address many printed paperbacks. "GRIN" e-books, there are also "
The "OYO eBook Reader saves - according to the manufacturer - The eyes, thanks to e-paper technology is also very readable in daylight, presents a razor-sharp writing, is mirror-free and easy to use, for example, when setting a bookmark.
The touch screen makes it possible to scroll with one finger, as in the printed paper book. A virtual keyboard can now write notes and read not only must get tedious paper and pencil.
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about the "OYO eBook Reader" can be found at the address the web.
Munich (press release) - authors and readers of E-books of "GRIN for academic texts" (Munich) have reason to rejoice. The "GRIN" e-books in PDF format are now out on the PC and notebook with the affordable "OYO eBook Reader" to read. This unit with many useful features is available at "" at the Internet address for 139 € .
Buy from GRIN were in early January 2011, a total almost 115 000 e-books from various subject areas. In "GRIN" can be purchased at the Internet address many printed paperbacks. "GRIN" e-books, there are also "
The "OYO eBook Reader saves - according to the manufacturer - The eyes, thanks to e-paper technology is also very readable in daylight, presents a razor-sharp writing, is mirror-free and easy to use, for example, when setting a bookmark.
The touch screen makes it possible to scroll with one finger, as in the printed paper book. A virtual keyboard can now write notes and read not only must get tedious paper and pencil.
The "OYO eBook Reader weighs only 240 grams it is extremely flat, smaller than A5 fits in every handbag is compact and light as a paperback, but has room for up to a total of 8,000 books! The powerful battery provides it, to turn the pages to 8,000 times. Only then you have to recharge it.
about the "OYO eBook Reader" can be found at the address the web.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
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Zurich (press release) - Thanks to "watch online", the screen of the computer or notebook to a comfortable yet free TV. This is very simple: After successful registration at the Internet address can be a total of 67 German-speaking TV stations enjoy. The resolution is 416 x 352 pixels. Those who still want to have better, a fee, discount HiQ select membership for 1 month for 3 months or 12 months. Then there is no annoying advertising more before the start and a better resolution of 576 x 528 pixels. Of course you need to "watch online" is a good Internet connection.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
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Eitorf (press release) - Who can explain an interesting term of up to 140 characters in a nutshell, is to "" to the right place. There may be explained after a short and free registration a self-selected term and a link to further add. The entry can be published in "" and "Twitter". User / inside of "" can rate the entry. The idea for "" is from Mark Moller and Sean Kollak. The so-called explanatory machine "" is on the Internet well, as evidenced by the recent releases of new concepts.
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Bingen (press release) - At the reading or your book platform place from 14 December 2010 to 28 February 2011 the writing competition "inkblot" instead. Children and young people 8:00 to 15:00 years to set there on "Winter Stories" even wrote short stories or personal experiences. The competition takes place in two age groups (8:00 to 11:00 and twelve to 15 years) and will end on 28 February 2011 by 17 clock. The evaluation of the stories carried by the users of the platform. You can win in each age group of seven coupons that can be redeemed at the online retailer Amazon.
The competition aims to Children and young people to be moved back more letters, but also for reading. In this new, modern form Booknuts would inspire his young and young people using it to put up with himself and the world apart, write down their thoughts and stories and then free to publish online. Through the competition, the young authors also learn how their stories resonate with readers. They also have an incentive to continue to write, read, or even to evaluate themselves. And it may inspire other readers to write. Here, the participation of children and young people is absolutely free.
Company Ltd. Booknuts., Bingen am Rhein, launched its Internet service in November 2010. Booknuts is an interactive portal that readers and writers of all ages the opportunity, own contributions or to publish articles for free. Only companies pay from the year 2011, a listing fee. Booknuts would also like to encourage the writing and the other as a deployment platform for any kind of "read" Article act.
more information / Logo: The logo
related to the writing competition "ink blot" and other information about the competition and the hands-on rules, see .
Press Contact: Marcus
Telephone: 06721 909058, E-mail
Booknuts Ltd,
Dr. Gebauer Strasse 62, 55411 Bingen
Bingen (press release) - At the reading or your book platform place from 14 December 2010 to 28 February 2011 the writing competition "inkblot" instead. Children and young people 8:00 to 15:00 years to set there on "Winter Stories" even wrote short stories or personal experiences. The competition takes place in two age groups (8:00 to 11:00 and twelve to 15 years) and will end on 28 February 2011 by 17 clock. The evaluation of the stories carried by the users of the platform. You can win in each age group of seven coupons that can be redeemed at the online retailer Amazon.
The competition aims to Children and young people to be moved back more letters, but also for reading. In this new, modern form Booknuts would inspire his young and young people using it to put up with himself and the world apart, write down their thoughts and stories and then free to publish online. Through the competition, the young authors also learn how their stories resonate with readers. They also have an incentive to continue to write, read, or even to evaluate themselves. And it may inspire other readers to write. Here, the participation of children and young people is absolutely free.
Company Ltd. Booknuts., Bingen am Rhein, launched its Internet service in November 2010. Booknuts is an interactive portal that readers and writers of all ages the opportunity, own contributions or to publish articles for free. Only companies pay from the year 2011, a listing fee. Booknuts would also like to encourage the writing and the other as a deployment platform for any kind of "read" Article act.
more information / Logo: The logo
related to the writing competition "ink blot" and other information about the competition and the hands-on rules, see .
Press Contact: Marcus
Telephone: 06721 909058, E-mail
Booknuts Ltd,
Dr. Gebauer Strasse 62, 55411 Bingen
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GRIN Verlag good place for non-fiction writers
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Munich (press release) - Many authors and writers of nonfiction look after completion of her manuscript frantically for a publishing house that published her work with serious conditions. This means that you want to find a publisher, where you have to pay anything for publication, whose title in bookshops and are a fair fee for each copy sold pay. A good place for authors will of non-fiction and popular science works, the Munich-based "GRIN for academic texts" - where you can publish his popular scientific work, if you have a printable template on the website of "GRIN" to upload and when prefixing all be satisfied for a correct publication. In "GRIN" you can choose between a publication as an e-book in PDF format or also available as a printed edition. GRIN pocket books are in bookstores and many online book stores like Amazon, or Libri available. E-Books of GRIN can buy including at Sample of GRIN paperbacks can be found among others at Google Books. The fee for selling e-books and paperback books will be paid quarterly. "GRIN" boasts impressive figures (as of early January 2011): 114 894 E-books, 3,752,058 books, 48 637 Authors / inside, 101 faculty and millions of visitors inside! One of the many very satisfied GRIN-authors, the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst, who has published at "GRIN" dozens of songs:
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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author Ernst Probst: 100 titles in 25 years
Wiesbaden (press release) - The Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst has published over a quarter century from 1986 to 2011 more than 100 books, paperbacks, pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote popular scientific works, especially from the fields of paleontology and archeology as well as biographies about famous women and men.
Germany in the ancient times. From the origin of life to the end of the Ice Age,
records prehistory (1992),
records of ancient times. Landscapes, plants and animals (2008),
dinosaurs in Germany (1993 with Raymund Windolf)
Archaeopteryx. The Icon in Bavaria,
dinosaurs in Germany. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix (2010),
dinosaurs in Baden-Wuerttemberg. From Efraasia to Stenopelix,
dinosaurs in Lower Saxony. From Elephantopoides to Stenopelix,
dinosaurs from A to K. By Abelisaurus to Kritosaurus,
dinosaurs from M to Z. From Labocania to Zupaysaurus,
predatory dinosaurs from A to Z,
Germany during the ice age, the great-
Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years ago, was still not
As Mainz am Rhein, The Rhine-
elephant. The horrors of animal claws Eppelsheim
animals at Ur-Rhine. The research history of Chalicotherium goldfussi
apes at Ur-Rhine. Paidopithex, Rhenopithecus and Dryopithecus
Saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine. Machairodus of up to Smilodon
cave lions. Wild cats in Ice Age cave
The Lion, The
Mosbacher lion. The huge cat in Wiesbaden
saber-toothed cats. Machairodus of up to Smilodon
The cave
Germany in the Stone Age. Hunters, fishermen and farmers from the North Sea coast and the Alps,
records of primitive man. Inventions, art and religion
Germany in the Bronze Age. Farmers, bronze founder and lords between the North Sea and the Alps,
The Bronze Age, The
Unetice culture
The Straubinger culture
The Mountain Eagle Group,
The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg
group in the Bronze Age, The Stade
group in the Bronze Age,
The Nordic Bronze Age, The
urnfield culture,
The Lusatian culture
ape-man. From Bigfoot to Yeti,
The unicorn. The origin of the legends about a mysterious creature
The Dragon. As the legends of dragons were
Nessie. The monster book,
monsters on the track. As the legends about dragons, giants and unicorns were
giants. Supermen or boobies?,
sea monster. From Nessie to Zuiyo-maru Monster
14 paperbacks on Super Women (Super Women 1 to superwomen 14)
Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria,
Three queens of the skies in England (along with Joseph Eimannsberger)
women in space,
queens of the skies,
queens of the skies from A to Z. biographies of famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronauts ,
queens of the skies in Germany,
queens of the skies in France,
queens of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand,
queens of the skies in Europe,
queens of the skies in America,
Theo Lederer. An aircraft collector from Upper Bavaria,
queens of the dance,
super women from the Wild West,
Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald,
My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and other American Indian wisdom (together with Sonja Probst),
Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart
. Scotland's tragic queen,
Machbuba. The slave and the Prince,
Hildegard von Bingen. The German prophetess,
Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes,
70 short biographies about famous female pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut
The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football (along with Doris Probst),
words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (along with Doris Probst, silence is not always gold. Quotes from A to Z
Most of these items are in GRIN Verlag for academic texts and in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookshop available.
GRIN, with offices in Munich, has since its inception in 1998, specializes in the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is for students, lecturers and other academics the ideal platform , their technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations to a wide audience.
Wiesbaden (press release) - The Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst has published over a quarter century from 1986 to 2011 more than 100 books, paperbacks, pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote popular scientific works, especially from the fields of paleontology and archeology as well as biographies about famous women and men.
Germany in the ancient times. From the origin of life to the end of the Ice Age,
records prehistory (1992),
records of ancient times. Landscapes, plants and animals (2008),
dinosaurs in Germany (1993 with Raymund Windolf)
Archaeopteryx. The Icon in Bavaria,
dinosaurs in Germany. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix (2010),
dinosaurs in Baden-Wuerttemberg. From Efraasia to Stenopelix,
dinosaurs in Lower Saxony. From Elephantopoides to Stenopelix,
dinosaurs from A to K. By Abelisaurus to Kritosaurus,
dinosaurs from M to Z. From Labocania to Zupaysaurus,
predatory dinosaurs from A to Z,
Germany during the ice age, the great-
Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years ago, was still not
As Mainz am Rhein, The Rhine-
elephant. The horrors of animal claws Eppelsheim
animals at Ur-Rhine. The research history of Chalicotherium goldfussi
apes at Ur-Rhine. Paidopithex, Rhenopithecus and Dryopithecus
Saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine. Machairodus of up to Smilodon
cave lions. Wild cats in Ice Age cave
The Lion, The
Mosbacher lion. The huge cat in Wiesbaden
saber-toothed cats. Machairodus of up to Smilodon
The cave
Germany in the Stone Age. Hunters, fishermen and farmers from the North Sea coast and the Alps,
records of primitive man. Inventions, art and religion
Germany in the Bronze Age. Farmers, bronze founder and lords between the North Sea and the Alps,
The Bronze Age, The
Unetice culture
The Straubinger culture
The Mountain Eagle Group,
The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg
group in the Bronze Age, The Stade
group in the Bronze Age,
The Nordic Bronze Age, The
urnfield culture,
The Lusatian culture
ape-man. From Bigfoot to Yeti,
The unicorn. The origin of the legends about a mysterious creature
The Dragon. As the legends of dragons were
Nessie. The monster book,
monsters on the track. As the legends about dragons, giants and unicorns were
giants. Supermen or boobies?,
sea monster. From Nessie to Zuiyo-maru Monster
14 paperbacks on Super Women (Super Women 1 to superwomen 14)
Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria,
Three queens of the skies in England (along with Joseph Eimannsberger)
women in space,
queens of the skies,
queens of the skies from A to Z. biographies of famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronauts ,
queens of the skies in Germany,
queens of the skies in France,
queens of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand,
queens of the skies in Europe,
queens of the skies in America,
Theo Lederer. An aircraft collector from Upper Bavaria,
queens of the dance,
super women from the Wild West,
Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald,
My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and other American Indian wisdom (together with Sonja Probst),
Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart
. Scotland's tragic queen,
Machbuba. The slave and the Prince,
Hildegard von Bingen. The German prophetess,
Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes,
70 short biographies about famous female pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut
The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football (along with Doris Probst),
words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (along with Doris Probst, silence is not always gold. Quotes from A to Z
Most of these items are in GRIN Verlag for academic texts and in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookshop available.
GRIN, with offices in Munich, has since its inception in 1998, specializes in the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is for students, lecturers and other academics the ideal platform , their technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations to a wide audience.
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