Kobayashi Maru
Book Review Ecklar, Julia : Kobayashi Maru. Heyne, 1989/1984.
Story: Captain Kirk sits firmly together with pill , Scotty, Sulu and Chekov in a damaged shuttle middle of a barren, rich asteroid system. The on-board systems have largely failed, two people injured and a contact for Enterprise is not possible. If none of the passengers, a sudden idea comes, how to make the mothership attention, facing a painful death, because the life support systems have only a limited period of sufficient energy to temperature, oxygen supply and toilet flushing to maintain.
thinks the course of this obvious conflict with the certain death not only to the legendary Kirk Kobayashi Maru test . In this scenario already cadets learn how to appropriately deal with the inevitable end. Too bad that the future captain of the Enterprise this challenge was never, because as anyone who " Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" has seen know he cheated as a young Starfleet trainee and became the only officer in the history Academy of who managed ever to pass the test.
He has indeed never been the real challenge, but at least an interesting story to tell. And because there is actually nothing better to do, also betrayed Chekov, Sulu and Scotty, as their corresponding tests were handled. But time, which remains the officers tend to deal with each anecdote more and more the inevitable end to ...
praiseworthy aspects : "Kobayashi Maru" is one of the gems of Star Trek literature, for there is no novel in the classic sense. Rather, it reminds
(away) works as the "Canterbury Tales " by Chaucer, the " Decameron" by Boccaccio or "The Haunted Castle " by Hauff :
A background story spans four smaller internal narratives in which the interested reader receives a glimpse of the youth of the individual figures.
Thus, for example, learn that Kirk laid during the tests in this time level is no false modesty on the day (see p. 23 and p. 45) that even in the friendly-looking Chekov a ruthless killer inserted (see p. 54 to S. 122) that dominates the Sulu folding origami cranes (see p. 140 to to S. 202) and that Scotty was initially forced against his true vocation in a command career (see p. 211 S . 236).
This retrospective fills the novel published in 1989 in the U.S. for the first time a niche from which refers to the later Starfleet cadets "series its continuation: the further illumination of the training history of each character. It passes "Kobayashi Maru", however the advantage that the focus is not restricted to a juvenile audience remains to akneanfälliges, but describes more sophisticated scenarios.
lies in a special attraction of the work, for not only the now almost proverbial Kobayashi Maru test is at the center, but the general slope of the Academy to devise very clever and challenging tests to ensure that the unsuspecting cadets at the border their exercise capacity to push. With appropriate methods was confronted later Wesley Crusher in " tests, and Chekov (see p. 66ff.) And Zulu (see p. 158ff.) Versions contain appropriate mind games.
The individual characters remain mostly at the level that you're used to in the TV series or the various movies. This is how the characters can occur in typical stereotypes: the justice-loving Kirk (see, eg, p. 34), Kirk deifying Chekov (see, eg, p. 54f.), The mischievous Sulu (see, eg, p.163) or the technophile Scotty (see, eg, p. 212). That would in itself a criticism, but the author succeeds, Developments of the cadets trained officer personality to make them visible. Will act the old Chekov relatively mature (see p. 48) and also the even older Scotty has benefit from his unique training command (see, eg, p. 129f.).
model Hikaru Sulu: folding paper to the unfolding of personality
especially the different approaches are evidence Kirk and Sulu on the Kobayashi Maru scenario of a totally different command understanding that, while not equal in bitchy small wars must end (as in the cast Shatner and Takei ), but well explained why the command style of the Captains of the Enterprise and the Excelsior different from each other.
All this happens of course not without a wink. In fact, there are many places where a pleasant sense of humor comes to light (see, eg, p. 103, p. 220 or p. 250). Only then does the book really about, because far too often prone to such review to take itself too seriously and sometimes even take for themselves, just to explain all the dark traits.
All in All "Kobayashi Maru" that is an excellent debut of writer Julia Ecklar . That their names not on another novel titles reading is, however, by no means the fact that their debut failed, but because they work for the Star Trek world of books later under a pseudonym continued: As LA Graf created them (along with others) works as "The ice fall" , "The Saboteur" or the Voyager pilot -Novel Lisa Transportation "The Protector".
criticisms made aspects: To be quite honest, "Kobayashi Maru" is not a book with a significant voltage curve. The background story while trying to create the illusion of danger, but since you know the latest on page 5 that the events between the movies one and two take place, may not pay real tenterhooks along really - after all, see all the crew members back, without prejudice, to protect the universe from Khan.
Not so the kicker: The background story to the endangered shuttle
However, it is also not the purpose of the work. Its significance lies rather in giving detailed information on Pre-and Early History of the figures. This works beautifully, but a passenger ferry has been cut out of crashed: Leonard McCoy.
The ship's doctor aboard the USS Enterprise is much too short in this book. Especially in light of the additional Scenarios that are presented in the book, it would have been interesting to see how it creates pill at the medical faculty, to perform a similar test of character - he was not only surgical but also on ethical area is always a luminary.
especially getting used to but is on the cover. The illustrated Kirk, Sulu and Scotty are at best vaguely similar - but also to learn from the early paperback covers ignore so quickly. Much more difficult to weigh the completely wrong uniforms worn by them. They are in fact from the early episodes like "The Cage " "The tip of the iceberg " or " poker games " removed and do not at all the uniforms from Star Trek one and two match (between which the plot of this book is based). Even if one tries to explain it by the cadet activities, ranging approximately in this period, one is taught by Finnegans apprentice outfit in "vacation land " better.
like a foreign body push himself to even the bulky structure between the disembodied heads that can be interpreted with great benevolence and a certain degree of literacy than Kobayashi Maru . While this ship has little resemblance to previous FASA interpretations (were the role-playing materials for many authors as a guide) on, but in a movie, it still somehow create the bulky design. The designers John Eaves and Alex Jaeger it served as one of the templates (or rather inspiration) for the tanker, which is, after briefly seen in Star Trek eleven o'clock.
translation: Who reads this work will have to stop to it, again and again to meet the so characteristic Heyne translation monsters. The ' Starfleet ' is called "Star Fleet "(P. 20) that the majority of ' Schott '" Scots "(p. 85) and when we're in a mirror universe home is from the species of ' people just jump to the " Terran .
This can be the eyes constantly on the various forms of " deactivate" (p. 8, p. 84, p. 91, p. 92, p. 100, p. 106, p. 110, p. 115 and p. 224) roll - which takes the disease with " destabil " (p. 231) ' unstable ' a sad further spread.
As if that would be punishment enough, rich those are completely nonsensical combinations of the handle in the hand that snatches the seriousness of these books again and again the ground under their feet:
where a "pocket Medo" (p. 46) and here even unintentionally funny " Medo- tape "(p. 78) - because you need to read almost the help of a willing ' Medo-sister ' consciousness-or at least ' Medo-icine '.
But that's not enough!
The show running free compositions useful spilling over to neighbors, and also forces the reader, whether true jewels of the translation satire as "Techno- Classification Map "(p. 81)," Erg cartridge "(p. 86) or" chemo-lantern "(p. 248) as quickly as possible to drive out from his memory.
Instead of such unnecessary creative expressions I would have preferred if translator Andreas Brandhorst more attention to the spelling of ' Altair ' (" altar ', p. 158),' cousin '(despite the old spelling had placed a "cousin ", p. 114) or "scenarios " (" scenario ', p. 158). Making Not everyone who completed a first aid course is to automatically sooner or later forced a heart massage and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in an acute emergency:
anachronisms. Rather, the learning of such techniques, a preparation for a possible stake. To that effect, I felt
Chekov this sentence on page 64 in its basic message is not such unnachvollziehbar:
" Ninety percent of the cadets will never take on board a space ship. "
But even if the approach is in itself quite nicely, the number perhaps a bit too high - especially when you compare how few people each year are ever admitted to the Starfleet Academy, and how many ships the organization maintains.
But it Ecklar on this point too well, takes one can already see from the fifth page. Namely, there is written that this book will play after the first movie and before the second. However, the degradation seems James T. Kirk, the fourth film in takes place, have long since decided, because already at that time Kirk is constantly " Captain" (from p. 8) rather than Admiral dubbed '.
confusing is the " The Academy in Tempe " (P. 155), for in the text, it seems like there is another branch of the training facility on the American continent.
was no less confusing the claim that there is a dialect called " Georgian Russian " (p. 84) because ' Georgian is "contrary to the also called Muscovites and modern Russian dialects of a language and has to Russian , if any, to contribute an accent.
wanted Or tell us the author with the fact that the Georgian language in a persistent Soviet Union the future would be extinct eventually to leave only a dialect in Russian? Was it intended as a parable on Welsh, Irish or Scottish English?
Either way, the time has secured the 1989's book long ago. The Soviet Union listened to exist in 1991; Georgia was in the same year as an independent state. Errors, such as the mention of Leningrad in the years 2268 and 2286 (since 1991 St. Petersburg called) remained preserved in books pages and celluloid.
Conclusion: No Action fireworks and not to the smallest detail to offer the sophisticated narrative box Readers of "Kobayashi Maru". The translation is not very convincing and most of the contradictions to the official canon is simply unnecessary.
And yet this book is highly recommended. It wipes out namely biographical gaps known Star Trek characters and gives the interested reader a look behind the scenes of the Starfleet training. It is a question of taste:
Who wants to be entertained, but will have less pleasure in this book, as someone who read books, to learn more about the famous faces from film and television.
Memorable quotes :
" The final Failure is the foundation of our universe. No matter from which angle you look at it Someone always loses. "
" nonsense. "
" If you win stopped, then someone else to lose, right? "
Constev and Kirk, p. 37
" I trust Spock. "
" Oh, I trust him too. My suspicion is primarily fate. "
Kirk and Pill, p. 135
" In politics it is the second oldest profession in the universe. "
Commodore Coan, P. 158
Rating: complex film frame narrative.
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