author Ernst Probst: 100 titles in 25 years
Wiesbaden (press release) - The Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst has published over a quarter century from 1986 to 2011 more than 100 books, paperbacks, pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote popular scientific works, especially from the fields of paleontology and archeology as well as biographies about famous women and men.
Germany in the ancient times. From the origin of life to the end of the Ice Age,
records prehistory (1992),
records of ancient times. Landscapes, plants and animals (2008),
dinosaurs in Germany (1993 with Raymund Windolf)
Archaeopteryx. The Icon in Bavaria,
dinosaurs in Germany. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix (2010),
dinosaurs in Baden-Wuerttemberg. From Efraasia to Stenopelix,
dinosaurs in Lower Saxony. From Elephantopoides to Stenopelix,
dinosaurs from A to K. By Abelisaurus to Kritosaurus,
dinosaurs from M to Z. From Labocania to Zupaysaurus,
predatory dinosaurs from A to Z,
Germany during the ice age, the great-
Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years ago, was still not
As Mainz am Rhein, The Rhine-
elephant. The horrors of animal claws Eppelsheim
animals at Ur-Rhine. The research history of Chalicotherium goldfussi
apes at Ur-Rhine. Paidopithex, Rhenopithecus and Dryopithecus
Saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine. Machairodus of up to Smilodon
cave lions. Wild cats in Ice Age cave
The Lion, The
Mosbacher lion. The huge cat in Wiesbaden
saber-toothed cats. Machairodus of up to Smilodon
The cave
Germany in the Stone Age. Hunters, fishermen and farmers from the North Sea coast and the Alps,
records of primitive man. Inventions, art and religion
Germany in the Bronze Age. Farmers, bronze founder and lords between the North Sea and the Alps,
The Bronze Age, The
Unetice culture
The Straubinger culture
The Mountain Eagle Group,
The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg
group in the Bronze Age, The Stade
group in the Bronze Age,
The Nordic Bronze Age, The
urnfield culture,
The Lusatian culture
ape-man. From Bigfoot to Yeti,
The unicorn. The origin of the legends about a mysterious creature
The Dragon. As the legends of dragons were
Nessie. The monster book,
monsters on the track. As the legends about dragons, giants and unicorns were
giants. Supermen or boobies?,
sea monster. From Nessie to Zuiyo-maru Monster
14 paperbacks on Super Women (Super Women 1 to superwomen 14)
Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria,
Three queens of the skies in England (along with Joseph Eimannsberger)
women in space,
queens of the skies,
queens of the skies from A to Z. biographies of famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronauts ,
queens of the skies in Germany,
queens of the skies in France,
queens of the skies in England, Australia and New Zealand,
queens of the skies in Europe,
queens of the skies in America,
Theo Lederer. An aircraft collector from Upper Bavaria,
queens of the dance,
super women from the Wild West,
Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald,
My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and other American Indian wisdom (together with Sonja Probst),
Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart
. Scotland's tragic queen,
Machbuba. The slave and the Prince,
Hildegard von Bingen. The German prophetess,
Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes,
70 short biographies about famous female pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut
The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football (along with Doris Probst),
words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (along with Doris Probst, silence is not always gold. Quotes from A to Z
Most of these items are in GRIN Verlag for academic texts and in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookshop available.
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