Thursday, February 3, 2011

Soap Notes Sample Occupational Therapy

Banned in the USA, but allowed in Germany, the trials with genetically modified sugar beet ...........? ...

Dear friends and friends of the Environment Institute Munich,

Banned in the USA, but allowed in Germany? The experiments with genetically modified sugar beets are now to be extended in Germany. From March three years Monsanto wants its gene-beet in Saxony-Anhalt and is expected to also test in other locations.

Ironically it is exactly the same sugar beet, which was banned in the U.S. due to significant environmental concerns after several years of cultivation.

Several years ago an application was filed on commercial cultivation in the EU. Clear objective of the release is therefore to allow the cultivation of GM beet in Germany and Europe in a big way.

The outdoor cultivation of GM beet is highly risky: sugar beets are pollinated by the wind but by insects. The pollen is so spread over large distances, transgenic material can take on bees in the honey. Beet cross in a variety of other plant species, which would therefore also wild plants genetically contaminated. The adverse health and environmental pesticide Roundup was applied in greater quantities.

Calls The Environmental Institute Munich, the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Ilse Aigner to not to approve the proposed field trial with genetically modified sugar beet, and permits continuous delivery of questions to pull back.

Please support our claim.
Send a protest message to Minister Ilse Aigner

Environment Institute Munich eV Agro-fuel E10 offer. The Munich Environmental Institute encourages all motorists to boycott E10. This is "bio" petrol reduce CO2 emissions. But biofuel is not a climate savior, but caused hunger and destroy natural ecosystems. The alleged sustainability certification of biofuels is a sham and is used to greenwash the automotive, agricultural and oil industry.

Boycott E10 and call people in your environment to do! They recognize the new biofuel on the term "normal E10", "Super E10" or "super plus E10" on the nozzles or the gas pump. Do not buy this gasoline and gasoline instead of the name "Super", which contains "only" the statutory five percent ethanol.

Better yet: leave your car behind and often times!

False Friends
Just as the supposed climate savior nuclear power and CO2 storage is biofuel the attempt to obtain a non-sustainable food and farming.

We fight so that biofuel, but also nuclear power and CCS will be unmasked as the false friends of climate protection:

nuclear power has the apparent advantage that it allegedly produced relatively low CO2. If the nuclear force but a relevant contribution to make to climate change, nuclear power plants would be built at least 1000 in no time - an illusory exercise. And a dangerous, partly because there is still no single worldwide repository for highly radioactive waste.

petrol and diesel from renewable resources. That sounds environmentally friendly, but the effects are devastating:
The rainforest is dying for palm oil, soya and Jatrophanüsse. All this is versprittet - now for the "organic" - kerosene Lufthansa.

first profit-seeking corporations buy land in a big way, then distribute them to small farmers and deprive the local people so that their living room. Because the fuel plants compete with food crops, food is scarce and expensive. The result: Over one billion hungry people, so more than ever before.

The climate-damaging coal is to be "climate friendly". The magic word is CCS - Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. This refers to the capture and underground storage of carbon dioxide that accumulates in the production of electricity from coal. But resistance is growing against technology. For the storage of CO2 is dangerous. After all, who wants to ensure that carbon dioxide remains in the long run also included safe? If the greenhouse gas eventually escapes from the camps, would be nothing gained.
-------------------------------- See also the article by

REPORT Munich, 31.1.11


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