special exhibition "The Alamanni on the Alb" is extended
Ellwangen (press release) - were recorded about 6,000 visitors in six months - due to popular demand - The exhibition "The Alamanni on the Ostalb - early settlers in the area between home and leek Niederstotzingen" of the Ellwanger Alamanni Museum until 23 Extended in October 2011. Thus it forms the framework for the tenth anniversary of the museum, with a hard weekend on 10/11. is celebrated in September 2011.
The possibility for this generous extension, as museum director Andreas stresses Well, thanks to the cooperation of the lenders of the exhibition, which are to separate for another nine months of their high-profile loans available. This particularly includes the State Museum Württemberg in Stuttgart, the Archaeological Museum of Baden-Württemberg in Konstanz, the State Conservation Office for the local council and the city of Stuttgart Heidenheim.
offers the largest exhibition of the spectacular archaeological finds Alamannenmuseum with a comprehensive overview of the Alemannic settlement in the area between Ellwangen and Nördlingen and the Danube between Ulm and Dillingen. This area was not settled in time Alamannic only particularly tight, but shows the following tree coffin discovery of Zöbingen in 1161 and excavated from 1876 finds grave of Pole home the longest tradition of research in the area on Alamanni. Focus of previous mediation work of the museum were the Alamanni findings from the ten kilometers distant Lauchheim, was recovered where from 1986 to 2005 an unexpected archaeological treasure, namely the legacy of the largest Alamanni cemetery in Baden-Württemberg and their extensive Alamanni settlement with other valuable grave finds,
The exhibition comprises essentially a representation of the Alamanni in Ostalbkreis and district of Heidenheim, which are put together since the 1970s, the region of East Württemberg. The highlights include the finds from the graves of riders Niederstotzingen in the district of Heidenheim, which are first seen in their region of origin. Since then, the exhibition includes
the period from the late Roman period to in the beginning Carolingian period, of 3 to the 8th Century. Particularly the phenomenon known as striking as the number of cemeteries grave custom for nearly 300 years in many parts of Central Europe can be in many places in the follow-treated area. Its end coincides with the construction of the first Christian churches.
The exhibition is presented in two parts in the Alamanni Museum, with a first part in the exhibition room on the 1st Floor and a second part in the western half of the attic. For this purpose a part of the permanent exhibition degraded. The preparation of the exhibition concept was performed in close coordination with the existing scientific advisory board since 2004, the Alamanni Museum. The range of about 400 found objects exhibited, mostly grave finds ranges from the delicate golden hairpins to long sword, from clothing to Alamannic dead tree.
At the exhibition a 192-page, richly illustrated companion volume in the series "Archaeological information from Baden-Württemberg" has appeared, which was issued by the State Conservation Office, together with the city Ellwangen and acquired Alamannenmuseum for 7,90 € can be. Guided tours can be arranged by calling the telephone number 07961/969747, public tours, in which only the usual admission is paid, take place every first Sunday of the month at 15.00 clock instead.
Public tours:....... 6.2, 6.3, 3.4, 1.5, 5.6, 3.7, 7.8, 4.9. 02.10.2011 and by 15 clock.
26.6.2010-23.10.2011 (extended)
special exhibition "The Alamanni on the Ostalb - early settlers in the area between home and leek Niederstotzingen"
Alamannenmuseum Ellwangen
Haller Straße 9 73479 Ellwangen
Phone +49 7961 969 747 Fax +
49 7961 9697 49
opening times: Tuesday to Friday
: 10-12.30 and 14-17 Clock
Saturday and Sunday: 10-17 Clock
Monday except public holidays: closed
Admission: € 3.00, concessions € 2.00, € 7.00 Families
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