Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Make Japanese Chex Mix

agro-fuel E10

Dear friends and friends of the Environment Institute Munich,

Since February, the agro-fuel E10 commercially and from the government - despite continuing criticism from environmentalists and human rights - as a future solution for " green mobility praised.

hides The truth behind the alleged "bio" fuel an audacious form of greenwashing! For the cultivation of biofuels destroy natural areas, driving people into hunger and poverty. For

more arable land from biofuel crops are occupied, the less food can be grown. In addition, their cultivation in Germany ensures that we have to import more food elsewhere for the rain forests are cut down.

Bottom line: agrofuels harm people and the environment and are an unnecessary gift to the agricultural, ethanol and automobile industry at the expense of the poorest.

We say NO to this eco- lie and demand the abolition of Bemischungsquote of biofuel!


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