Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Herpes Bumps On Chest

Guerilla Gardening?


Again such a new German word creation, but in this case I will like to compress the eyes

I just got the new catalog of environmental products and Aries will think this is quite interesting article.

"seed bombs for peaceful guerrilla gardeners"

As guerrilla Gardening originally the secret sowing of crops as subtle means of political protest and civil disobedience was, in the public space especially in big cities or in public spaces.

now it has an urban gardening or urban farming developed links with the protest and the value of a crop or a dreary inner city beautification through greening brownfield land.

Start surprise but also your plantings in the areas of the city that are not now prepared by gardeners as a public showpiece already, but on such idle Areas that this adds to their beauty and value to all.

I think this is a great idea and I will once my urge to protest with a "Seedbomb" (seed bomb) expressed a more beautiful you do with an environment.


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